European Interactionist Network

An online network of European interactionist sociologists has been launched, called It is an open forum for symbolic interactionists, ethnomethodologists, conversation analysts, those working in the pragmatist, phenomenological and ordinary language traditions, and others in associated fields. We aim to promote international co-operation and communication between scholars working in these fields, to facilitate the development of funding applications for international research proejcts, and to encourage joint working and collaborative research. Two years in planning, is a joint project involving scholars from across Europe, from Russia to Ireland, and from Finland to Greece.

The website is a collection of resources for members’ development and use. Its focus is on empowering users to set up their own initiatives. An initial project set up by a group of members is a collaborative reading of Harvey Sacks’ Lectures on Conversation. We hope this will be the first of several reading groups that members can set up, promote and run. Members can opt in or out of any such groups, and set up their own groups and forums. Groups and forums can be ‘open’ (available to any member), ‘private’ (available to any member by request) or ‘hidden’ (only visible to invited participants), allowing users to ensure the confidentiality of discussions about data and the privacy of project development. The network allows users to set up and manage a personal profile with associated comments and updates, to post to a collective blog site, to send private messages to one another, and more.

It is free to join, simply by visiting the URL and following the instructions to register. We welcome anyone with an interest in these topics to join!
European Interactionist Network

An online network of European interactionist sociologists has been launched, called It is an open forum for symbolic interactionists, ethnomethodologists, conversation analysts, those working in the pragmatist, phenomenological and ordinary language traditions, and others in associated fields. We aim to promote international co-operation and communication between scholars working in these fields, to facilitate the development of funding applications for international research proejcts, and to encourage joint working and collaborative research. Two years in planning, is a joint project involving scholars from across Europe, from Russia to Ireland, and from Finland to Greece.

The website is a collection of resources for members’ development and use. Its focus is on empowering users to set up their own initiatives. An initial project set up by a group of members is a collaborative reading of Harvey Sacks’ Lectures on Conversation. We hope this will be the first of several reading groups that members can set up, promote and run. Members can opt in or out of any such groups, and set up their own groups and forums. Groups and forums can be ‘open’ (available to any member), ‘private’ (available to any member by request) or ‘hidden’ (only visible to invited participants), allowing users to ensure the confidentiality of discussions about data and the privacy of project development. The network allows users to set up and manage a personal profile with associated comments and updates, to post to a collective blog site, to send private messages to one another, and more.

It is free to join, simply by visiting the URL and following the instructions to register. We welcome anyone with an interest in these topics to join!