McIlvenny, Paul; Mathias Broth, Pentti Haddington, eds. (2014) Special
Issue: Moving Together: Mobile Formations in Interaction’, Space
and Culture 17/2: 104-190
Andrew P.Carlin, Roger S. Slack, eds. (2013) ‘Special Memorial Issue: Egon
Bittner - Phenomenology in Action’, Ethnographic Studies Issue No. 13:
Pentti Haddington, Tiina Keisanen, and Maurice Nevile editors, 'Meaning
in motion: Interaction in cars', special issue for Semiotica,
191: 101-333 (August 2012)
A special issue on Greek CA: Terkourafi, Marina, Chryso Hadjidemetriou,
Alexandra Vasilopoulou, eds. (2010) ‘Greek Conversation
Analysis’, special issue of Journal of Greek Linguistics,
A special issue of Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language)
on "Conversation Analysis in Applied Linguistics", eds. Paul Seedhouse
and Olcay Sert, is now available online, free-of-charge at
Qualitative Sociology (2011; 34:221–261) has published a Symposium
on a paper called “Pragmatism And Ethnomethodology” by Mustafa
Emirbayer and Douglas W. Maynard, with comments by John Heritage, Anne
Warfield Rawls, Louis Quéré & Cédric Terzi, and
Christopher Winship & Christopher Muller; available online at:
Special Issue: Jiri Nekvapil, ed. (2010) ‘Ethnomethodological Inspirations’,
Sociological Review, 46/4 (September) The whole issue is available
[texts in Czech and Slovak, abstracts in English] [contents
in PDF]
A special issue in honor of Gail Jefferson, edited by: Johannes Wagner
& Monika Vöge on Laughter
in Interaction, Journal of Pragmatics, (2010) 42/6:
Anne-Marie Barraja-Rohan's coursebook: Beyond Talk: A course in communication
and conversation for intermediate adult learners of English, available