Since 1996 I have managed the website Ethno/CA News which offered information on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. For various reasons I have decided to retreat from being the person responsible for this function. Luckily there is now a more up-to-date successor, a Wiki designed by Saul Albert and supported by the International Society for Conversation Analysi (ISCA). Information from Ethno/CA News is being moved to this new facility. It can be consulted at:
After October 1, the current site will no longer be updated, but it will stay online for some time.
I do hope that the new Ethno/CA News will be as useful as the earlier versions were.
Best wishes, Paul ten Have
Ethno/CA News was a medium for the exchange of information concerning publications, conferences and other items relevant to Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis among those who work in the field or have a strong interest in it. It was produced by Paul ten Have, formerly Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Amsterdam.