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Here is some information on recent books, published in the years, 2004-'11.
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Maurice Nevile, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann, Mirka Rauniomaa, eds. (2014) Interacting with Objects: Language, Materiality, and Social Activity.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

393 pages
Hardcover: EUR 99.00, USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027212139
e-Book: EUR 99.00, USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027269836


Introduction: 'On the interactional ecology of objects',  Maurice Nevile, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa, 3-26

Part A. Objects as situated resources

Organising and sequencing Participating and involving

Part B. Objects as practical accomplishments

Shaping and creating Experiencing and identifying

'Establishing joint orientation towards commercial objects in a self-service store: How practices of categorisation matter', Elwys De Stefani, 271 – 294
'Artworks as touchable objects: Guiding perception in a museum tour for blind people', Yaël Kreplak and Chloé Mondémé, 295 – 318
'Incidental and essential objects in interaction: Paper documents in journalistic work', Alexandra Weilenmann and Gustav Lymer, 319 – 338
'Envisioning the plan in interaction: Configuring pipes during a plumbers’ meeting', Shinichiro Sakai, Ron Korenaga, Yoshifumi Mizukawa and Motoko Igarashi, 339 – 356
'Instructed objects', Timothy Koschmann and Alan Zemel, 357 – 378


  • 'Trajectories of the object in interaction', Ben Matthews, 381-388
  • Comments

    Objects are critical to the ways in which we produce and make sense of conduct. And yet, we can still paraphrase Bruno Latour over twenty years on to ask this question of most accounts of society: "where are the missing masses of objects?" This collection powerfully responds. It contains insightful and sophisticated analyses of how we use objects as interactional resources and, in so doing, how we constitute the sense and significance of those very same objects. As a result, it is a delight for everyone interested in the 'stuff' of social life.
    Jon Hindmarsh, King's College London
    From the sound made by the hoover to the knitting produced by needles, this exciting collection analyses how objects feature in everyday, educational and technical activities. While we might assume the qualities of an object to be constant and consistent, we learn from this book how these qualities are re-shaped from moment-to-moment. It brings the lived, intended and accomplished qualities of objects into the heart of current work in conversation analysis and ethnomethodology. At the same time it brings conversation analysis and ethnomethodology into the heart of research on objects and materiality.
    Eric Laurier, University of Edinburgh
    Interacting with Objects is a unique collection of empirical studies. It takes seriously that there is no such thing as an object simpliciter; there are only objects in, for and of activities. Through detailed analyses of video recordings of diverse interactions in which various objects are perceived and manipulated, the contributors beautifully demonstrate that features of an object are intrinsically lodged in the spatial and temporal unfolding of each distinct activity. Objects shape, and are shaped by, ongoing action. This is an insightful and important book, and provides the foundation for all future studies on the subject.
    Aug Nishizaka, Chiba University
    Austin taught us that speaking is doing things with words. Nevile et al. now show us that talk does not occur in a material vacuum, but crucially involves using things for communicative purposes. With the methodological rigor of video-based multimodal interaction analysis, the authors illuminate how objects figure in structuring communicative encounters, how their use enhances participants’ opportunities for action and how objects are collaboratively produced. The rich universe of the fine grained coordination of verbal interaction, bodily conduct and manipulation of objects in social practice is deployed before the readers’ eyes in fascinating detail. This book will be indispensable for everybody who is interested in a comprehensive understanding of embodied communicative conduct in real world situations.
    Arnulf Deppermann, Institute for the German Language, Mannheim
    This book shows how the formulation of the concept of ‘objects’ provides an approach to studies which use an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic perspective: ‘objects’ are considered as ‘situated resources’ and as ‘practical accomplishments’. Empirical studies using data from video taped recordings of naturally occurring interaction are analyzed in detail to show how social interaction and ordinary actions can achieve this feat, for participants.
    George Psathas, Boston University

    Bovet, Alain; Esther González-Martínez, Fabienne Malbois, eds. (2014) Langage, activités et ordre social: Faire de la sociologie avec Harvey Sacks. Bern, etc.: Peter Lang

    224 p. ISBN 978-3-0343-1475-6 br.  (Softcover)

    € 33.30, £ 27.00, US$ 43.95

    Book synopsis

    Le sociologue américain Harvey Sacks (1935-1975) a apporté une contribution décisive au développement de l’ethnométhodologie en fondant l’analyse de conversation et l’analyse des catégorisations. Il a renouvelé l’étude du rapport entre langage et action sociale en élaborant une démarche empirique originale fondée sur le recueil, la transcription et l’analyse détaillée d’échanges langagiers. L’engouement pour les démarches pragmatistes que connaissent aujourd’hui les sciences sociales confère une grande actualité à cet explorateur de la première heure de l’organisation endogène des pratiques sociales. Le lecteur trouvera ici une introduction circonstanciée à son œuvre et une invitation à poursuivre de manière critique et innovante le type d’enquête qu’il a initié. Quatre textes de Sacks inédits en français sont suivis de cinq textes originaux qui entrent en dialogue avec sa démarche singulière. Ces contributions examinent la dimension sociologique de l’œuvre, aux niveaux épistémologique, analytique et méthodologique. Elles mettent également en évidence ses apports au traitement d’objets tels que la socialisation, les structures sociales et les identités individuelles et collectives.


    Introduction 1-10
    Harvey Sacks : Un « mal-entendu » ; un tabou sur l’écoute 11-24
    Harvey Sacks : « Hotrodder », une catégorie révolutionnaire 25-42
    Harvey Sacks : Voir une « imitation »  43-52
    Harvey Sacks : De la possibilité d’analyser des récits d’enfants  53-82
    Fabienne Malbois : Chercher la société dans la conversation, s’engager dans une sociologie de l’ordinaire 83-116
    Esther González-Martínez : L’organisation de la conversation comme phénomène social 117-138
    Sara Keel : Des adultes et des enfants en situation d’interaction, redécouvrir la socialisation 139-164
    Alain Bovet : Aperçus d’une sociologie inédite, analyser les pronoms, les proverbes et les paradoxes 165-186
    Philippe Sormani & David Rossé : Le rapport entre « dire » et « faire », du problème épistémologique au phénomène empirique. 187-219
    Conclusion 217-222

    About the editors

    Alain Bovet est chercheur postdoctoral au Département des sciences économiques et sociales de Telecom Paristech – Deixis-Sophia.
    Esther González-Martínez est professeure au Département des sciences sociales de l’Université de Fribourg ainsi qu’à la Haute école Arc santé.
    Fabienne Malbois est chercheuse postdoctorale à l’Institut des sciences sociales-LABSO de l’Université de Lausanne.

    Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier, Lorenza Mondada, eds. (2014)  Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work. Abingdon, Oxon UK: Routledge

    294 pages
    Hardback: $135.00
    Series: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies

    The last two decades have seen a rapid increase in the production and consumption of video by both professionals and amateurs. The near ubiquity of devices with video cameras and the rise of sites like YouTube have lead to the growth and transformation of the practices of producing, circulating, and viewing video, whether it be in households, workplaces, or research laboratories.

    This volume builds a foundation for studies of activities based in and around video production and consumption. It contributes to the interdisciplinary field of visual methodology, investigating how video functions as a resource for a variety of actors and professions.

    ‘A unique and insightful collection of essays, carefully crafted video-based studies of video practice, that reveal how visual media increasingly inform and enable everyday social interaction, be it interaction between friends and family, collaborative video games, or the production of highly complex, organisational activities. This book is an important and original contribution to contemporary studies of technology in action and our understanding of language use and social interaction.’
    Christian Heath, King's College London


    ‘Introducing Video at Work’, Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier, and Lorenza Mondada, 1-29

    Part 1: Shooting
    1. ‘Shooting Video as a Research Activity: Video Making as a Form of Proto-Analysis’, Lorenza Mondada, 33-62
    2. ‘Pans,Tilts, and Zooms. Conventional Camera Gestures in TV Production’,  Mathias Broth, 63-96
    3. ‘The Surgeon as a Camera Director: Maneuvering Video in the Operating Theatre’,  Lorenza Mondada, 97-132

    Part 2: Showing
    4. ‘Mundane Video Directors in Interaction. Showing One's Environment in Skype and Mobile Video Calls’, Christian Licoppe and Julien Morel, 135-160
    5. ‘The Use of Video in Dental Education: Clinical Reality Addressed as Practical Matters of Production, Interpretation, and Instruction’, Oskar Lindwall, Elin Johansson, Jonas Ivarsson, Hans Rystedt, and Claes Reit, 161-180
    6. ‘Cameras in Video Games: Comparing Play in Counter- Strike and the Doctor Who Adventures’, Eric Laurier and Stuart Reeves,  181-207
    7. ‘The Televisual Accountability of Reality TV: The Visual Morality of Musical Performances in Talent Shows’,  Alain Bovet, Philippe Sormani, and Cédric Terzi, 208-233

    Part 3: Assembling
    8. ‘The Intersubjective Work of Imagination in Film Editing: Proposals, Suggestions, Re-iterations, Directions, and Other Ways of Producing Possible Sequences’,  Eric Laurier and Barry Brown, 208-233
    9. ‘Dealing with Time, Just in Time: Sense-making and Clip Allocation in Mult-Person, Multi-Stream, Live Play TV Production’, Mark Perry, Oskar Juhlin, and Arvid Engström, 262--285

    Dirk vom Lehn (2014) Harold Garfinkel:The creation and development of ethnomethodology. Foreword ByRobert Dingwall

    208 pp. / 6.00 x 9.00 / May, 2014
    Paperback (978-1-61132-980-3)
    Hardback (978-1-61132-979-7)
    eBook (978-1-61132-754-0)

    This book is a concise intellectual biography of Harold Garfinkel, a key figure in 20th-century social science. Garfinkel is practically synonymous with ethnomethodology, an approach that since the 1960s has led to major analytic and methodological developments in sociology and other disciplines. This introduction to Garfinkel explores how he developed ethnomethodology under the influence of Talcott Parsons and Alfred Schutz, situates it within sociology generally, and demonstrates its important influence on recent developments in the discipline, particularly the sociology of science and technology, gender studies, organization studies, and the computer sciences. The book will be of wide interest in the social sciences and a useful supplement to courses on intellectual history and methodology.

    "Dirk vom Lehn has performed a vital service to the whole sociological community . . . The whole body of Garfinkel’s writing is explored, from early career writings— which have only been published in recent years— to the re-energized intellectual radicalism of his late works, where he located ethnomethodology’s concern for orderliness as an authentic tradition in sociology. This book explains key elements of Garfinkel’s thinking in more accessible language and smoothes the way to reading the originals."

    - From the Foreword by Robert Dingwall

    Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada, Patrick Renaud, eds. Identités en interaction, Limoges, Lambert Lucas

    Hardbound ISBN 978-2-35935-116-3 | EUR 25.00 | USD 34

    La notion d’« identité » traverse de nombreux cadres théoriques, domaines disciplinaires et approches méthodologiques tout en alimentant régulièrement le débat public. Si elle est abondamment étudiée, revisitée et critiquée en sciences sociales, sa conceptualisation reste à développer en linguistique. Les contributions de chercheur.e.s issu.e.s de la sociologie, de l’anthropologie, de la linguistique et de la psychologie ici réunies proposent une vision située, incarnée et performative de l’identité telle qu’elle émerge, est négociée et se stabilise au fil de l’interaction. Sur la base de données audio-vidéo enregistrées dans différents contextes, elles explorent une grande diversité de situations – réunions de travail, interactions entre pairs, dans les institutions et les associations… Elles montrent comment l’identité est assemblée par les interactant.e.s qui jouent avec les rapports de genre, les choix de langue en situation plurilingue, la légitimité professionnelle et les troubles langagiers, dans une perspective résolument praxéologique de l’identité.

    Table of Contents


    1 L. Greco (Paris 3) et L. Mondada (Bâle) - Les identités-en-interaction : vers une approche multidimensionnelle - P. 7-28

    I. Identités et rapports de genre

    2 M. H. Goodwin (UCLA) - Constructing the Identity of a “Tagalong” Girl” - P. 29-44
    3 L. Greco (Paris3) - « Quel est ton personnage ? » : l’accomplissement situé des identités dans un atelier bruxellois de Drag King - P. 45-66

    II. Identités et plurilinguisme

    4 V. Traverso (ICAR CNRS Lyon 2) - Positionnements identitaires multiples dans une réunion plurilingue : traces dans l'interaction et effets structurants - P. 67-86
    5 S. Merlino, L. Mondada (Bâle) - Identités fluides dans le travail interactionnel du traducteur improvisé - P. 87-114

    III. Identités et espaces de travail / institutions

    6 B. Bonu (Montpellier 3) - L'interaction de part et d'autre des barreaux :catégorisations dans  la vidéocommunication - P. 115-136
    7 R. Galatolo (Bologna) - Identities in Court: participation framework and the judge’s role - P. 137-156
    8 E. Gonzales (Fribourg) - Etre par l'action. Production d'une enquête sociale et de ses participants - P. 157-180

    IV. Troubles langagiers et logiques catégorielles

    9 C. Antaki (Loughborough)  - Repeating a question near-identically may cast the answerer as intellectually impaired - P. 181-192
    10 F. Cruz (Sao Paulo) - Categorizations of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's: alternative membership categorization devices displayed by participants in talk-in-interaction - P. 193-214

    Beatrice Szczepek Reed, Geoffrey Raymond, eds. (2013) Units of Talk – Units of Action. Amsterdam: Benjamins

    Hardbound ISBN 9789027226358 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00

    In this volume leading academics in Interactional Linguistics and Conversation Analysis consider the notion of units for the study of language and interaction. Amongst the issues being explored are the role and relevance of traditionally accepted linguistic units for the analysis of naturally occurring talk, and the identification of new units of conduct in interaction. While some chapters make suggestions on how existing linguistic units can be adapted to suit the study of conversation, others present radically new perspectives on how language in interaction should be described, conceptualised and researched. The chapters present empirical investigations into different languages (Danish, English, Japanese, Mandarin, Swedish) in a variety of settings (private and institutional), considering both linguistic and embodied resources for talk. In addressing the fundamental question of units, the volume pushes at the boundaries of current debates and contributes original new insight into the nature of language in interaction.

    Table of Contents

    Part I. Units of language revisited

    Part II. Units of action and interaction

    Kenneth Liberman  (2013 More Studies in Ethnomethodology. Foreword by Harold Garfinkel. New York: State University of New York Press [SUNY series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences]

    Price: $90.00
    Hardcover/Electronic - 310 pages
    ISBN13: 978-1-4384-4620-2


    Phenomenological analyses of the orderliness of naturally occurring collaboration.

    Pioneered by Harold Garfinkel in the 1950s and ’60s, ethnomethodology is a sociological approach rooted in phenomenology that is concerned with investigating the unspoken rules according to which people understand and create order in unstructured situations. Based on more than thirty years of teaching ethnomethodology, Kenneth Liberman—himself a student of Garfinkel’s—provides an up-to-date introduction through a series of classroom-based studies. Each chapter focuses on a routine experience in which people collaborate to make sense of and coordinate an unscripted activity: organizing the coherence of the rules of a game, describing the objective taste of a cup of gourmet coffee, making sense of intercultural conversation, reading a vague map, and finding order amidst chaotic traffic flow. Detailed descriptions of the kinds of ironies that naturally arise in these and other ordinary affairs breathe new life into phenomenological theorizing and sociological understanding.

    This book offers some of the liveliest and freshest of all ethnomethodological studies. We see why a busy intersection full of pedestrians, bikes, and autos has smoother traffic flow when participants work out their own coordinating devices than when formal rules are enforced; why people in India who swarm a service gate rather than queuing up or taking turns have an orderly efficiency of their own. How Tibetan debates punctuated by rhythmic handclaps make philosophy more engrossing and deeply communicative than Western content-obsessed debating styles; and why maps never provide complete directions but depend on users sustaining an embodied sense of the terrain. Ken Liberman makes the tradition of phenomenological inquiry as user-friendly as it has ever been.
     Randall Collins, Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
    Kenneth Liberman is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Oregon. He is the author of several books, including Husserl’s Criticism of Reason, With Ethnomethodological Specifications and Dialectical Practice in Tibetan Philosophical Culture: An Ethnomethodological Inquiry into Formal Reasoning.

    Table of Contents

    Foreword by Harold Garfinkel

    1. The Local Orderliness of Crossing Kincaid
    2. Following Sketched Maps
    3. The Reflexivity of Rules in Games
    4. Communicating Meanings
    5. Some Local Strategies for Surviving Intercultural Conversations
    6. “There is a Gap” in the Tibetological Literature
    7. Choreographing the Orderliness of Tibetan Philosophical Debates
    8. The Phenomenology of Coffee Tasting: Lessons in Practical Objectivity

    Conclusion: Respecifying the Husserl’s Phenomenology as Situated Worldly Inquiries

    Phillip Glenn, Elizabeth Holt, eds. (2013) Studies of Laughter in Interaction. London: Bloomsbury Academic
    ISBN:  9781441164797
    RRP:  £75.00; Online price:  £67.50

    About Studies of Laughter in Interaction

    Laughter is pervasive in interaction yet often overlooked in the research. This volume presents a collection of original studies revealing the highly-ordered, complex, and important phenomenon of laughter in everyday interactions. Building on 40 years of conversation analytic research, the authors show how the design and placement of laughs contribute to unfolding sequences, social activities, identities, and relationships. In this revealing study leading experts investigate laughter in a range of different contexts and across a variety of languages. The research demonstrates that laughter is not simply a reaction to humour but is used in a fascinating array of different ways. Findings reported here include its use in clinics, employment interviews, news interviews, classrooms, the discourse of children with severe autism, and ordinary conversations. The acoustics of laughter and its relationship to movement, gaze and gesture are also explored. The volume brings together new and influential research into this phenomenon to present the state-of-the-art. It will be invaluable to anyone interested in the study of interaction, conversation analysis, humour and laughter.

    Table Of Contents

    1 Phillip Glenn and Elizabeth Holt: ‘Introduction’. 1-21

        Part 1 Varieties of Laughter

    2 Alexa Hepburn, Scott Varney: ‘Beyond ((laughter)): Some notes on transcription’. 25-38
    3  Keiko Ikeda, Don Bysouth: ‘Laughter and Turn-taking: Warranting next speakership in multiparty interactions’. 39-64

        Part 2 Laughs in Turns

    4 Elizabeth Holt:‘“There’s many a true word said in jest”: Seriousness and non-seriousness in interaction’. 69-90
    5  Chloe Shaw, Alexa Hepburn, Jonathan Potter: ‘Having the last laugh: On post completion laughter particles’. 91-106
    6  Claudia Anna Ticca: ‘The emergence of laughter during serious talk in bilingual medical consultations’. 107-130

        Part 3 Laughs In Sequences

    7  Tim Auburn, Christianne Pollock: ‘Laughter and competence: Children with severe autism using laughter to joke and tease’. 135-60
    8 Marilena Fatigante, Franca Orletti: ‘Laughter and smiling in a three-party medical encounter: negotiating participants’ alignment in delicate moments’. 161-184
    9 Christine Jacknick: ‘“Cause the textbook says…”: Laughter and student challenges in the ESL classroom’.  185-200
    10 Tanya Romaniuk: ‘Interviewee laughter and disaffiliation in broadcast news interviews’.

        Part 4 Laughter and Identity

    11 Rebecca Clift ‘No laughing matter: laughter and resistance in the construction of identity’: 223-236
    12 Grit Liebscher, Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain: ‘Constructing identities through laughter’. 237-254
    13 Phillip Glenn ‘Interviewees volunteered laughter in employment interviews: A case of ‘nervous’ laughter?’. 255-75

    Haddington, Pentti, Lorenza Mondada, Maurice Nevile eds. (2013) Interaction and Mobility: Language and the Body in Motion. Berlin: De Gruyter.


    How do people interact when they are on the move? How do people interact in order to be mobile? How do people coordinate the mobility of others? How does mobility feature in social interaction? ‘Multimodal interaction’ and ‘mobility’ are of increasing interest to scholars across disciplines. Interaction and mobility is the first book to study these aspects comprehensively. It provides cutting-edge research by international scholars who use video-recordings of real-life everyday interactions for studying in close detail human social interaction in such diverse multimodal settings as airplanes, cars, traffic control centres, dance schools, museums and other public places, and as part of such activities as instructing, navigating, identifying an enemy on the battlefield, organising a meeting, playing videogames, shopping, performing and dancing. Together, these studies highlight features of social interaction, including language, embodied conduct, and spatial and material orientation, for being mobile, for interacting on the move, so that mobility becomes a ubiquitous feature of our lives. This book is a valuable resource to anyone interested in multimodal interaction and mobility.


    Peter Tolmie, Mark Rouncefield, eds. Ethnomethodology at Play. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate. 2013
    [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]
     Website price:£58.50 (Regular price: £65.00)

        Published: May 2013
        Format: 234 x 156 mm
        Extent: 352 pages
        Binding: Hardback
        Other editions: ebook ePUB, ebook PDF
        ISBN: 978-1-4094-3755-0
        ISBN Short: 9781409437550

        This book outlines the specific character of the ethnomethodological approach to 'play'; that is, to everyday sport and leisure activities that people generally engage in for enjoyment, at home or as a 'hobby'.

        With chapters on cooking, running, playing music, dancing, rock climbing, sailing, fly fishing and going out for the day as a family, Ethnomethodology at Play provides an introduction to the key conceptual resources drawn upon by ethnomethodology in its studies of these activities, whilst exploring the manner in which people 'work' at their everyday leisure.

        Demonstrating the breadth of ethnomethodological analysis and showing how no topic is beyond ethnomethodology's fundamental respecification, Ethnomethodology at Play sets out for the serious reader and researcher the precise contribution of ethnomethodology to sociological studies of sport and leisure and ordinary domestic pastimes. As such this groundbreaking volume constitutes a significant contribution to both ethnomethodology and sociology in general, as well as to the sociology of sport and leisure, the sociology of domestic and daily life and cultural studies.

        Contents: Introduction: overview: Garfinkel’s bastards at play, Mark Rouncefield and Peter Tolmie; Part I Domestic Pleasures: Cooking for pleasure, Andy Crabtree, Peter Tolmie and Mark Rouncefield; Reading for pleasure: bedtime stories, Peter Tolmie and Mark Rouncefield. Part II Having a Hobby: Identifying birds by their song, Paul ten Have; Seeing fish, Michael Lynch; All at sea: the use of practical formalisms in yachting, Graham Button and Wes Sharrock; Remixing music together: the use and abuse of virtual studio software as a hobby, Phillip Brooker and Wes Sharrock. Part III ‘Getting Out of the House’: A day out in the country, Peter Tolmie and Andy Crabtree; Playing dangerously: an ethnomethodological view upon rock-climbing, K. Neil Jenkings; Distance running as play/work: training-together as a joint accomplishment, John Hockey and Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson. Part IV Doing Stuff Together: Playing in Irish music sessions, Peter Tolmie, Steve Benford and Mark Rouncefield; Vine right, shimmy, shimmy! Accomplishing order in a line dancing class, Russell Kelly; Encounters at the counter: the relationship between regulars and staff, Eric Laurier; Bibliography; Index.

        About the Editor: Peter Tolmie is Senior Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science and IT at the University of Nottingham, UK, and co-editor of Ethnomethodology at Work.
        Mark Rouncefield is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Computing at Lancaster University, UK, and co-editor of Ethnomethodology at Work.


    'A delightful set of essays that reveal the intricacies, the complexities of play and pleasure and provide a highly distinctive contribution to our understanding of the expertise and sensibilities that underpin sporting, leisure and cultural activities.'
    Christian Heath, King’s College London, UK
    ‘Between sociologists wanting to look at the social benefits of and cultural theorists critiquing the sexuality of games as a source of domination, one is left wondering what actually gets done when people play. This collection is one of the first to look at just this. Tolmie and Rouncefield’s book is highly recommended for anyone interested in the empirical study of play and games in society.’
    Richard Harper, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

    Makoto Hayashi,  Geoffrey Raymond,  Jack Sidnell, eds. (2013) Conversational Repair and Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    Series: Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics(No. 30)

    Humans are imperfect, and problems of speaking, hearing and understanding are pervasive in ordinary interaction. This book examines the way we 'repair' and correct such problems as they arise in conversation and other forms of human interaction. The first book-length study of this topic, it brings together a team of scholars from the fields of anthropology, communication, linguistics and sociology to explore how speakers address problems in their own talk and that of others, and how the practices of repair are interwoven with non-verbal aspects of communication such as gaze and gesture, across a variety of languages. Specific chapters highlight intersections between repair and epistemics, repair and turn construction, and repair and action formation. Aimed at researchers and students in sociolinguistics, speech communication, conversation analysis and the broader human and social sciences to which they contribute - anthropology, linguistics, psychology and sociology - this book provides a state-of-the-art review of conversational repair, while charting new directions for future study.


    'Repair is absolutely central to any analysis of language and social life as self-organizing natural systems. Here, major scholars insightfully demonstrate repair's relevance to action formation, human understanding and language diversity. A central resource!'
    Charles Goodwin, Applied Linguistics, UCLA
    '...breaks new ground in our understanding of human interaction, and of conversational repair in particular. Essential reading for anyone analysing talk and interaction'.
    Celia Kitzinger, Department of Sociology, University of York

    Table of Contents

    1. Conversational repair and human understanding: an introduction Makoto Hayashi, Geoffrey Raymond and Jack Sidnell
    2. Ten operations in self-initiated, same-turn repair Emanuel A. Schegloff
    3. Self-repair and action construction Paul Drew, Traci Walker and Richard Ogden
    4. On the place of hesitating in delicate formulations: a turn constructional infrastructure for collaborative indiscretion Gene H. Lerner
    5. One question after another: same-turn-repair in the formation of yes/no type initiating actions Geoffrey Raymond and John Heritage
    6. On the interactional import of self-repair in the courtroom Tanya Romaniuk and Susan Ehrlich
    7. Defensive mechanisms: I-mean prefaced utterances in complaint and other conversational sequences Douglas W. Maynard
    8. Availability as a trouble source in directive-response sequences Mardi Kidwell
    9. Epistemics, action formation, and other-initiation of repair: the case of partial questioning repeats Jeffrey D. Robinson
    10. Proffering insertable elements: a study of other-initiated repair in Japanese Makoto Hayashi and Kaoru Hayano
    11. Alternative, subsequent descriptions Jack Sidnell and Rebecca Barnes
    12. Huh? What? – A first survey in 21 languages N. J. Enfield, Mark Dingemanse, Julija Baranova, Joe Blythe, Penelope Brown, Tyko Dirksmeyer, Paul Drew, Simeon Floyd, Sonja Gipper, Rósa Gísladóttir, Gertie Hoymann, Kobin H. Kendrick, Stephen C. Levinson, Lilla Magyari, Elizabeth Manrique, Giovanni Rossi, Lila San Roque and Francisco Torreira.

    Christian Heath (2013) The dynamics of auction: social interaction and the sale of fine art and antiques. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Series: Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives
    ISBN:9780521767408 Hardback 260pages £60.00 (Paperback not yet available)

    Each year art and antiques worth many billions of pounds are sold at auction. These auctions consist of numerous, intense episodes of social interaction through which the price of goods rapidly escalates until sold on the strike of a hammer. In this book, Christian Heath examines the fine details of interaction that arises at auctions, the talk and visible conduct of the participants and their use of various tools and technologies. He explores how auctioneers, buyers and their representatives are able to transact the sale of diversely priced goods in just seconds. Heath addresses how order, trust and competition are established at auctions and demonstrates how an economic institution of some global importance is founded upon embodied action and interaction. The analysis is based on video recordings of sales of art and antiques gathered within a range of national and international auction houses in Europe and the United States.


    • Highly distinctive contribution to understanding talk and interaction in work and organisation
    • Unique analysis of embodied interaction and multimodal communication
    • Contributes to understanding of economic action and the operation of markets

    Table of Contents

    1. Auctions: institutional form and interactional organisation
    2. The orders of bidding
    3. Trust and the integrity of bids
    4. Establishing competition: creating an impression of demand
    5. Bidding and the pursuit of bids
    6. Remote presence and on-line participation
    7. On the strike of the hammer
    8. Embodied interaction and the order of markets
    Appendix I. Glossary of terms
    Appendix II. Transcription notation

    Wayne A. Beach, ed. (2012) Handbook of Patient-Provider Interactions: Raising and Responding to Concerns About Life, Illness, & Disease. Hampton Press, Inc. • 307 Seventh Avenue, Suite 506 • New York NY 10001
    Code: 978-1-57273-692-4
    Pages: 812

    This Handbook chronicles fifty years of efforts by clinicians, medical scientists, and social science researchers to closely examine communication during medical interviews. Fifty-two chapters have been integrated to provide readers with a diverse sampling of significant contributions during this extended period. The book is a rich tapestry of fundamental questions, innovative methodological approaches, well-reasoned arguments, insightful findings, and grounded suggestions for improving communication during medical interviews. It includes investigations designed to explicate and resolve communication dilemmas, envision therapeutic possibilities, and create hopeful yet realistic futures for patient-provided collaborations and partnerships.


    Foreword, John Heritage.
    Introduction: Raising and responding to concerns about life, illness, and disease, Wayne A. Beach.
    Section I: Offers and responses.
    The patient’s offers and the doctor’s responses, Michael Balint.
    Doctor-patient communication, Barbara M. Korsch and Vida Francis Negrete.
    Pathways to the doctor—from person to patient, Irving Kenneth Zola.
    The structure of the consultation: an analysis of behavioural phases, Patrick S. Byrne and Barrie E.L. Long.
    Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research, Arthur Kleinman, Leon Eisenberg, and Bryon Good.
    Section II: Inadequacy and biomedicine.
    The Need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine, George L. Engel.
    The effect of physician behavior on the collection of data, Howard B. Beckman and Richard M. Frankel.
    Problems and prospects for health services research on provider-patient communication, Thomas S. Inui and William B. Carter.
    The limitations of the medical model, Allen Barbour.
    Soliciting the patient’s agenda: have we improved?, Kim Marvel, Ronald M. Epstein, Kristine Flowers, and Howard B. Beckham.
    The enduring and evolving nature of the patient-physician relationship, Debra Roter.
    Section III; Asymmetry, authority, and control.
    Talk and institution: a reconsideration of the “asymmetry” of doctor-patient interaction, Paul ten Have.
    Authority and accountability: the delivery of diagnosis in primary health care: Anssi Peräkylä.
    The interactional construction of asymmetry: the medical agenda as a resource for delaying response to patient questions, Felicia Roberts.
    Beliefs about control in the physician-patient relationship: effect on communication in medical encounters, Richard L. Street, Jr., Edward Krupat, Robert A. Bell, Richard L. Kravitz, and Paul Haidet.
    Section IV: Patient-initiated actions: explanations, expectations, requests, solicitations, and resistance.
    Doing attributions in medical interaction: patients’ explanations for illness and doctor’s responses, Virginia Teas Gill.
    Online commentary in acute medical visits: a method of shaping patient expectations, John Heritage and Tanya Stivers.
    Asymmetry in action: sequential resources in the negotiation of a prescription request, Jeffrey D. Robinson.
    Accomplishing a request without making one: a single case analysis of a primary care visit, Virginia Teas Gill, Timothy Halkowski, and Felicia Roberts.
    Clinical care and conversational contingencies: the role of patients’ self-diagnosis in medical encounters, Richard M. Frankel.
    The voice of the patient: non-alignment between patients and doctors in the consultation, Paul Drew.
    Patient participation in medical consultations: why some patients are more involved than others, Richard L. Street, Jr., Howard Gordon, Michael M. Ward, Edward Krupat, and Richard L. Kravitz.
    ‘Occasional’ drinking: some uses of a non-standard temporal metric in primary case assessment of alcohol use, Timothy Halkowski.
    Section V: Attending and disattending issues raised by patients.
    Breaking the sequential mould: answering “more than the question: during comprehensive history taking, Tanya Stivers and John Heritage.
    Missing assessments: lay and professional orientations in medical interviews, Charlotte M. Jones.
    Agency and authority: extended responses to diagnostic statements in primary case encounters, Anssi Peräkylä.
    Practices for reporting and responding to test results during medical consultations: enacting the roles of paternalism and independent expertise, Anita Pomerantz and E. Sean Rintel.
     “my mom had a stroke”: understanding how patients raise and providers respond to psychosocial concerns, Wayne A. Beach and Jenny Mandelbaum.
    Section VI: Empathy-in-action: responding to patients’ emotional concerns.
    A model of empathetic communication in the medical interview, Anthony L. Suchman, Kathryn Markakis, Howard B. Beckman, and Richard Frankel.
    Revealing moments: formulating understandings of adverse experiences in a health appraisal interview, Wayne A. Beach and Christie N. Dixson.
    An interactional structure of medical activities during acute visits and its implications for patients’ participation, Jeffrey D. Robinson.
    Physician gender and patient-centered communication: a critical review of empirical research, Debra L. Roter and Judith A. Hall.
     “Empathy” and “sympathy” in action: attending to patients’ troubles in finnish homeopathic and general practice consultations, Johanna Ruusuvuori.
    Section VII: Other delicate moments during medical interviews.
    Invoking a hostile world: discussing the patient’s future in aids counseling, Anssi Peräkylä.
    Bad news in oncology: how physican and patient talk about death and dying without using those words, Karen Lutfey and Douglas W, Maynard.
    Laughter as a patient’s resource: dealing with delicate aspects of medical interaction, Markku Haakana.
    Participating in decisions about treatment: overt parent pressure for antibiotic medication in pediatric encounters, Tanya Stivers.
    On predicating a diagnosis as an attribute of a person, Douglas W. Maynard.
    Disclosing and responding to cancer “fears” during oncology interviews, Wayne A. Beach, David W. Easter, Jeffrey S. Good, and Elisa Pigeron.
    The structure of patients’ presenting concerns: physician’s opening questions, John Heritage and Jeffrey D. Robinson.
    When patients present serious health conditions as unlikely: managing potentially conflicting issues and constraints, Anita Pomerantz, Virginia Teas Gill, and Paul Denvir.
    Section VIII: Embodied actions: talk, gaze, gesture, and body orientations.
    Getting down to business: talk, gaze, and body orientation during openings of doctor-patient consultations, Jeffrey David Robinson.
    Looking means listening: coordinating displays of engagement in doctor-patient interaction, Johanna Ruusuvuori.
    Demonstrative suffering: the gestural (re)embodiment of symptoms, Christian Heath.
    Body disclosures: attending to personal problems and reported sexual abuse during a medical encounter, Wayne A. Beach and Curtis D. LeBaron.
    Formulating the triangle of doom: Timothy Koschmann, Curtis LeBaron, Charles Goodwin, Alan Zemel, and Gary Dunnington.
    Section IX: Communication and consultation skills: promises and potential outcomes.
    Consultation skills of young doctors: i-benefits of feedback training in interviewing as students persist, Peter Maguire, Susan Fairbairn, and Charles Fletcher.
    Physicians’ psychosocial beliefs correlate with their patient communication skills, Wendy Levinson and Debra Roter.
    Physician-patient communication: the relationship with malpractice claims among primary care physicians and surgeons, Wendy Levinson, Debra L. Roter, John P. Mullooly, Valerie T. Dull, and Richard M. Frankel.
    The effects of communication skills training on patients’ participation during medical interviews, Donald J. Cegala, Leola McClure, Terese M. Marinelli, and Douglas M. Post.
    Assessing competence in communication and interpersonal skills: the kalamazoo ii report, F. Daniel Duffy, Geoffrey H. Gordon, Gerald Whelan, Kathy Cole-Kelly, and Richard Frankel.

    Jack Sidnell, Tanya Stivers, eds. (2012) The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley Brackwell

    ISBN: 978-1-4443-3208-7 Hardcover
    844 pages
    October,/ €148.80

    Presenting a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of theoretical and descriptive research in the field, The Handbook of Conversation Analysis brings together contributions by leading international experts to provide an invaluable information resource and reference for scholars of social interaction across the areas of conversation analysis, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, interpersonal communication, discursive psychology and sociolinguistics.

    Ideal as an introduction to the field for upper level undergraduates and as an in-depth review of the latest developments for graduate level students and established scholars
    Five sections outline the history and theory, methods, fundamental concepts, and core contexts in the study of conversation, as well as topics central to conversation analysis
    Written by international conversation analysis experts, the book covers a wide range of topics and disciplines, from reviewing underlying structures of conversation, to describing conversation analysis' relationship to anthropology, communication, linguistics, psychology, and sociology


    Finally, the state of the art in Conversation Analysis is presented in a concise handbook.  Over five decades, CA has been used to study talk-in-interaction, profoundly influencing research disciplines concerned with human interaction.  A comprehensive account of CA in this detail and quality has never been published before. The community is indebted to Jack Sidnell and Tanya Stivers.
     Johannes Wagner, University of Southern Denmark
    A must-read for every student of human interaction. It captures the outstanding interdisciplinary reach of CA and offers fresh perspectives on foundational issues: its voices are authoritative and inspirational.
     Rebecca Clift, University of Essex
    An authoritative, wide-ranging overview of conversation analysis, an ideal tool for advanced students finding their way in doing CA, but useful for all CA practitioners.
    Paul ten Have, author of “Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide”

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction, Tanya Stivers and Jack Sidnell 1-8
    Part I Studying Social Interaction from a CA Perspective
    2 Everyone and No One to Turn to: Intellectual Roots and Contexts for Conversation Analysis, Douglas W. Maynard:  11-31
    3 The Conversation Analytic Approach to Data Collection, Lorenza Mondada: 32-56
    4 The Conversation Analytic Approach to Transcription, Alexa Hepburn and Galina B. Bolden: 57-76
    5 Basic Conversation Analytic Methods, Jack Sidnell: 77-99
    Part II Fundamental Structures of Conversation
    6 Action Formation and Ascription, Stephen C. Levinson:  103-30
    7 Turn Design, Paul Drew:  131-49
    8 Turn-Constructional Units and the Transition-Relevance Place, Steven E. Clayman: 150-66
    9 Turn Allocation and Turn Sharing, Makoto Hayashi:  167-90
    10 Sequence Organization, Tanya Stivers:  191-209
    11 Preference, Anita Pomerantz and John Heritage: 210-28
    12 Repair, Celia Kitzinger:  229- 56
    13 Overall Structural Organization, Jeffrey D. Robinson: 257-80
    Part III Key Topics in CA
    14 Embodied Action and Organizational Activity, Christian Heath and Paul Luff: 283-307
    15 Gaze in Conversation, Federico Rossano:  308-29
    16 Emotion, Affect and Conversation, Johanna Ruusuvuori:  330-49
    17 Affiliation in Conversation, Anna Lindström and Marja-Leena Sorjonen: 350-69
    18 Epistemics in Conversation, John Heritage:  370-94
    19 Question Design in Conversation, Kaoru Hayano: 395-414
    20 Response Design in Conversation, Seung-Hee Lee:  415-32
    21 Reference in Conversation, N. J. Enfield:  433-54
    22 Phonetics and Prosody in Conversation, Gareth Walker:  455-74
    23 Grammar in Conversation, Harrie Mazeland:  475-91
    24 Storytelling in Conversation, Jenny Mandelbaum:  492-508
    Part IV Key Contexts of Study in CA: Populations and Settings
    25 Interaction among Children, Mardi Kidwell: 511-32
    26 Conversation Analysis and the Study of Atypical Populations, Charles Antaki and Ray Wilkinson: 533-50
    27 Conversation Analysis in Psychotherapy, Anssi Peräkylä: 551-74
    28 Conversation Analysis in Medicine, Virginia Teas Gill and Felicia Roberts: 575-92
    29 Conversation Analysis in the Classroom, Rod Gardner: 593-611
    30 Conversation Analysis in the Courtroom, Martha Komter: 612-29
    31 Conversation Analysis in the News Interview, Steven E. Clayman: 630-56
    Part V CA across the Disciplines
    32 Conversation Analysis and Sociology, John Heritage and Tanya Stivers: 659-73
    33 Conversation Analysis and Communication, Wayne A. Beach:  : 674-87
    34 Conversation Analysis and Anthropology, Ignasi Clemente: 688-700
    35 Conversation Analysis and Psychology, Jonathan Potter and Derek Edwards: 701-25
    36 Conversation Analysis and Linguistics, Barbara A. Fox, Sandra A. Thompson, Cecilia E. Ford and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen:  726-40

    Hanh thi Nguyen (2011) Developing Interactional Competence: A Conversation-Analytic Study of Patient Consultations in Pharmacy. Houndmills, Basingstoke U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan

    £55.00 | Hardback
    ISBN: 9780230276697 |
    280 pages


    Academics and practitioners now recognize the importance of a data-driven and microanalytic approach to research on professional communication training. This book is the first to empirically investigate the development of interactional competence by novice professionals using a microanalytic and multidimensional framework. In examining how inexperienced pharmacists (interns) changed over time in their management of various interactional aspects of the patient consultation, this book extends the potential of conversation analysis to the longitudinal observation of individuals' interactional competence. Its detailed analysis of the patient consultations additionally provides an unparalleled description of this discursive practice at US community pharmacies.

    As well as appealing to applied linguists and social scientists with an interest in workplace communication, Developing Interactional Competence is a valuable resource for researchers, teachers, and practitioners involved in health communication training. Its analytic framework makes it essential reading for anyone attracted by a multidimensional and practice-specific approach to understanding interactional competence.


    Nguyen's book is one of the very few original contributions made by applied linguists to the debate over what constitutes learning. She reviews theories of cognitive and behavioral change, of the complementary roles of learners and teachers, and she queries the reluctance by some discourse analysts to even recognize the concept of learning. Out of this mass of conflicting claims and contradictory positions, Nguyen steps forward with a longitudinal analysis of the interactions of two novice pharmacists as they begin to exercise their professional skills in counseling patients. Do they learn? From every theoretical perspective they do. And what they learn is how to effectively counsel their patients: how to sequence their actions, how to manage topics, how to respond to their patients' concerns, how to make their expertise accessible to their patients, and how to share their patients' perspectives. Through her insightful analysis of learning in these interactions, Nguyen makes an important contribution to the learning debate and provides valuable advice for professional trainers.
    Richard F. Young, Professor in English Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    This significant book applies conversation analysis (CA) uniquely to the consultation process between patients and pharmacists. Although schools of pharmacy have long embraced and taught pharmacy students to provide patient-centered consultation, repeated studies have documented that community pharmacists rarely ask patients open ended questions, tailor their consultations to patients or engage patients effectively to monitor the adverse and efficacious effects of regimens at refill times. Pharmacy schools can learn a great deal from CA's micro-analytic skills as modeled here to identify key elements in the sequence that hinder or facilitate meaningful exchanges between patients and pharmacists. Uniquely the book tracks the growing skills of two novice pharmacists in a way never before presented in Pharmacy. We have much to learn from this careful study's research approach and findings in order to better train our students and evaluate their licensure readiness.
    Betty A. Chewning, Ph.D., F. AphA Professor in Social and Administrative Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison




    HANH THI NGUYEN is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Hawaii Pacific University, USA. She has published on the development of interactional competence and classroom interaction in Text & Talk, Communication & Medicine, The Modern Language Journal, and Language & Education. She co-edited Talk-in-interaction: Multilingual Perspectives and Pragmatics & Language Learning Vol. 12.,

    Maria Egbert & Arnulf Deppermann, eds. (2012) Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung.

    208 Pages,  Date of publication 2/2012
    ISBN 978-3-936656-40-4

    Free download:

    Globally, hearing loss is the second most frequent disability. About 80% of the persons affected by hearing loss do not use hearing aids. The goal of this edited volume is to present a theoretically founded, interdisciplinary approach geared at understanding and improving social interaction impacted by hearing loss and (non-)use of hearing technologies.
    The researchers report on pilot studies from Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Using Conversation Analysis, the studies identify problems and serve as points of departure for possible solutions.
    Researchers and practitioners from the different disciplines (medicine, audiology, hearing rehabilitation, User Centered Design, Conversation Analysis, change business) as well as users of hearing technologies comment on this approach.

    Table of contents in PDF:

    Pentti Haddington, Leila Kääntä, eds. (2011) Kieli, keho ja vuorovaikutus: Multimodaalinen näkökulma sosiaaliseen toimintaan (Language, body and interaction: A multimodal perspective into social action). Helsinki: Publisher: Finnish Literature Society (SKS)

    Language, Body and Interaction provides a multidisciplinary perspective into everyday and naturally-occurring social interaction. It studies the ways in which interactants draw on, in addition to language and talk, diverse multimodal means (gestures, body, objects, materials, space, mobility) and resources for communicating with each other. The book draws on the insights and findings made in conversation analysis and gives a unique perspective to Finnish research on multimodal interaction in diverse everyday and institutional settings. The book’s introduction also provides an overview of internationally important research in gesture studies and conversation analytic research that has specifically focused on embodied and multimodal action.

    The authors include acknowledged experts in conversation analysis and multimodal interaction analysis in Finland and internationally. They represent different disciplines (linguistics, sociology, logopedics and educational sciences) and universities in Finland.

    Authors: Pentti Haddington, Aku Kallio, Inka Koskela, Leila Kääntä, Minna Laakso, Mari Lehtinen, Maarit Niemelä, Arja Piirainen-Marsh, Mirka Rauniomaa, Johanna Ruusuvuori, Liisa Tainio

    Baudouin Dupret (2011) Practices of Truth: An ethnomethodological inquiry into Arab contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

    [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 214]  2011.  xiv, 173 pp.
    Hb  978 90 272 5617 1  EUR 90.00
    E-book  978 90 272 8465 5  EUR 90.00

    The claim of this book is that truth is a matter of language games and practical achievements: it is a “member phenomenon”. To document this statement, it  proceeds to the investigation of instances of truth-related practices in various Arab contexts. Bearing on the constitution of actions and events, on what is factual or objective, on predictability, consequentiality, intentionality, causality, and on the many ways people orient to them, such a varied set of questions appears thoroughly moral. The praxeological respecifcation this book undertakes leads to important considerations regarding the question of morality in ordinary reasoning, and the categories and categorizations on which that morality is based: moral values are publicly available; morality has a modal logic; moral values and conventions have an open texture; objectivity is a practical achievement carried out by members of society; the moral order is an omnipresent, constitutive characteristic of social practice.

    Table of contents

    Chapter 1. Learning the truth: Memorizing the Koran in an Egyptian kuttâb*
    Chapter 2. The context of truth practices: Legislating the Sharî‘a at the shopfoor level*
    Chapter 3. Telling the truth: The judge and the law in family matters
    Chapter 4. The truth about oneself: Tree Arab channels and their “self-presentation”
    Chapter 5. Speaking the truth: Advocacy video clips against terror*
    Chapter 6. Narratives of truth: Documenting the mind in a psychiatric hospital
    “It is a fne book that will appeal to sociologists, anthropologists, and sociolinguists, as well as any social scientist interested in contemporary Islamic society.”
    Kenneth Liberman, University of Oregon
    “This volume by Baudouin Dupret is immensely interesting and informative, and, more signifcantly, it is very original in not only its substantive areas of analysis, but, and here is the nub of its genuine originality, its focus upon a way of thinking about ethnomethodology which uses it as a way of describing the logic of recurrent social situations in many diferent contexts and circumstances. This is defnitely a huge contribution. [...] A really illuminating piece of scholarship. We are truly fortunate to have this level of work addressed to issues in our feld.”
    Jef Coulter, Boston University

    Baudouin Dupret (2011) Adjudication in action: An ethnomethodology of law, morality and justice. Farnham, Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate
    Series : Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
    374 pages, Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4094-3150-3, Price : £60.00 » Website price: £54.00

    Adjudication in Action describes the moral dimension of judicial activities and the judicial approach to questions of morality, observing the contextualized deployment of various practices and the activities of diverse people who, in different capacities, find themselves involved with institutional judicial space. Exploring the manner in which the enactment of the law is morally accomplished, and how practical, legal cognition mediates and modulates the treatment of cases dealing with sexual morality, this book offers a rich, praxeological study that engages with 'living' law as it unfolds in action.

    Inspired by Wittgenstein's later thought and engaging with recent developments in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, Adjudication in Action challenges approaches that reduce the law to mere provisions of a legal code, presenting instead an understanding of law as a resource that stands in need of contextualization. Through the close description of people's orientation to and reification of legal categories within the framework of institutional settings, this book constitutes the first comprehensive study of law in context and in action.


    Introduction: a grammar of law in context and action; Part I Law and Morality: Bases of a Praxeological Approach: Law and morality: constructs and models; The morality of cognition: the normativity of ordinary reasoning; Law in action: a praxeological approach to law and justice. Part II Law in Context and in Action: Law in context; legal activity and the institutional context; Procedural constraint: sequentiality, routine, and formal correctness; Legal relevance: the production of factuality and legality. Part III A Practical Grammar of Legal Concepts: From law in the books to law in action: Egyptian criminal law between doctrine, case law, jurisprudence, and practice; The natural person: the contingent and contextual production of legal personality; The production of causality: a praxeological grammar of the use of causal concepts; Intention in action: the teleological orientation of the parties to criminal cases. Part IV Praxeological Study of Judgments on Morality: Morality on trial: structure and intelligibility of the court sentence; Questions of morality: sequential, structured organization of the interrogation; The categories of morality: homosexuality between perversion and debauchery; Conclusion: the morality of judgment and the judgment of morality: a praxeological approach; Bibliography; Index.

    About the Author:

    Baudouin Dupret is Research Director at (CNRS), France, Professor in the Department of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Director of the Centre Jacques-Berque, Morocco, and author of Droit et Sciences Sociales.


    Based in the analysis of work, sequential organization and membership categorization in a collection of Egyptian legal proceedings including a trial for perversion and debauchery (homosexuality), Dupret gives us the most sustained attempt yet at a praxeology of judicial activity, re-specifying such legal objects as fact, person, intention, cause and judgement in relation to morality (above all), rationality, normality, language, context, rule, action, and text. It’s a remarkable tour de force.
    Peter Eglin, Wilfred Laurier University, Canada

    Charles Antaki, ed. (2011) Applied conversation analysis: Intervention and change in institutional talk. Palgrave Macmillan

    Hardback £60.00 ISBN 9780230229952,
    Paperback £19.99 ISBN 9780230229969

    Each of us is highly skilled at designing our turns at talk, and meshing them with those of the people around us. Conversation Analysis (CA) is the study of just how that is done, and how the choreography of conversation brings off the business we conduct with each other.

    Conversation Analysis is beginning to have a strong record not only of understanding interaction, but also of seeing how it might be changed. This volume collects together some of the most exciting developments in CA as it is applied to intervention programmes in medical communication, speech therapy, mediation, welfare interviewing, surveying, telephone helplines and other institutional encounters. The contributors explain the difficulties and the benefits of applying CA in the real world, and with working with external agencies like government institutions, charities and the medical establishment.


    ‘This groundbreaking volume stands as an important milestone in the development of Conversation Analysis. It brings together works devoted to the use of Conversation Analysis to address practical problems in which human interaction plays a central role. The contributions, by leading scholars in the field, demonstrate the wide-ranging utility of this approach for problems in areas ranging from medicine, psychotherapy, and telephone help lines to survey research, mediation, and technology design. The introduction situates these studies within the broader field of conversation analysis, and provides a useful roadmap to the main variants of applied CA and the key issues that inform work seeking to intervene and remediate interaction-based problems in social life.’
    Steven E. Clayman, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
    ‘For the first time, important CA studies are brought together to make the case that basic insights about interaction can be utilized to change, improve, and refine skills for accomplishing activities fundamental to diverse social institutions. The result is an important move toward establishing how relevant research can be translated into innovative and effective strategies. This volume is a trigger for reflecting on a horizon of possibilities that arise when realizing that CA is, after all, a natural science that has and will continue to benefit the world in as yet unanticipated and vital ways.‘
    Wayne A. Beach, School of Communication, San Diego State University, USA
    ‘A highly insightful and illuminating collection of studies that powerfully demonstrate how the fine-grained analysis of talk and interaction, [this volume] provides a distinctive contribution to our understanding of social organisation and social institutions, and in turn reveals important implications for policy and practice.’
    Christian Heath, King’s College London, UK


    Applied conversation analysis: from explication to intervention, C.Antaki   2-14
    'Some' vs 'any' medical worries: encouraging patients to reveal their unmet concerns, J.Heritage & J.D.Robinson 15-31
    Changing interactional behaviour: using conversation analysis in intervention programmes for aphasic conversation, R.Wilkinson 32-53
    Improving response rates in telephone interviews, D.W.Maynard, J.Freese & N.C.Schaeffer 54-74
    Improving ethnic monitoring on a telephone helpline,  S.Wilkinson 75-97
    Working with childbirth helplines: the contributions and limitations of conversation analysis, C.Kitzinger 98-118
    Simulated interaction and communication skills training: the 'conversation analytic role-play method', E.Stokoe 119-139
    Should mandatory jobseeker interviews be personalised? The politics of using conversation analysis to make effective practice recommendations, M.Toerien, A.Irvine, P.Drew & R.Sainsbury 140-160
    Giving feedback to care staff about offering choices to people with intellectual disabilities, W.M.Finlay, C.Walton & C.Antaki 161-183
    Reflecting on your own talk: the discursive action method at work, J.Lamerichs & H.te Molder 184-206
    Conversation analysis applied to user centered design: a study of who 'the user' is, M.Egbert 207-221
    A psychoanalyst's reflection on conversation analysis's contribution to his own therapeutic talk, A.Peräkylä 222-242

    Streeck, Jürgen; Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. (2011) Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    [Series: Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives]

    Hardback ISBN: 9780521895637 $99.00

    How do people organize their body movement and talk when they interact with one another in the material world? How do they coordinate linguistic structures with bodily resources (such as gaze and gesture) to bring about coherent and intelligible courses of action? How are physical settings, artifacts, technologies, and non-linguistic sign-systems implicated in social interaction and shared cognition? This volume brings together advanced work by leading international scholars who share video-based research methods that integrate semiotic, linguistic, sociological, anthropological, and cognitive science perspectives with detailed, microanalytic observations. Collectively they provide a coherent framework for analyzing the production of meaning and the organization of social interaction in the complex and heterogeneous settings that are characteristic of modern life: ranging from ordinary and bilingual conversation to family interaction, and from daycare centers to work settings such as airplanes, clinics, and architects' offices, and to activities such as auctions and musical performances. Several chapters investigate how participants with communicative impairments (aphasia, blindness, deafness) creatively build meaning with others. Embodied Interaction is indispensable for anyone interested in the study of language and social interaction. This volume will be a point of reference for future research on multimodality in human communication and action.


    • Represents state-of-the-art research on language and embodied interaction
    • All chapters based on video-based ethnographic research in real-life settings
    • Richly illustrated and documented


    "Some of the best work now being done on the study of the intimate organization of human interaction is assembled in this book. It shows how, in interaction, multiple semiotic systems are always in play, and makes clear how no system studied in isolation, such as verbal expression or gesture, can be fully understood without grasping how it is orchestrated with others. The editors provide an extremely valuable introduction that sets the work presented in the volume in historical context and explains very clearly how the individual contributions fit together. The book will afford a major advance toward the inclusive theoretical framework that must eventually be developed if we are to have an appropriate grasp of how humans jointly achieve the coherent interactions through which they understand each other and the worlds in which they live. It will have very important implications for how language and human sociability are to be conceived of and understood."
    Adam Kendon, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania

    "The papers gathered here make a powerful case for an integrated perspective on meaning making in embodied interaction in the material world – implying an important caveat for 'language first' or logocentric approaches to interaction."
    Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, University of Helsinki

    Table of Contents

    1. Embodied interaction in the material world: an introduction Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin and Curtis LeBaron

    Part I. Founding Capacities:
    2. Collaborative construction of multimodal utterances Edwin Hutchins and Saeko Nomura
    3. Formal structures of practical tasks: a resource for action in the social life of very young children Gene H. Lerner, Don H. Zimmerman and Mardi Kidwell
    4. Elements of formulation N. J. Enfield
    5. The changing meanings of things: found objects and inscriptions in social interaction Jürgen Streeck
    6. Choreographies of attention: multimodality in a routine family activity Eve Tulbert and Marjorie Harness Goodwin
    7. Some functions of speaker head nods Hiromi Aoki
    8. The multimodal mechanics of collaborative unit construction in Japanese conversation Shimako Iwasaki

    Part II. Transformational Ecologies:
    9. Creating contexts for actions: multimodal practices for managing children's conduct in the childcare classroom Siri Mehus
    10. Multilingual multimodality: communicative difficulties and their solutions in second language use Marianne Gullberg
    11. On the use of graphic resources in interaction by people with communication disorders Ray Wilkinson, Steven Bloch and Michael Clarke
    12. Terra incognita: social interaction among blind children Sharon Avital and Jürgen Streeck
    13. Contextures of action Charles Goodwin
    14. 'A full inspiration tray': multimodality across real and virtual spaces Elizabeth Keating and Chiho Sunakawa

    Part III. Professional Communities:
    15. The organization of concurrent courses of action in surgical demonstrations Lorenza Mondada
    16. Pursuing a response: prodding recognition and expertise within a surgical team Alan Zemel, Timothy Koschmann and Curtis LeBaron
    17. Building stories: the embodied narration of what might come to pass Keith M. Murphy
    18. Embodied arguments: verbal claims and bodily evidence Julien C. Mirivel
    19. Facilitating tool use in the photography studio through language, gesture, and the act of comparison Scott Phillabaum
    20. Gesture and institutional interaction Christian Heath and Paul Luff
    21. Musical spaces John B. Haviland.

    Christopher Joseph Jenks (2011) Transcribing talk and interaction: Issues in the representation of communication data. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

    Hardbound: ISBN 978 90 272 1183 5 | EUR 95.00 | USD 143.00
    Paperback: ISBN 978 90 272 1184 2 | EUR 33.00 | USD 49.95
    xi, 120 pp.

    Interest in transcript-based research has grown significantly in recent years. Alongside this growth has been an increase in awareness of the empirical utility of naturalistic research on language use in interaction. However, a quick scan of the literature reveals that very few transcription books have been published in the past three decades. This is an astonishing fact given that there are perhaps hundreds of books published on spoken discourse analysis. This book aims to narrow this gap by providing an introduction to the theories and practices related to transcribing communication data. The book is intended for students with little to no knowledge of transcription work and/or instructors responsible for teaching introductory courses on transcript-based research. Readers who are learning or teaching discourse/conversation analysis or similar analytic methods of investigation will find this book particularly helpful.
    The author:
    Christopher Jenks has many years of experience teaching transcription work and analysis of communication data to postgraduate students and researchers. In addition to running workshops and giving presentations on similar topics at universities around the world, he has published widely in top international journals and has numerous other forthcoming publications.

    Preface. An introduction to this book  ix – xii
    Chapter 1. An introduction to transcripts of talk and interaction  1 – 10
    Chapter 2. Theoretical issues  11 – 24
    Chapter 3. Transcribing talk and interaction: The basics  25 – 44
    Chapter 4. Transcribing interactional and paralinguistic features  45 – 70
    Chapter 5. Transcribing nonverbal conduct  71 – 88
    Chapter 6. Advanced issues  89
    References  105 – 108
    Appendices  109 – 118
    Index  119 – 120

    Francesco Serranò, Alessandra Fasulo (2011) L'intervista come conversazione. Preparazione, conduzione e analisi del colloquio di ricerca, Carocci, Roma.
    [Theinterview as conversation. How to prepare for, conduct and analyse researchinterviews].

    pp. 196  ISBN 9788843057320  € 20,00

    Book Description:

    Il testo costituisce un’introduzione all’intervista come metodo di ricerca ed è rivolto a ricercatori nelle scienze sociali e umanistiche e a chiunque voglia intraprendere un’intervista con consapevolezza e profitto nell’ambito della ricerca qualitativa. Oltre ad affrontare aspetti epistemologici e metodologici, il volume descrive le diverse fasi dell’intervista: la pianificazione, la conduzione, l’analisi e la presentazione dei risultati. Utilizzando diversi corpus di interviste e avvalendosi di strumenti di Analisi della Conversazione, vengono mostrati diversi modi di porre domande, di gestire l’interazione e di sostenere i partecipanti nella produzione di risposte il più possibile ricche ed esaurienti. Vengono poi illustrate numerose strategie di analisi per l’identificazione di temi portanti e linee narrative e, infine, si danno indicazioni in merito alla stesura del rapporto di ricerca, esemplificando e discutendo diverse opzioni di scrittura nell’ambito della ricerca qualitativa.

    [This volume is an introductionto interview as a research method addressed to researchers and students in thehuman and social sciences. It presents interviews from an ethnographic andconversation analytic perspective drawing on several interview studies realisedby the authors and their collaborators in the past 10 years. Researchers areguided through the preparatory stages, the construction of the interview guide,and the sequential functioning of different ways of asking questions andfollowing them up. Different analytical strategies are also illustrated takinginto account the interactional features of the dialogue and the interviewees'own ways of highlighting passages and structuring their accounts, with aspecial focus on narrative organisation. Finally, the book discusses differentoptions for presenting interview extracts and writing research reports.]


    Piano del libro
    Corpus utilizzati nel testo
    Debiti maturati sul campo

    1. Comprendere l’intervista
        Il valore delle interviste nella ricerca/Basi teorico-metodologiche/L’intervista come evento istituzionale/Etica e riflessività
    2. La preparazione dell’intervista
        Forme di intervista/Osservazioni e documentazione preliminare/Argomenti e dimensioni/Identificare i partecipanti/Primo contatto/Consenso e privacy/Il luogo dell’intervista/Il registratore/La trascrizione
    3. La conduzione dell’intervista
        Le domande/Rilanci e approfondimenti/Il ritmo dell’interazione/Interventi sconsigliati/La chiusura dell’intervista
    4. Analizzare le interviste
        Interpretare gli elementi di cornice/La dimensione valutativa/Dispositivi poetici: liste ed enunciati paralleli/Analizzare le narrazioni
    5. La scrittura della ricerca basata su interviste
        Si può scrivere in prima persona?/Come cominciare?/Che cosa scrivere rispetto ai "metodi"?/Analisi

    Appendice. Convenzioni di trascrizione
    Indice analitico

    About the Authors:

    Francesco Serranò. È docente di Metodi qualitativi e Tecniche dell’intervista individuale e di gruppo del corso di laurea a distanza della Facoltà di Psicologia 2 della Sapienza Università di Roma. Si occupa di ricerca qualitativa e di psicologia della salute.

    Alessandra Fasulo. È Senior Lecturer all’Università di Portsmouth (UK). Si occupa di Analisi della Conversazione e di psicologia della narrazione.

    Tanya Stivers, Lorenza Mondada, Jakob Steensig, eds. (2011) The Morality of Knowledge in Conversation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    Series: Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics (No. 29)
    Hardback: ISBN: 9780521194549 £65.00
    356 pages

    Each time we take a turn in conversation we indicate what we know and what we think others know. However, knowledge is neither static nor absolute. It is shaped by those we interact with and governed by social norms - we monitor one another for whether we are fulfilling our rights and responsibilities with respect to knowledge, and for who has relatively more rights to assert knowledge over some state of affairs. This book brings together an international team of leading linguists, sociologists and anthropologists working across a range of European and Asian languages to document some of the ways in which speakers manage the moral domain of knowledge in conversation. The volume demonstrates that if we are to understand how speakers manage issues of agreement, affiliation and alignment - something clearly at the heart of human sociality - we must understand the social norms surrounding epistemic access, primacy and responsibilities.


    • Provides readers with a comprehensive overview of epistemics in interaction
    • Includes detailed examples of transcripts in multiple languages
    • Brings together an international team of leading linguists, sociologists and anthropologists working across a range of European and Asian languages

    Table of Contents

    1. Knowledge, morality and affiliation in social interaction Tanya Stivers, Lorenza Mondada and Jakob Steensig

    Part I. Affiliational Consequences of Managing Epistemic Asymmetries:
    2. The management of knowledge discrepancies and of epistemic changes in institutional interactions Lorenza Mondada
    3. Giving support to the claim of epistemic primacy: yo-marked assessments in Japanese Kaoru Hayano
    4. Morality and question design: 'of course' as contesting a presupposition of askability Tanya Stivers
    5. Addressing epistemic incongruence in question-answer sequences through the use of epistemic adverbs Trine Heinemann, Anna Lindström and Jakob Steensig
    6. The epistemics of make-believe Jack Sidnell

    Part II. Epistemic Resources for Managing Affiliation and Alignment:
    7. Territories of knowledge, territories of experience: empathic moments in interaction John Heritage
    8. The terms of not knowing and social affiliation Leelo Keevallik
    9. Proposing shared knowledge as a means of pursuing agreement Birte Asmuß
    10. Ways of agreeing with negative stance taking Auli Hakulinen and Marja-Leena Sorjonen
    11. Epistemics and embodiment in the interactions of very young children Mardi Kidwell

    Part III. Toward a Theory:
    12. Sources of asymmetry in human interaction: enchrony, status, knowledge and agency N. J. Enfield.

    Margaret H. Szymanski, Jack Whalen, eds. (2011) Making work visible: ethnographically grounded case studies of work practice. Cambridge University Press
    Series: Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives
    408 pages
    Hardback: ISBN: 9780521190725 £60.00
    Paperback: ISBN: 9780521176651 £24.99

    In the 1970s, Xerox pioneered the involvement of social science researchers in technology design and in developing better ways of working. The Xerox legacy is a hybrid methodology that combines an ethnographic interest in direct observation in settings of interest with an ethnomethodological concern to make the study of interactional work an empirical, investigatory matter. This edited volume is an overview of Xerox's social science tradition. It uses detailed case studies showing how the client engagement was conducted over time and how the findings were consequential for business impact. Case studies in retail, production, office and home settings cover four topics: practices around documents, the customer front, learning and knowledge-sharing, and competency transfer. The impetus for this book was a 2003 Xerox initiative to transfer knowledge about conducting ethnographically grounded work practice studies to its consultants so that they may generate the kinds of knowledge generated by the researchers themselves.


    • The first book to describe the history of Xerox's pioneering involvement of social science researchers for technology design and better ways of working
    • Explores Xerox's hybrid work practice study methodology and its five techniques: observation, open-ended interviewing, data collection, data representation and co-design
    • Contains case studies on a variety of topics (practices around documents, the customer front, learning and knowledge sharing, and competency transfer) giving a wide-ranging look at how work practice research has been applied in many domains

    Table of Contents

    Introduction Margaret H. Szymanski and Jack Whalen

    Part I. Work Practice Study in Historical Context:
    1. Work practice and technology: a retrospective Lucy Suchman
    2. Engineering investigations: what is made visible in making work visible? Wes Sharrock and Graham Button

    Part II. Applying Work Practice Methods:
    3. Uncovering the unremarkable Peter Tolmie
    4. Work practices to understand the implications of nascent technology Francoise Brun-Cottan and Patricia Wall
    5. Tokyo to go: using field studies to inform the design of a mobile leisure guide for Japanese youth Diane J. Schiano and Victoria Bellotti

    Part III. Practices around Documents:
    6. Exploring documents and the future of work Jennifer Watts Englert, Mary Ann Sprague, Patricia Wall, Catherine McCorkindale, Lisa Purvis and Gabriele McLaughlin
    7. New ways of working: the implications of work practice transitions Mary Ann Sprague, Nathaniel Martin and Johannes A. Koomen
    8. Behind the scenes: the business side of medical records Nathaniel Martin and Patricia Wall
    9. Seeing the right colour: technical and practical solutions to the problem of accurate colour reproduction in the digital print industry Tommaso Colombino, David Martin, Jacki O'Neill, Mary Ann Sprague, Jennifer Watts-Perotti, Jutta Willamowski, Frederic Roulland and Antonietta Grasso

    Part IV. The Customer Front:
    10. Integrated customer service: re-inventing a workscape Jack Whalen and Marilyn Whalen
    11. Interactions at a reprographics store Erik Vinkhuyzen
    12. Ethnography-inspired technology for remote help-giving Jacki O'Neill, Peter Tolmie, Stefania Castellani, Antonietta Grasso and Frederic Roulland
    13. Sign of the times at the department store: replacing paper with electronic signs Johannes A. Koomen

    Part V. Learning and Knowledge Sharing:
    14. Communal knowledge sharing: the EUREKA story Jack Whalen and Daniel G. Bobrow
    15. Designing document solutions for airline maintenance advisories Patricia Wall and Johannes A. Koomen
    16. Transforming information system design: enabling users to design Yutaka Yamauchi
    17. Rethinking how projects are managed: meeting communication across the organizational hierarchy Erik Vinkhuyzen and Nozomi Ikeya

    Part VI. Competency Transfer:
    18. Fujitsu learned ethnography from PARC: establishing the social science center Koji Kishimoto with a preface by Jack Whalen
    19. The work practice center of excellence Luke Plurkowski, Margaret H. Szymanski, Patricia Wall and Johannes A. Koomen
    20. Transferring ethnographic competence: personal reflections on the past and future of work practice analysis Brigitte Jordan.

    Maurice Nevile (2010) Beyond the black box: talk-in-interaction in the airline cockpit. (2004: Ashgate, UK), in Chinese translation

    Mark Rouncefield & Peter Tolmie, eds. (2011)  Ethnomethodology at Work . Farnham, Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate [Series : Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]

    278 pages, hardback, ISBN: 978-0-7546-4771-3
    Price : £60.00 » Website price: £54.00

    Bringing together one of the most important bodies of research into people's working practices, this volume outlines the specific character of the ethnomethodological approach to work, providing an introduction to the key conceptual resources ethnomethodology has drawn upon in its studies, and a set of substantive chapters that examine how people work from a foundational perspective.

    With contributions from leading experts in the field, including Graham Button, John Hughes and Wes Sharrock, Ethnomethodology at Work explores the contribution that ethnomethodological studies continue to make to our understanding of the ways in which people actually accomplish work from day to day. As such, it will appeal not only to those working in the areas of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, but also to those with interests in the sociology of work and organisations


    Preface and overview: Garfinkel's bastards…?; XVII
    The sociologist as movie critic, Dave Randall and Wes Sharrock; 1
    The project as an organisational environment for the division of labour, Wes Sharrock; 19
    Organisational acumen, Peter Tolmie and Mark Rouncefield; 37
    On calculation, John A. Hughes; 57
    Plans and planning: conceptual confusions and empirical investigations, Dave Randall and Mark Rouncefield; 73
    The temporal order of work, Andy Crabtree, Mark Rouncefield and Peter Tolmie; 91
    Talk: talking the organisation into being, David Martin and Jacki O'Neill; 109
    Meetings and the accomplishment of organization, John Hughes, Dave Randall, Mark Rouncefield and Peter Tolmie; 131
    Documents, Mark Hartswood, Mark Rouncefield, Roger Slack and Andrew P. Carlin; 151
    Text at work: mundane practices of reading in workplaces, John Rooksby; 173
    Technology, Mark Rouncefield, Roger Slack and Mark Hartswood; 191
    Conclusion: ethnomethodology and constructionist studies of technology, Wes Sharrock and Graham Button 211


    'When students and other researchers ask me how to go about doing an ethnomethodological study of work, there is no simple answer to give. With this collection, what I can now do is help them see why there is no simple answer while, nevertheless, getting them started on pursuing their first studies in ethnomethodology.'
    Eric Laurier, University of Edinburgh, UK
    'Ethnomethodology, unlike most of sociology, looks at social conduct and such things as how people use talk to organise workplaces and how the examination of code in software engineering entails particular types of reading. Because of its remarkable concern for the empirical, ethnomethodology has been widely used outside sociology, in computer science and related disciplines especially, which need such evidence to make better designs. Who the human is and what they do matters to these disciplines.'
    Richard Harper, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
    'Pugnacious yet inviting, this book will be an invaluable guide for those interested in the ethnomethodological perspective on work, but also why it has proven to be so influential in the study and design of technology. The book expertly balances empirical study with theoretical sophistication.'
    Barry Brown, University of California, San Diego, USA
    'This is an accessible, engaging and rather provocative introduction to ethnomethodological studies of work. Key topics in organisational sociology are artfully re-examined as practical concerns and achievements of engineers, bankers, and more. Mark Rouncefield and Peter Tolmie deserve thanks for crafting a collection that delivers such a distinctive contribution to the sociology of work.'
    Jon Hindmarsh, King's College London, UK
    'Some sociologists may sigh "grow up" to the "grumpy old men" who put their unruly ethnomethodological orientation to work here. But their impatience with "conceptual", "visionary", "fictional" interpretive sociology is incisively productive for sociology today (as well as practical endeavours of policy-making and socio-technical design), detailing the power of practical sociological reasoning amongst ordinary members and makers of society. A passionate and useful book for both teaching and research.'
    Monika Buscher, Lancaster University, UK

    Lena Jayyusi, Catégorisation et Ordre Moral. Tr. Michel Barthélémy. Collection Études Sociologiques. Paris: Economica

    Lena Jayyusi’s classic book om Membership Categorization, Categorization and the moral order, orginally published by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1984,  has been translated in French as Catégorisation et ordre moral by Michel Barthélémy, published by Economica in Paris in its Collection Études Sociologiques (2010; 29 €).  The text is preceded by a 10-page 'Préface à l’édition française', and a 26-page Présentation', by Peter Eglin and Stephen Hester. The main text, including the original 6 annexes, is 260 pages long.

    ISBN 978-2-7178-5978-2, prics: EUR 29

    Dagmar Barth-Weingarten, Elisabeth Reber, Margret Selting, eds. (2010)  Prosody in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [Studies in Discourse and Grammar 23]
    xxi, 406 pp.
    Hardbound: 978 90 272 2633 4 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

    Prosody is constitutive for spoken interaction. In more than 25 years, its study has grown into a full-fledged and very productive field with a sound catalogue of research methods and principles. This volume presents the state of the art, illustrates current research trends and uncovers potential directions for future research. It will therefore be of major interest to everyone studying spoken interaction. The collection brings together an impressive range of internationally renowned scholars from different, yet closely related and compatible research traditions which have made a significant contribution to the field. They cover issues such as the units of language, the contextualization of actions and activities, conversational modalities and genres, the display of affect and emotion, the multimodality of interaction, language acquisition and aphasia. All contributions are based on empirical, audio- and/or video-recorded data of natural talk-in-interaction, including languages such as English, German and Japanese. The methodologies employed come from Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics.

    Table of contents

    'Prosody in interaction: State of the art', Margret Selting 3–40
    'Future prospects of research on prosody: The need for publicly available corpora: Comments on Margret Selting “Prosody in interaction: State of the art”', Arnulf Deppermann 41–48
    Part I. Prosody and other levels of linguistic organization in interaction
    'The phonetic constitution of a turn-holding practice: Rush-throughs in English talk-in-interaction', Gareth Walker 51–72
    'Rush-throughs as social action: Comments on Gareth Walker “The phonetic constitution of a turn-holding practice: Rush-throughs in English talk-in-interaction” ', Susanne Günthner 73–80
    'Prosodic constructions in making complaints', Richard Ogden 81–104
    'The relevance of context to the performing of a complaint: Comments on Richard Ogden “Prosodic constructions in making complaints”', Auli Hakulinen 105–108
    'Prosodic variation in responses: The case of type-conforming responses to yes/no interrogatives', Geoffrey Raymond 109–130
    'Retrieving, redoing and resuscitating turns in conversation', John Local, Peter Auer and Paul Drew 131–160
    'Doing confirmation with ja/nee hoor: Sequential and prosodic characteristics of a Dutch discourse particle ', Harrie Mazeland and Leendert Plug 161–188
    Part II. Prosodic units as a structuring device in interaction
    'Intonation phrases in natural conversation: A participants’ category?', Beatrice Szczepek Reed 191–212
    'Making units: Comments on Beatrice Szczepek Reed “Intonation phrases in natural conversation: A participants’ category?”', Jan Anward 213–216
    'Speaking dramatically: The prosody of live radio commentary of football matches', Friederike Kern 217–238
    'Commentating fictive and real sports: Comments on Friederike Kern “Speaking dramatically: The prosody of radio live commentary of football matches” ', Johannes Wagner 239–242
    'Tonal repetition and tonal contrast in English carer-child interaction', Bill Wells 243–262
    'Repetition and contrast across action sequences: Comments on Bill Wells “Tonal repetition and tonal contrast in English carer-child interaction”', Traci Walker 263–266
    Part III. Prosody and other semiotic resources in interaction
    'Communicating emotion in doctor-patient interaction: A multidimensional single-case analysis', Elisabeth Gülich and Katrin Lindemann 269–294
    'Double function of prosody: Processes of meaning-making in narrative reconstructions of epileptic seizures: Comments on Elisabeth Gülich and Katrin Lindemann “Communicating emotion in doctor-patient interaction. A multidimensional single-case analysis”', Elisabeth Reber 295–302
    'Multimodal expressivity of the Japanese response particle Huun: Displaying involvement without topical engagement', Hiroko Tanaka 303–332
    'Response tokens – A multimodal approach: Comments on Hiroko Tanaka “Multimodal expressivity of the Japanese response particle Huun”', Dagmar Barth-Weingarten 333–338
    'Multiple practices for constructing laughables', Cecilia E. Ford and Barbara A. Fox 339–368
    'Multimodal laughing: Comments on Cecilia Ford and Barbara Fox “Multiple practices for constructing laughables”', Karin Birkner 369–372
    'Constructing meaning through prosody in aphasia', Charles Goodwin 373–394
    'Further perspectives on cooperative semiosis: Comments on Charles Goodwin “Constructing meaning through prosody in aphasia”', Helga Kotthoff 395–400
    “This wonderful collection of papers contributes to the already longstanding tradition of studies on prosody in interactional linguistics. It pays a significant tribute to the outstanding work done by Elisabeth Couper-Kuhlen who has radically contributed to our understanding of the role of prosody in interaction.
    The volume not only shows the central role of prosody for the organization of interaction, but also demonstrates the interplay of prosody and other multimodal dimensions, going from syntax to gesture and embodied conducts. In this sense, the volume invites to integrate in a holistic way all of the resources participants mobilize in constructing the emergent order of social interaction.”
    Lorenza Mondada, University of Lyon
    “It is most fascinating how much has been found out about the previously elusive medium of prosody since a small group of scholars have begun to investigate it within the environment in which it has evolved and keeps evolving, social interaction. This book provides us with a thorough understanding of the systematic ways in which we use the musical parameters of speech — melody, voice, rhythm — to manage interactions and social relationships, beat by beat, turn by turn. We learn to appreciate the immense range of social and symbolic tasks accomplished by prosodic choices and formats, as well as the wealth of research that is still to be done.”
    Jürgen Streeck, The University of Texas at Austin
    “With contributions from some of our most prominent scholars, Prosody in Interaction honors one of the primary originators of this CA-inspired line of work by offering revealing accounts of the place of prosody in action. There can be no question that prosody plays an indispensable role in producing action in talk-in-interaction, and the contributions to this volume furnish solid empirical evidence of just what roles it plays across languages and circumstances. Accompanying commentaries to most of the contributions give added depth to the volume.”
    Gene H. Lerner, UC Santa Barbara

    Susan A. Speer, Elizabeth Stokoe, eds. (2011) Conversation and Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Paperback: ISBN: 9780521696036, £22.99
    Hardback:  ISBN: 9780521873826, £60.00

    Conversation analysts have begun to challenge long-cherished assumptions about the relationship between gender and language, asking new questions about the interactional study of gender and providing fresh insights into the ways it may be studied empirically. Drawing on a lively set of audio- and video-recorded materials of real-life interactions, including domestic telephone calls, children's play, mediation sessions, police-suspect interviews, psychiatric assessments and calls to telephone helplines, this volume is the first to showcase the latest thinking and cutting-edge research of an international group of scholars working on topics at the intersection of gender and conversation analysis. Theoretically, it pushes forward the boundaries of our understanding of the relationship between conversation and gender, charting new and exciting territory. Methodologically, it offers readers a clear, practical understanding of how to analyse gender using conversation analysis, by presenting detailed demonstrations of this method in use.


    • Presents the most incisive and sophisticated thinking in its field, pushing forward the boundaries of people's understanding of the relationship between conversation analysis and gender
    • Features detailed demonstrations of conversation analysis in use, such as telephone calls, children's play, mediation sessions, police-suspect interviews and psychiatric assessments
    • A detailed introduction provides readers with an overview of the history and context of the field of research on language, conversation and gender

    Table of Contents

    1. An introduction to conversation and gender, Susan A. Speer and Elizabeth Stokoe, 1-27

    Part I. Gender, Person Reference and Self-Categorization:
    2. The gendered 'I', Clare Jackson, 31-47
    3. Categories in talk-in-interaction: gendering speaker and recipient, Victoria Land and Celia Kitzinger, 48-63
    4. Doing gender categorization: non-recognitional person reference and the omnirelevance of gender, Noa Logan Klein, 64-82

    Part II. Gender, Repair and Recipient Design:
    5. 'Girl - woman - sorry!': on the repair and non-repair of consecutive gender categories, Elizabeth Stokoe, 85-111
    6. Gender, routinization and recipient design, Sue Wilkinson, 112-134
    7. Recipients designed: tag questions and gender, Alexa Hepburn and Jonathan Potter, 135-152

    Part III. Gender and Action Formation:
    8. On the role of reported, third party compliments in passing as a 'real' woman, Susan A. Speer, 155-182
    9. 'D'you understand that honey?': gender and participation in conversation, Jack Sidnell, 183-209
    10. Bids and responses to intimacy as 'gendered' enactments, Wayne A. Beach and Phillip Glenn, 210-228

    Part IV. Gender Identities and Membership Categorization Practices:
    11. Accomplishing a cross-gender identity: a case of passing in children's talk-in-interaction,  Carly W. Butler and Ann Weatherall, 231-249
    12. Engendering children's play: person reference in children's conflictual interaction, Marjorie Harness Goodwin, 250-271
    13. Being there for the children: the collaborative construction of gender inequality in divorce mediation, Angela Cora Garcia and Lisa M. Fisher, 272-293
    14. Gender as a practical concern in children's management of play participation, Jakob Cromdal, 294-309


    'Conversation and Gender is the perfect riposte to those who assume that Conversation Analysis cannot account for 'structural' realities. Written by a top flight collection of scholars, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in gender in interaction.'
    David Silverman, Goldsmiths College and King's College, University of London
    'Conversation and Gender shows us just how much more there is to know - and how interesting and compelling that 'more' is - about the myriad, fertile connections between two of social life's most fundamental social institutions. The book's rich diversity of topics and perspectives, incisive analyses, and clarity of expression make it a 'must have' for scholars and students across the broader fields it so expertly brings together.'
    Geoffrey Raymond, University of California, Santa Barbara

    Markku Haakana, Minna Laakso, Jan Lindström, eds. (2009) Talk in Interaction: Comparative Dimensions. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society (SKS).

    $54.87; € 32,00, Paperback. 317 p.  ISBN 978-952-222-134-6

    During the recent decades Conversation Analysis has developed into a distinctive method for analyzing talk in interaction. The method is utilized in several disciplines sharing an interest in social interaction, like anthropology, linguistics, social psychology, and sociology, and it has been applied to a great variety of languages and types of interaction. Conversation Analysis then is coming of age as a truly comparative enterprise.

    This volume presents and discusses comparative approaches to analyzing interactional practices and structures. The contributors to the volume have their background in sociology, linguistics, and logopedics. They offer comparative analyses of activity types, participant roles and identities, displays of emotion, and design of actions such as questions and corrections. The languages covered by the chapters include English, Finnish, German, and Swedish.

    Talk in interaction – Comparative dimensions is a collection of current conversation analytical work on interactional practices. How do speakers correct the errors made by other speakers? How is disappointment expressed in interaction? How are disputes constructed in different kinds of interaction? Do girls and boys construct play interaction in the same way? These are among the topics addressed in the volume.

    The central theme of the volume is comparative analysis of interactional practices. The authors analyse the specific phenomena through different kinds of comparative perspectives. Some of the studies analyse the different ways of construction a certain conversational action, some compare the realization of certain activities in different kinds of interactions (e.g. everyday vs. institutional interaction), and some explore the culture- and language-specific aspects of interaction. In addition, the articles address the issues of gender and the change in interactional practices over the time. Furthermore, the volume explores the possibilities and challenges of comparative analysis within conversation analysis in general.

    The volume is of interest to all those interested in the research of language and social interaction. Because of its methodological nature, the book can also be utilized in teaching and in learning the discovery procedures typical of Conversation Analysis. The volume can be purchased through or the publisher’s internet store:


    Jean Widmer (2010) Discours et Cognition sociale: Une approche sociologique. Editions des archives contemporaines.
    ISBN : 9782813000071
    Prix public : 29,00 €


     Ce recueil retrace le cheminement intellectuel de Jean Widmer à travers les principaux articles qu’il a publiés entre 1983 et 2006. Il se conclut par un texte intitulé «La sociologie en tant que science rigoureuse». Ce titre n’exprime pas seulement une conviction ; il résume aussi l’ambition qui a animé l’œuvre d’une vie. Pratiquer la sociologie en tant que science rigoureuse, J. Widmer s’y est appliqué en utilisant divers moyens, qui vont de la logique à l’étude des conversations et des catégorisations, en passant par l’analyse de discours.

    J. Widmer a été un des rares sociologues à situer le langage au cœur même de la vie sociale. Il y voyait en particulier la source de l’organisation du savoir de sens commun. Combinant les outils de l’ethnométhodologie et ceux de l’analyse énonciative, il a proposé une approche originale, qui envisage l’analyse de discours comme un aspect d’une « sociologie praxéologique ». Une telle approche respécifie des notions sociologiques classiques, telles celle de « structure sociale » ou celle de « pouvoir symbolique ». Appliquée aux médias, elle rend compte des formes d’espace public à l’institution desquelles ils contribuent.

    Dans son élucidation de l’articulation du langage et de l’action sociale, J. Widmer a été conduit à accorder une grande attention au caractère historique des faits sociaux, et donc à la problématique anthropologique de la production, ou de l’institution imaginaire, de la société. C’est en référence à ces questions qu’il a analysé le rôle du « facteur langue » dans l’expérience publique, et qu’il a montré comment les discours sociaux participent à la constitution des collectifs politiques.

    Présentation de l’auteur

    Jean Widmer (1946-2007) a enseigné, pendant plus de vingt ans, la sociologie de la communication sociale et des médias à l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse). Il a été le premier à faire connaître les recherches ethnométhodologiques dans le monde francophone. Il a publié Langage et action sociale (1986) ; Langues nationales et identités collectives. L’exemple de la Suisse (2004).

    Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh, Virginia Teas Gill,eds. (2010) Communication in healthcare settings: Policy, participation and new technologies. Wiley-Blackwell

    ISBN: 978-1-4051-9827-1, Paperback 160 pages £19.99 / €23.00

    Note: Earlier published as a special issue of Sociology of Health & Illness, 31/6: 787 - 940, September 2009

    This book presents an international snapshot of communication in healthcare settings and examines how policies, procedures and technological developments influence day to day practice.


    1. Beyond 'doctor and patient': developments in the study of healthcare interactions (Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh and Virginia Teas Gill).
    2. Dialling for donations: practices and actions in the telephone solicitation of human tissues (T. Elizabeth Weathersbee and Douglas W. Maynard).
    3. Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health Line (Carly W. Butler, Susan Danby, Michael Emmison and Karen Thorpe).
    4. Practitioners’ accounts for treatment actions and recommendations in physiotherapy: when do they occur, how are they structured, what do they do? (Ruth Parry).
    5. 'I've put weight on cos I've bin inactive, cos I've 'ad me knee done': moral work in the obesity clinic (Helena Webb).
    6. Progressivity and participation: children’s management of parental assistance in paediatric chronic pain encounters (Ignasi Clemente).
    7. Embedding instruction in practice: contingency and collaboration during surgical training (Marcus Sanchez Svensson, Christian Heath and Paul Luff).
    8. Creating history: documents and patient participation in nurse-patient interviews (Aled Jones).
    9. Listening to what is said – transcribing what is heard: the impact of speech recognition technology (SRT) on the practice of medical transcription (MT) (Gary C. David, Angela Cora Garcia, Anne Warfi eld Rawls and Donald Chand).

    John Heritage, Steven Clayman (2010) Talk in Action: Interactions, Identities, and Institutions. Wiley-Blackwell

    Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4051-8550-9 £55.00 / €63.30
    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4051-8549-3 £22.99 / €26.50

    Talk in Action examines the language, identity, and interaction of social institutions, introducing students to the research methodology of Conversation Analysis.


    Part 1: Conversation Analysis and Social Institutions
    1. CA: Some Theoretical Background
    2. Talking Institutions into Being
    3. Five Dimensions of Institutional Talk
    Part 2: Calls For Emergency Service
    4. Emergency Calls as Institutional Talk
    5. Emergency Calls: Gate-keeping and Entitlement to Service
    6. Emergency Calls under Stress
    Part 3: Doctor-Patient Interaction
    7. Patients' Presentations of Medical Issues: The Doctor's Problem
    8. Patients' Presentations of Medical Issues: The Patient's Problem
    9. History Taking in Medicine: Questions and Answers
    10. Diagnosis and Treatment: Medical Authority and Its Limits
    Part 4: Trials, Juries and Dispute Resolution
    11. Trial Examinations
    12. Jury Deliberations
    13. Informal Modes of Dispute Resolution
    Part 5: News and Political Communication
    14. News: Turn-taking and Its Consequences
    15. News: Question Design in the News Interview and Beyond
    16. News: Replies and Responses
    17. Interaction en masse: Audiences and Speeches
    Appendix: Transcription Conventions

    Jack Sidnell (2010) Conversation Analysis: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4051-5901-2 £19.99 / €23.00
    Hardcover: ISBN: 978-1-4051-5900-5 £50.00 / €57.50

    Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field.

    Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) – a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction
    Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research
    Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior
    Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context
    Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field

    1. Talk and Social Life.
    2. Methods in Conversation Analysis.
    3. Taking Turns.
    4. Action and Understanding.
    5. Preference.
    6. Sequence.
    7. Repair.
    8. Turn construction and design.
    9. Stories.
    10. Openings and Closings.
    11. Topic.
    12. Context.
    13. Conclusion.

    Jean Wong, Hansun Zhang Waring (2010). Conversation analysis and second language pedagogy: A guide for ESL/EFL teachers. New York. Routledge.
    Price: £25.99 £23.39; ISBN: 978-0-415-80637-4 [ ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series]

    Conversation and speaking skills are the key building blocks for much of language learning. This text increases teachers’ awareness about spoken language and suggests ways of applying that knowledge to teaching second-language interaction skills based on insights from Conversation Analysis (CA).

    Conversation Analysis and Second Language Pedagogy:

    The time is ripe for a book that blends conversation analysis and applied linguistics. This text takes that important step, extending the reaches of these once separate academic fields. Assuming neither background knowledge of conversation analysis nor its connection to second language teaching, it is designed for courses in TESOL and applied linguistics and as a resource for experienced teachers, material developers, and language assessment specialists seeking to update their knowledge and hone their craft.

    Table of Contents

    Transcription Key
    1. Interactional Practices and the Teaching of Speaking
    2. Turn-Taking Practices and Language Teaching
    3. Sequencing Practices and Language Teaching: Basic Sequences
    4. Sequencing Practices and Language Teaching: Topic Management and Story-Telling
    5. Overall Structuring Practices and Language Teaching: Conversation Openings
    6. Overall Structuring Practices and Language Teaching: Conversation Closings
    7. Repair Practices and Language Teaching
    8. Conversation Analysis and Instructional Practices

    About the Authors

    Jean Wong is Associate Professor, The College of New Jersey, Department of Special Education, Language, and Literacy.
    Hansun Zhang Waring is Lecturer in Linguistics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

    Anna Filipi (2009) Toddler and parent interaction: The organisation of gaze, pointing and vocalisation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
    Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 192
    xiii, 268 pp. Hardbound – 978 90 272 5436 8 / EUR 95.00 / USD 143.00

    This book provides a microanalysis of the interactions between four children and their parents starting when the children were aged 9 to 13 months and ending when they were 18 months old. It tracks development as an issue for and of interaction. In so doing, it uncovers the details of the organisation of the sequence structure of the interactions, and exposes the workings of language and social development as they unfold in everyday activities. The study begins with a description of pre-verbal children’s sequences of action and then tracks those sequences as linguistic ability increases. The analysis reveals a developing richness and complexity of the sequence structure and exposes a gap in Child Language studies that focus on the children’s and their carers' actions in isolation from their sequential environment. By focusing on the initiating actions of both child and parent, and the response to those actions, and by capturing the details of how both verbal and nonverbal actions are organised in the larger sequences of talk, a more complete picture emerges of how adept the young child is at co-creating meaning in highly organised ways well before words start to surface. The study also uncovers pursuit of a response, and orientation to insufficiency and adequacy of response, as defining characteristics of these early interactions.

    Table of contents

    Acknowledgements ,ix–x
    Introduction ,xi–xiii
    Chapter 1. Pragmatic development ,1–32
    Chapter 2. Conversation analysis ,33–64
    Chapter 3. The organisation of talk in early interaction ,65–106
    Chapter 4. Initiating talk through pointing in early interactions ,107–148
    Chapter 5. Beyond joint attention: The organisation of pointing sequences ,149–192
    Chapter 6. The interactional work of gesture combinations, non-vocal pointing and withholding ,193–226
    Chapter 7. Conclusion ,227–240
    References ,241–264
    Appendix: Transcription notations ,265–266
    Index ,267–268

    Christian Heath, Jon Hindmarsh, Paul Luff (2010) Video in Qualitative Research. London: Sage

    184 pages, back ISBN: 9781412929431 £22.99; Hardcover ISBN: 9781412929424 £65.00

    Video provides unprecedented opportunities for social science research, enabling fine-grained analysis of social organisation, culture and communication. Video in Qualitative Research provides practical guidance for students and academics on how to use video in qualitative research, how to address the problems and issues that arise in undertaking video-based field studies and how to subject video recordings to detailed scrutiny and analysis.

    Heath, Hindmarsh and Luff consider the ethical and practical issues that arise in recording and gathering data as well as how video enables new and distinctive ways of presenting insights, observations and findings to both academic and practitioner audiences. The book is illustrated throughout with a wide range of case material drawn from the authors own research projects, and these cases serve to situate the practical and methodological guidance offered by the book into real research scenarios.

    Video in Qualitative Research is an invaluable guide for students and researchers across the social sciences thinking of using video as part of their research.

    Table of Contents

    Nick Llewellyn, Jon Hindmarsh, eds. (2010 ) Organisation, Interaction and Practice: Studies of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Hardback: ISBN-13: 9780521881364 282 pages  £55.00

    Ethnomethodology has an elusive relationship with organisation studies. The ethnomethodological work of Harold Garfinkel, and the allied conversation analytic work of Harvey Sacks, is often cited and yet empirical contributions informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis remain rare. Organisation studies clearly has a lot to say about work but this is normally related to some broader set of social, economic and political issues. Rarely, if ever, does this research involve an analysis of the mundane and practical details of what actual work consists of. This book acts as an evidence-based corrective by showing how research based on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis can contribute to key issues and debates in organisation studies. Drawing on audio/video recordings from a diverse range of work settings, a team of leading scholars present a series of empirical studies that illustrate the importance of paying attention to the real-time achievement of organisational processes and practices.

    • First study to explore the value of ethnomethodology/conversation analysis for organisation studies
    • Establishes a methodology for the analysis of video and audio recordings
    • Empirical studies drawn from a range of organisational settings from the leading scholars in the field


    ‘This volume demonstrates the thousands of 'small ways' and 'artful practices' through which people recognise and reproduce the organisational location of their actions. It offers a rich panorama of ethnomethodologically informed studies of ordinary work and in so doing it brings something distinctive to the table of organisation studies.’
    Silvia Gherardi, Professor of Sociology of Work and Organisation, University of Trento
    ‘This book is essential reading for researchers and students of organisations, management and business. It reveals the amazing insights generated by researchers applying ethnomethodology, CA, DA and workplace studies to audio and video data from real-time organisational settings. Nick Llewellyn and Jon Hindmarsh deserve congratulations for assembling the very best set of authors to deal with this field. This trailblazing, lucid book will set the standard for years to come.’
    David Silverman, Emeritus Professor, Sociology Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London
    ‘I cannot overstress how much a gap this book fills, nor how well crafted its papers are. Nick Llewellyn and Jon Hindmarsh are to be congratulated for putting together such a delightful, focused and sophisticated collection of papers. We badly need work on the micro-foundations of organisational behaviour, and this splendid book, with its strong ethnomethodological focus, shows how we could study organisations as interactive accomplishments. Supporters of process- and practice-based perspectives, take notice!’
    Haridimos Tsoukas, George D. Mavros Research Professor of Organisation and Management, Athens Laboratory of Business Administration (ALBA), and Professor of Organisation Studies, Warwick Business School


    Part I Orientations, 1
    1 Work and organisation in real time: an introduction, Nick Llewellyn and Jon Hindmarsh, 3-23
    2 Finding organisation in detail: methodological orientations, Jon Hindmarsh and Nick Llewellyn, 24-46

    Part II Studies
    3 A kind of governance: rules, time and psychology in organisations, Jonathan Potter and Alexa Hepburn, 49-73
    4 On the reflexivity between setting and practice: the ‘recruitment interview’, Nick Llewellyn, 74-95
    5 The situated production of stories, David Greatbatch and Timothy Clark, 96-118
    6 Orders of bidding: organising participation in auctions of fine art and antiques’, Christian Heath and Paul Luff, 119-39
    7 Some major organisational consequences of some ‘minor’, organised conduct: evidence from a video analysis of pre-verbal service encounters in a showroom retail store’ Colin Clark and Trevor Pinch, 140-71
    8 The work of the work order: document practice in face-to-face service encounters
    Robert J. Moore, Jack Whalen and E. Cabell Hankinson Gathman, 172-97
    9 The interactional accomplishment of a strategic plan, Dalvir Samra-Fredericks, 198-217
    10 Peripherality, participation and communities of practice: examining the patient in dental training, Jon Hindmarsh, 218-40

    Hilary Gardner, Michael Forrester, eds. (2010) Analysing Interactions in Childhood: insights from conversation analysis. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell

    ISBN: 978-0-470-76034-5, Paperback, 288 pages £34.99 / €40.30


    The aim of this publication is to bring together contributors who are leading researchers in the rapidly developing field of conversation analysis (CA), with a unique focus on aspects of childhood interactions. The first section is concerned with typically developing children, ie those not labelled as having any form of developmental disability, who are engaged in everyday talk with their primary caregivers within the home. It starts with the inclusion of a hitherto unpublished piece of work that must be viewed as a substantial piece of early childhood CA, a tribute to the late Dr Clare Tarplee, who died suddenly in 1999 just as she was establishing her postdoctoral research career.  It addresses the inherent difficulties of using global categories to describe mechanisms of language development in mother-child talk such as ‘feedback’, imported from the field of learnability and the theoretical modelling of mental processes. The work of Corrin, looking at children of a similar stage of linguistic development to Tarplee, also displays clearly how CA can inform important questions in child language research through microanalysis. Seemingly insignificant and overlooked types of repair are identified as key opportunities to learn about the crucial placement of talk. development.  .  In Laakso’s Finnish data the issue of cross-cultural relevance is raised.  It would appear that Finnish parents may have a propensity to other correct very young children, rather than other-initiate a repair by the child, as has been found in similar data from the UK.  Repair is revealed as a dynamic system as the child progresses linguistically and in age.  Tony Wootton’s work on a young child’s use of ‘actually’ is a very subtle analysis of what might be considered to be a relatively rare and somewhat dispensable word in a child’s vocabulary.  The child’s use of ‘actually’, when looked at very carefully, suggests a line of developmental enquiry well beyond the use of the particular word. Forrester overtly addresses theoretical issues in ethno-methodologically informed CA and its relationship to child developmental research. This major debate is exemplified by the example of a child’s display of orientation to their own ‘half –membership’ in society through their interactions with an adult family member.  Questions about the implicit or explicit benchmarks of cultural competence are raised.  The theme of membership is revisited in several later chapters in the book.
    Section Two centres on Childhood Interactions in a Wider Social World. One contrast is the relaxed and embedded nature of learning at home as compared to the more direct didacticism of the school setting in Chris Pike’s work, involving a child and teacher engaged in a mathematical problem. In repair the adult dispreference for ‘other-repair/correction is extant, yet it is shown through the analysis that this dispreference can be self-defeating.  How far children are involved in, or have control of, discussion of their own lives and needs is illustrated by both Cahill’s analysis of triadic GP consultations regarding a child’s health and Hutchby’s work on counselling data.  Hutchby engages with child counselling data and contributes to a theme taken up by both Forrester in mundane talk and Sidnell (see below), that of the significance of ‘half-membership’ rights and how children produce talk such that it displays an orientation to conventions of adult-child membership categories.
    Jack Sidnell’s  chapter stands out from the other papers in this section in that it concerns children talking together with no adult involved. He shows that children of different ages may have different interactional concerns and, raises questions regarding stages of development as explanatory.

    The final section of the book comprises a set of chapters looking at interaction with children who are regarded as being ‘atypical’ in that they face challenges to the enactment of what are considered typical communicative processes.  The children are variously those with cerebral palsy, autistic spectrum disorder, the deaf and those with specific speech and language difficulties. It cannot be presumed that a developmental ‘lag’ in communication is present and the authors explore issues of different and adaptive practices, rather than those concerning delay. There is here evidence that interactional participants may not orient to disability or difference at all, at least in the terms set out in wider society. The same issues such as that of intersubjectivity and membership in their societal context are seen to be oriented to. Certainly a deficit model is routinely eschewed in favour of revealing interactional competencies hitherto overlooked. The first chapter in this section (Clarke and Wilkinson), is a good example of the contention of difference rather than disability, where the children are using electronic communication aids due to cerebral palsy.  Radford and Mahon examine gaze and gesture in classroom interactions between teachers and children with language learning needs (deaf children and children with specific language difficulties). Their detailed analysis raises questions about the exact nature of a ‘turn’ in adult-child interactions (particularly in this context) and introduces the notion of a ‘shared’ turn. The deliberate exploitation of multimodal resources by professionals in didactic contexts is revisited in the two remaining chapters by Tykylainnen, looking at speech and language therapy and Stribling et al. looking at complex teaching interactions. Stribling et al look at social practices inherent in establishing intersubjectivity and scaffolding of (learning) with a child who severe disabilities in a classroom context. The chapter highlights the organisational subtlety and crucial timing of recipient sensitive management in learning support.

    To a great extent the children can be viewed simply as people interacting, in search of the same or similar outcomes to adults  It is hoped this volume will further appreciation of fine detailed analysis as a mechanism for understanding the nature of human communication and its development.


    Section one: Interactions between Typically Developing Children and their main carers.
    Chapter 1: Next turn and intersubjectivity in children’s language acquisition (Clare Tarplee): 3-22
    Chapter 2: Hm? What? Maternal repair and early child talk (Juliette Corrin) 23-41
    Chapter 3: Ethnomethodology and adult-child conversation: Whose development (Michael A. Forrester): 42-58
    Chapter 4: ‘Actually’ and the sequential skills of a two year old (A J Wootton): 59-73
    Chapter 5: Children’s emerging and developing self-repair practices (Minna Laakso): 74-100
    Section Two: Childhood Interactions in a Wider Social World.
    Chapter 6: Questioning repeats in the talk of four-year old children (Jack Sidnell): 103-127
    Chapter 7: Children’s Participation in their Primary Care Consultations (Patricia Cahill):  128-145
    Chapter 8: Feelings-talk and therapeutic vision in child-counsellor interaction (Ian Hutchby): 146-162
    Chapter 9: Intersubjectivity and Misunderstanding in Adult-Child Learning Conversation (Chris Pike): 163-182
    Section three: Interactions with children who are atypical.
    Chapter 10: Interactional Analysis of scaffolding in a mathematical task in ASD (Penny Stribling and John Rae): 185-208
    Chapter 11: Multimodal participation in storybook sharing (Julie Radford and Merle Mahon): 209-226
    Chapter 12: Child initiated repair in task interactions (Tuula Tykkyläinen):  227-248
    Chapter 13: Communication aid use in children's conversation: Time, timing and speaker transfer (Michael Clarke and Ray Wilkinson): 249-266

    Jack Sidnell, ed. (2009)  Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    Series: Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics (No. 27)

    Hardback (ISBN-13: 9780521883719) Also available in eBook format

    £65.00, $115.00

    ‘Conversation analysis’ is an approach to the study of social interaction that focuses on practices of speaking that recur across a range of contexts and settings. The early studies in this tradition were based on the analysis of English conversation. More recently, however, conversation analysts have begun to study talk in a broader range of communities around the world. Through detailed analyses of recorded conversations, this book examines differences and similarities across a wide range of languages including Finnish, Japanese, Tzeltal Mayan, Russian, and Mandarin. Bringing together interrelated methodological and analytic contributions, it explores topics such as the role of gaze in question-and-answer sequences, the organization of repair, and the design of responses to assessments. The emerging comparative perspective demonstrates how the structure of talk is inflected by the local circumstances within which it operates.
    • Features contributions from world renowned scholars in the field
    • Explores differences and similarities across a wide range of languages including Finnish, Japanese, Tzeltal Mayan, Russian and Mandarin
    • Based on detailed analysis of recorded conversations


    ‘Hooray! This is what we’ve been waiting for – a genuinely cross-linguistic perspective on the ways in which semiotic resources, including language and the body, are mobilized for the resolution of recurrent tasks in interaction.’
    Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, University of Potsdam
    ‘Not only does this remarkable book represent a major collection of cross-linguistic work in Conversation Analysis, but the contributions, all by world-renowned scholars, covering ten languages, together form a stunning and important picture of the ways in which the resources of any particular language afford possibilities for social action accomplished through talk.’
    Sandra Thompson, University of California, Santa Barbara


    Part I Introduction
    1 Comparative perspectives in conversation analysis, Jack Sidnell 3

    Part II Repair and beyond

    2 Repetition in the initiation of repair, Ruey-Jiuan Regina Wu 31
    3 A cross-linguistic investigation of the site of initiation in same-turn self-repair, Barbara Fox, Fay Wouk, Makoto Hayashi, Steven Fincke, Liang Tao, Marja-Leena Sorjonen, Minna Laakso, and Wilfrido Flores Hernandez 60
    4 Repairing reference, Maria Egbert, Andrea Golato, and Jeffrey D. Robinson 104

    Part III Aspects of response

    5 Projecting nonalignment in conversation, Anna Lindström 135
    6 Two answers to inapposite inquiries, Trine Heinemann 159
    7 Gaze, questioning, and culture, Federico Rossano, Penelope Brown, and Stephen C. Levinson 187
    8 Negotiating boundaries in talk, Makoto Hayashi and Kyung-eun Yoon, 250

    Part IV Action formation and sequencing

    9 Alternative responses to assessments, Marja-Leena Sorjonen and Auli Hakulinen, 281
    10 Language-specific resources in repair and assessments, Jack Sidnell 304
    11 Implementing delayed actions, Galina B. Bolden 326

    Part V Conclusion

    12 One perspective on Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives,  Emanuel A. Schegloff 357

    Bibliography 407
    Index 436

    Richard Fitzgerald,William Housley, eds. (2009) Media, Policy and Interaction Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate

    ISBN: 978-0-7546-7414-6 Price : £55.00 » Online: £49.50

    Situated within the field of discourse-oriented approaches to policy and media, this collection explores the interface between government, media and the public, highlighting the increasing importance placed on media channelled 'public opinion' as part of a democratic process.

    The authors use a variety of discourse analytic methods including CA/MCA, Discourse Analysis and Interactionism, to provide discussions around the social organization of policy debate in media sites including news interviews, public access broadcasts, broadcast debates, panel discussions, mediated government initiatives, newspapers and news broadcasts. The book's geographical coverage spans the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia.

    This volume offers a major contribution to discourse analysis and its emphasis on policy substance will appeal to a broad audience in social and public policy, political communication, journalism and politics.


    Media, policy and interaction: introduction, Richard Fitzgerald and William Housley; 1-12
    Membership category work in policy debate, William Housley and Richard Fitzgerald; 13-26
    Configuring a television debate: categorisation, questions and answers, Alain Bovet; 27-48
    Asserting interpretive frames of political events: panel discussions on television news, Emo Gotsbachner; 49-72
    Staging public discussion: mobilizing political community in closing discussion programmes, Hanna Rautajoki; 73-94
    Doing 'public policy' in the political news interview, Johanna Rendle-Short; 95-114
    Press scrums: some preliminary observations, Patrick Watson and Christian Greiffenhagen; 115- 36
    Styling for hegemony: the West as an enemy (and the ideal) in Belarusian television news, Marián Sloboda; 137-60
    Scandal and dialogical network: what does morality do to politics. About the Islamic headscarf within the Egyptian parliament, Baudouin Dupret, Enrique Klaus and Jean-Noël Ferrié; 161-84
    Moving teachers: public texts and institutional power, Susan Bridges and Brendan Bartlett; 185-204
    Newspapers on education policy: constructing an authoritative public voice on education, Sue Thomas; 205-24

    About the Editors:

    Richard Fitzgerald is Senior Lecturer in the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. William Housley is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Cardiff, UK, author of Interaction in Multidisciplinary Teams (2002) and the co-author (with Paul Atkinson) of Interactionism (2003).


    'Investigation of the role of media in public life through analysis of talk is now well established. Media, Policy and Interaction is a valuable volume that elucidates some aspects of that role in a range of societies using methods inspired by ethnomethodology. It brings together eleven original contributions. Especially enjoyable were those from lively younger researchers.'
    Ivan Leudar, Manchester University, UK
    'This book, comprised of contributions from a multi-disciplinary team of authors around a common theme of public policy and the news providers through which it is mediated, is a useful addition to the literature and contains much that will recommend it to students of journalism theory, among other fields.'
    Peter Anderson, University of Central Lancashire, UK
    'This is an important contribution to the growing field of research on language practices in mediated politics. Rich in examples and powerful and detailed analyses, the book provides new insights into how politics is communicated in various media contexts. Focusing on framing, social categorisations, talk and interaction the authors explore the relations between practices on micro level and wider political discourses.'
    Mats Ekström, Örebro University, Sweden

    Rod Watson (2009) Anaysing Practical and Professional Texts: A Naturalistic Approach. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate

    Price : £50.00 » Online: £45.00

    Analysing Practical and Professional Texts focuses on texts as constituents of human usage, showing how written documents and other 'texts' are integral to social organization. It reveals social organization itself to be not only textually-mediated in nature, but also textually-constituted, showing how texts – professional, technical or otherwise – as well as various social-scientific methodologies employ the resources of ordinary language.

    Theoretically sophisticated and illustrated with empirical examples, this book will be of interest not only to those with interests in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, but also to social scientists and anthropologists concerned with text analysis, textual sense and the 'linguistic turn' in the methods of their own disciplines.


    Introduction; 1-6
    The ethnomethodological analysis of texts and reading; 7-35
    'Going for brothers' in Black American speech: making textual sense of analytic observations of Black ghetto culture in the USA; 37-55
    The textual representation of Nacirema culture; 57-100
    The textual incarnation of sociological analysis: the case of Erving Goffman's writings; 101-20

    About the Author:

    Rod Watson is Research Associate at the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Linguistique et Sociolinguistique at the Institut Marcel Mauss, Paris, France
    Reviews: 'Rod Watson uses the tools of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to show us aspects of texts, both the mundane texts of ordinary life and the sociological texts of authors like Erving Goffman, that we had not suspected were there. It’s a brilliant analysis of the language games and rhetorical tropes that suffuse sociology’s theoretical discourse. Anyone who wants to understand sociologists’ work will profit from Watson’s penetrating insights.'
    Howard S. Becker
    'Rod Watson cogently and masterfully draws the reader in as a co-participant in his textural analysis. Of particular importance is his discussion of the value and power of the documentary method as an analytical tool. Watson meticulously builds his case throughout the volume, culminating in his incisive and insightful textual examination of the work of Erving Goffman.'
    Thomas S. Weinberg, Buffalo State College, USA

    Eda Üstünel (2009) The Sequential Organisation of Code-switching in EFL Classrooms: Teacher-initiated and Teacher-induced Code-switching in a Turkish University EFL Setting. Saarbrücken, Germany VDM Verlag

    268pp, ISBN-13: 978-3-639-21401-7, ISBN-10: 3639214013 Price: 79 Euro

    Book Description

    The book is addressed to all those involved in foreign language learning and teaching. It takes the sequential organisation of code-switching at the tertiary level EFL classrooms as its subject matter. The book reviews recent findings and current theoretical positions, presents new data and interpretations, and sketches the organisation of EFL classroom talk. The value of Üstünel's book is that she synthesizes research from SLA, applied linguistics, and conversation analysis and helps us to see connections among language pedagogy, EFL classroom talk, and the structures of social action.

    About the Author

    Eda Üstünel has a BA on English Language Teacher Education from Dokuz Eylül University,Turkey (2000); an MA on Language Studies from Lancaster University,UK (2001); and a PhD on Educational Studies from Newcastle University,UK (2004). She has taught at Cyprus International University, Northern Cyprus, for one academic year (September 2008-June 2009). She is currently teaching at the Department of English Language Teacher Training,Mugla University, Turkey.

    Sumnmary Table of Contents

    Chapter I Introduction
    1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Study
    1.2 Research Context
    1.3 Methodology of the Study
    1.4 Organisation of the Study

    Chapter II Literature Review
    2.1 Chapter Overview
    2.2 Conversation Analysis
    2.3 Code-Switching
    2.4 Theoretical Background of Socio-cultural Theory
    2.5 Literature on the First Language Use in Second Language Classrooms
    2.6 Summary of the Chapter

    Chapter III Methodology
    3.1 Purpose of the Study and the Research Question
    3.2 Research Issues
    3.3 Research Methodology
    3.4 Data Collection Methods
    3.5 Data Analysis
    3.6 Validity
    3.7 Reliability
    3.8 Reflexivity
    3.9 Limitations of the Study

    Chapter IV Data Analysis
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Dealing with Procedural Trouble
    4.3 Dealing with Classroom Discipline
    4.4 Expressing the Social Identity
    4.5 Giving Turkish Equivalent
    4.6 Translating into Turkish
    4.7 Deal with a Lack of Response in English
    4.8 Providing a Prompt for English Use
    4.9 Eliciting Turkish or English Translation
    4.10 Giving Feedback
    4.11 Checking Comprehension in English
    4.12 Providing Metalanguage Information
    4.13 Giving Encouragement to Participate
    4.14 Summary of the Chapter

    Chapter V: Conclusion
    5.1 Purpose of the Study
    5.2 Answer to the Research Question
    5.3 Findings of the Study
    5.4 Positioning the Findings in the Literature
    5.5 Implications of Code-Switching in English-as-a-Foreign-Language Classrooms for Practice and Research

    Appendix I: Transcription Conventions
    Appendix II: Classroom Transcriptions
    Appendix III: British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Ethics List

    Götz Schwab (2009) Gesprächsanalyse und Fremdsprachenunterricht. Landau: Landauer Schriften zur Kommunikations- und Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 16, ISBN 978-3-941320-16-1, 436 S., E 34,90


    Das fremdsprachliche Klassenzimmer ist ein Ort, an dem institutionelle Gespräche stattfinden. Die Gesprächsforschung hat sich schon seit Längerem der Aufgabe gestellt, solche Interaktionen genauer zu untersuchen. Was sich allerdings im angelsächsischen Raum unter der Überschrift Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition etabliert hat, konnte bisher im deutschsprachigen Raum nur sehr eingeschränkt Fuß fassen. Hier schließt die Arbeit eine Lücke, indem sie einem Paradigma folgt, welches die unterrichtliche Interaktion als konstitutives Element sprachlichen Lernens und Handelns erachtet und mikroanalytisch untersucht.

    Neben einer konsequent konversationsanalytischen Herangehens -weise fokussiert die Arbeit aber auch auf die besondere Klientel vermeintlich schwächerer Schülerinnen und Schüler, wie sie insbeson -dere in Hauptschulen zu finden sind. Dabei werden weniger deren Defizite als ihre Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen herausgearbeitet, die sich vor allem in dem manifestieren, was der Autor als Schülerinitiative bezeichnet und in den analytischen Mittelpunkt stellt.


    Vorwort / Einleitung

    I. Zum theoretischen Hintergrund

    1. Fremdsprachenunterricht an Hauptschulen
    1.1. ,Englisch für alle' und die Entwicklung einer hauptschulspezifischen Fremdsprachendidaktik
    1.2. Eine hauptschulgemäße Fremdsprachendidaktik
    1.3. Die Ausdifferenzierung des Methodenkanons
    1.4. Ausgewählte Forschungsarbeiten
    1.5. Mündlichkeit als Basis des Fremdsprachenunterrichts mit lernschwachen Schülern

    2. Interaktion und Partizipation im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    2.1. Interaktion
    2.2. Partizipation
    2.3. Zur Bedeutung der Interaktion für den schulischen Spracherwerb
    2.4. Interaktion und Partizipation - eine soziokulturelle Perspektive

    3. Konversationsanalyse und Unterrichtsforschung
    3.1. Die Konversationsanalyse - eine Begriffsbestimmung
    3.2. Zur Genese einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin
    3.3. Grundsätzliche Prinzipien der Konversationsanalyse
    3.4. Gesprächsforschung und Zweitspracherwerb

    II. Konzeption der Untersuchung
    4. Aufbau und Durchführung
    4.1. Fragestellung und Zielsetzung
    4.2. Auswahl und Beschreibung der Forschungssubjekte
    4.3. Durchführung der Untersuchung

    5. Beteiligungsstrukturen im lehrerzentrierten Unterrichtsdiskurs
    5.1. Die Verteilung des Rederechts
    5.2. Gesprächsinitiative als wichtiges Merkmal schulischer Diskurse

    III. Schülerbeteiligung im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    6. Gesprächsinitiativen durch die Lehrperson
    6.1. Der pädagogische Austausch als Hauptmerkmal der Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion
    6.2. Nachbarschaftspaare in lehrerinitiierten Sequenzen
    6.3. Die Rahmung (framing) - Sequenzielle Markierungen durch die Lehrkraft
    6.4. Zusammenfassung: Die Lehrerinitiative

    7. Gesprächsinitiativen von Schülerseite
    7.1. Thematische Einordnung
    7.2. Die Schülerinitiative in der Literatur
    7.3. Zur Kategorisierung von Schülerinitiativen in lehrerzentrierten Diskursen
    7.4. Sequenzielle Positionierung
    7.5. Semantische Positionierung
    7.6. Relationale Positionierung
    7.7. Räumlich-interaktionale Positionierung
    7.8. Die Schülerinitiative - eine Gesamtschau

    8. Ausgewählte Sequenztypen innerhalb der lehrerzentrierten Unterrichtskommunikation
    8.1. Schülerinitiative in eingebetteten Sequenzen
    8.2. Negotiation of meaning
    8.3. Zusammenfassung: Sequenzmuster im lehrerzentrierten Unterrichtsdiskurs

    9. Reparatursequenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    9.1. Begriffsklärung
    9.2. Fehler, Feedback und Fehlerkorrektur im Kontext fremdsprachendidaktischer Überlegungen und Erkenntnisse
    9.3. Reparatur aus Sicht der Gesprächsforschung
    9.4. Zu Feedback, Fehlern und Reparaturen im Korpus der Untersuchung
    9.5. Zusammenfassung: Reparatursequenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht

    IV. Zusammenschau
    10. Untersuchungsergebnisse und Ausblick
    10.1. Zielsetzung der Untersuchung
    10.2. Diskussion der Ergebnisse
    10.3. Offene Fragen und weitere Forschungsdesiderate
    10.4. Zur Zukunft des Fremdsprachenunterrichts mit (lern)schwachen Schülern

    Literaturverzeichnis / Anhang

    The author:

    Der Verfasser studierte die Fächer Englisch, Geschichte und ev. Theologie / Religionspädagogik für das Lehramt an Grund- und Hauptschulen. Nach 5-jähriger Lehrtätigkeit an einer Hauptschule wechselte er an die Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, um im Fach Englisch zu promovieren. Er ist heute Leiter der Geschäftsstelle des Forschungsverbunds Hauptschule der Pädagogischen Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg und zudem im Fach Englisch der PH tätig.


    Sigurd D’hondt, Jan-Ola Östman, Jef Verschueren, eds.(2009) The Pragmatics of Interaction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 4]

    262 pp. Paperback – In stock
    978 90 272 0781 4 / EUR 39.00 / USD 59.00

    The ten volumes of Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights focus on the most salient topics in the field of pragmatics, thus dividing its wide interdisciplinary spectrum in a transparent and manageable way. While the other volumes select specific philosophical, cognitive, grammatical, social, cultural, variational, or discursive angles, this fourth volume is dedicated to the empirical investigation of the way human beings organize their interaction in natural environments and how they use talk for accomplishing actions and their contexts. Starting from Goffman’s observation that interaction exhibits a structure in its own right that cannot be reduced to the psychological properties of the individual nor to society, it contains a selection of articles documenting the various levels of interactional organization. In addition to treatments of basic concepts such as sequence, participation, prosody and style and some topical articles on phenomena like reported speech and listener response, it also includes overviews of specific traditions (conversation analysis, ethnomethodology) and articles on eminent authors (Goffman, Sacks) who had a formative influence on the field.

    Table of contents

    Preface to the series, i–xiv
    Acknowledgements, xiii
    Sigurd D’hondt: 'The pragmatics of interaction: A survey' 1–19
    Margret Selting: 'Communicative style' 20–39
    Rebecca Clift, Paul Drew and Ian Hutchby: 'Conversation analysis' 40–54
    Auli Hakulinen: 'Conversation types' 55–65
    Alan Firth: 'Ethnomethodology' 66–78
    Jim O'Driscoll: 'Erving Goffman' 79–95
    Jan Lindström: 'Interactional linguistics' 96–103
    Deng Xudong: 'Listener response' 104–124
    Jack Sidnell: 'Participation' 125–156
    Gabriele Kasper: 'Politeness' 157–173
    Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen:'Prosody' 174–189
    Elizabeth Holt:'Reported speech' 190–205
    Rod Watson:'Harvey Sacks' 206–214
    Jack Sidnell:'Sequence' 215–239
    Daniel C. O’Connell and Sabine Kowal: 'Transcription systems for spoken discourse' 240–254
    Index 255–262

    Trudy Milburn  (2009) Nonprofit organizations: creating membership through communication. Cresskill N.J.: Hampton Press

    Code: 1-57273-882-0

    In this book, the author takes an in-depth look at the way people collaborate to provide services for two specific groups: Puerto Ricans and families. By observing and participating within the organizations, Milburn discovered how conversations and written discourse were used to establish and sustain both the vibrancy of the organizations and individual's sense of what is means to be a member of a voluntary nonprofit. The author skillfully blends ethnography of communication, membership categorization analysis, and ethnomethodology to explore typical organizational issues (such as negotiation and change) that occur in common business contexts like meetings and special events. This study reveals how unpaid participants' communication shapes a nonprofit organization's ability to fulfill its mission and serve its members.


    Preface. Nonprofit Statistics. Volunteering. Composition of Nonprofits. Why Nonprofits? Nonprofits as Settings.

    Introduction. Communication Perspective. Ethnography of Communication. Membership Categorization Analysis. Ethnomethodology. Combined Approaches. Culture in MCA, EC and Organizational Communication. Data Collection. Organizational Settings. Nuanced Memberships.

    Becoming A Participant/becoming A Member. Membership Labels, Address and Reference. Distinguishing Members. Addressing Individual Members. Introductions. Initial Membership Categories.

    Membership in A Community Context. PRC's Annual Dinner Dance. Community as Metaphor. Community Actions. Family Center Gala Anniversary Event. Location of Community. Community Struggles to Serve. Community History. Discussion.

    Maintaining Membership Through Meetings. Meeting Sequences and Norms. Meetings as Mundane. FC Decision Making. Valid Premises for Making Decisions. Outcomes of Decisions: Votes. Discussion. Summary.

    Organizational Change. Strategic Change. Retreat. Long Term Planning. Terminating Membership/Ceasing to Participate. Terminating Membership. Situational Frame. What Change is Represented in This Account?. Summary.

    Inscribing the Organization: Documents Structure Actions. The Use of Agendas. Minutes are Referenced. Family Center Minutes. Puerto Rican Center Minutes. Secretaries Take Minutes. Questioning the Secretary's Role. Inscribing Conclusions.

    Conclusions: Organization, Communication and Membership. Implications for being a Member. Members Organize. Things Members Do. Members Communicate. Members Create Community. Members Create Nonprofits. Methodological Implications. Boarding " Pass " . Why Continue to Study Nonprofits? Afterword. Notes. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

    Lingua e Società: Scritti in onore di Franca Orletti, a cura di: Marilena Fatigante, Laura Mariottini, M. Eleonora Sciubba. (2009) Roma: Franco Angeli Editore

    Il volume raccoglie i contributi di amici, colleghi e allievi che, in segno di stima e gratitudine, festeggiano i sessant'anni di Franca Orletti, con la scrittura di saggi in campi d'indagine vicini ai suoi interessi scientifici. Si accostano dunque competenze disciplinari diverse sulle tracce del modo di lavorare che la contraddistingue, ripercorrendo, altresì, le tappe principali della sua attività di studio: l'analisi della conversazione; generi e forme del discorso e l'espressione dell'identità.

    Il titolo rispecchia l'ampia cornice in cui i vari contributi possono essere collocati: lo studio di diversi livelli di analisi e approcci metodologici allo studio del linguaggio. Il testo rappresenta perciò uno strumento efficace per conoscere lo stato dell'arte in molti settori della linguistica italiana, prezioso anche dal punto di vista didattico per avvicinare studenti di diversi corsi a tematiche centrali della teoria e della ricerca linguistica.

    Marilena Fatigante è dottore di ricerca in Psicologia dell'interazione, comunicazione e socializzazione presso l'università "Sapienza" di Roma. Ha partecipato a numerosi progetti di ricerca sullo studio dell'interazione nei contesti familiare, scolastico e clinico-psico-diagnostico. Tra le sue pubblicazioni più recenti: la cura del numero monografico di RiPLA (2007), Conversare, leggere, scrivere: studi in prospettiva culturale con Maria Antonietta Pinto.

    Laura Mariottini è ricercatrice di Lingua e traduzione spagnola presso l'università "Sapienza" di Roma. I suoi interessi di ricerca vertono, nell'ambito della linguistica spagnola, sulla lingua dei nuovi mezzi di comunicazione di massa, sulla cortesia, la pragmatica e l'analisi del discorso anche in dimensione contrastiva spagnolo-italiano. È autrice di La cortesia (Carocci, 2007).

    M. Eleonora Sciubba è dottore di ricerca in Linguistica sincronica, diacronica e applicata presso l'università "Roma Tre" con una tesisulla costruzione di un corpus d'italiano giudiziario parlato diretta da Franca Orletti. È docente di Lingua inglese presso l'università Telematica Guglielmo Marconi. Ha collaborato con importanti aziende italiane come localizzatrice e linguista computazionale. I suoi interessi di ricerca spaziano dall'Analisi conversazionale alla Terminologia, dalla CMC all'E-learning, dalla Linguistica giudiziaria alla Linguistica inglese.


    Parte I - Lo studio della conversazione Parte II - Forme e generi del discorso

    Parte III - Identità e contaminazioni

    Scritti di Franca Orletti
    Gli autori

    Wayne A. Beach  (2009). A natural history of family cancer: Interactional resources for managing illness. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc.

    Copies of this book may be ordered from:

    A family. A phone call. A diagnosis…One family's journey through cancer.

    Family members and cancer patients routinely talk about and through cancer on the telephone. Yet little is known about the social organization of these conversations and how cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis impact everyday living. The culmination of a decade of research, this volume offers close examination of the first natural history of one family's 13 month journey through a wife/mother/sister's terminal cancer. Analysis of these family phone recordings (and transcriptions) offers primal insights about the fundamental importance of communication, and how family members rely on one another when navigating through complex social, emotional, technical, and biomedical concerns associated with cancer: Updating and assessing emerging news, being stoic, claiming and defending knowledge, reporting and responding to ongoing troubles, making airline reservations, adjusting to stable yet ambiguous health circumstances, displaying frustration, commiserating, maintaining a 'state of readiness', evaluating doctors and medical care, telling and retelling stories, being humorous and playful, and constructing hope as an alternative to despair. These interactions reveal no small measures of personal challenges, emotional turmoil, humorous exchanges, endearing actions, and resolute efforts to remain hopeful in the progressive face of bad cancer news.

    Moments such as these are extraordinary and mundane, foreign yet strikingly familiar to all who have encountered them when matters of illness, disease, life, and death move to the forefront and require our attention. Readers will not only gain enhanced understandings of ordinary human interactions, but a deep appreciation for managing the trials, tribulations, hopes and triumphs of cancer - and all human illness journeys shaped by communication in everyday life.

    Praise for A Natural History of Family Cancer

    An in-depth view of what a cancer journey really is in the everyday, everynight, real time courses of actions and interactions that encompass patients and their significant personal and professional others… something that is as close as analytically possible to being there.
    From the Foreword by Douglas W. Maynard, University of Wisconsin, Madison, author of Bad News, Good News: Conversational Order in Everyday Talk and Clinical Settings
    Professor Wayne Beach has done for the field of conversation and interaction analysis what Dr. George Engel, a physician and the father of the biopsychosocial model, did for medicine…With precision and sensitivity, his analysis provides intimate access to the development, maintenance and termination of meaningful relationships over time.
    Richard M. Frankel, Indiana University, co-editor of The Biopsychosocial Approach: Past, Present, and Future
    This is a stunning, important, and exceptional book…A skilful application of the method Conversation Analysis and one of the very rare works examining longitudinal interactional data.
    Anssi Peräkylä, University of Helsinki, author of Aids Counseling: Institutional Interaction and Clinical Practice
    Part of the beauty and power of this extraordinary book [is that] we can see ourselves in their challenges; we can hear ourselves in their ways of talking…Wayne Beach guides the reader with skill and mastery...Cancer does inhabit individual bodies, but its meaning is absolutely worked out between and among us. We cannot overlook the social and communicative aspects of health, life, death, and identity. This book provides a way into these issues.
    Phillip Glenn, Emerson College, author of Laughter in Interaction
    The exquisite detail of the analysis allows the reader into the world of a family reeling from the original cancer diagnosis and evolving sickness. It is at the same time a profound contribution to modern social psychology, an important new way of conducting medical sociology, and a significant addition to our understanding of contemporary family life.
    Jonathan Potter, Loughborough University, author of Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Social Construction
    Never before has such a record of family talk about life and death been analyzed in anything approaching such detail, and with such a respectful yet sophisticated analytic apparatus. The result is unique. It is both a contribution to our technical understanding of talk as a medium of social action, and a humane testament to the power of social science to illuminate hopeful conduct as well as darker reaches of the human journey.
    Charles Antaki, Loughborough University, Editor of Research on Language and Social Interaction.
    There are few academic books that a reader finds simultaneously insightful and humbling…The concept of hope is not one that is frequently examined in social science, but it is fundamental to our experiences as human beings. It is this focus on hope that makes this book humbling - a rare experience in the academy.
    Teresa L. Thompson, Dayton University, Editor of Health Communication.
    The book recommends itself through the centrality of its subject matter to all our lives, through Beach's compassionate and yet rigorous treatment of these charged and delicate interactions, and for the depth of the insights he offers into ways of doing relationships in split seconds of phone call talk… A rich, informative, and heart-felt examination…This is a book to be savored, and it is also destined to be a source for much research in the future.
    Cecilia E. Ford, University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings
    A Natural History of Family Cancer is a powerful book on the human response to illness…By showing how these activities are achieved on a moment-by-moment basis and by revealing the detail of their organization, Beach preserves and respects the texture of the family members' experiences. The result is a profoundly intimate, humane example of scholarship. Given its scope, one could design an entire course around this book or use it alongside others in communication, sociology, linguistics, anthropology, and medical school courses. It would be especially valuable for graduate and undergraduate courses on health communication, family dynamics, death and dying, and life-course issues.
    Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University, and author of numerous articles on communication during medical interviewing.
    Professor Beach brings us into the interactional world of family members living through the emotional and practical roller coaster of a mom's cancer diagnosis, treatment and eventual death… particular ways of talking that provide for the very constitution of knowledge, optimism, hope, despair, sympathy, comfort and practical action…Studying a family's experience of cancer in this way affords perspective and insight not ordinarily available, going well beyond what the patient and her family members may think or feel, examining not only how they construct those thoughts and feelings in interaction with one another, but also how they manage the many practical contingencies of social life inherent in the progression of illness.
    Jenny Mandelbaum, Rutgers University, and Co-Editor of Studies in Language and Social Interaction: In Honor of Robert Hopper.
    With surgical and delicate precision, Beach opens up everyday conversations about illness to show us ways of coping and hoping in the face of difficulty and possible death. And with elegance, Beach maintains a balance between the scientific and humanistic aspects of illness and its treatment…He is an objective analyst yet an empathetic storyteller…This book has widespread appeal and value for health care practitioners, educators, researchers, and (of course) anyone whose life is directly or indirectly affected by a serious illness such as cancer.
    Curtis D. LeBaron, Brigham Young University, and Co-Editor of Studies in Language and Social Interaction.
    A patient suffering from cancer sounds a call of conscience in desperate need of heartfelt acknowledgment. Beach offers a finally tuned assessment of this call and the discourse that it provokes…It is an awesome expedition: Sad, funny, and exceptionally thought-provoking...a must-read for those interested in the ever-growing field of health communication.
    Michael J. Hyde, Wake Forest University, author of The Call of Conscience: Heidegger and Levinas, Rhetoric and the Euthanasia Debate
    The lucid writing by Wayne Beach is simultaneously crisp, eloquent, and sensitive. His analysis of the interactions between family members is insightful and most revealing of the unique dynamics of family communication when one member faces a critical health threat. This important book has both scholarly and practical significance for guiding future research, understanding communication praxis, and makes a tremendous contribution to the communication literature.
    Gary L. Kreps, George Mason University, co-editor of Handbook of Communication and Cancer Care
    This research, funded early on by the American Cancer Society, has great potential to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families…Health Care professionals who want to understand family dynamics, outside of the examination and treatment rooms, will also find this book fascinating and inspiring.
    Lynda Barbour, Health Promotion Director, Border Sierra Region, American Cancer Society, San Diego.
    Without focusing directly on clinical communication, but family phone conversations, this book powerfully demonstrates that encounters between cancer patients and medical practitioners are merely individual moments, and threads, in the complex warp and weft of families using communication to manage cancer…Analysis expands our understanding of the social organization of the delivery of good and bad health news, troubles tellings, and commiseration. A Natural History of Family Cancer is an important contribution to the study of language and social interaction, as well as family and health communication.
    Jeffrey D. Robinson, Portland State University, and author of numerous articles on conversational interaction and medical interviewing.

    About the Author

    Wayne A. Beach is Professor in the School of Communication, San Diego State University; Adjunct Professor, Department of Surgery and Member, Moores Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego. Other works include Conversations about illness: Family preoccupations with bulimia, and the (forthcoming) edited Handbook of patient-provider interactions: Raising and responding to concerns about life, illness, and disease.

    Nguyen, Hanh Thi, Gabriele Kasper, eds. (2009) Talk-in-interaction: Multilingual perspectives. National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai'i at Manoa

    price: $40, 420pp

    Talk-in-interaction: Multilingual perspectives (edited by Gabriele Kasper & Hanh Thi Nguyen) offers original studies of interaction in a range of languages and language varieties, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, and Vietnamese; monolingual and bilingual interactions, and activities designed for second or foreign language learning. Conducted from the perspectives of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis, the chapters examine ordinary conversation and institutional activities in face-to-face, telephone, and computer-mediated environments. This is the first volume in NFLRC's new series Pragmatics & Interaction.

    Pragmatics & Interaction, a refereed series sponsored by the University of Hawai‘i National Foreign Language Resource Center, publishes research on topics in pragmatics and discourse as social interaction from a wide variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. P&I welcomes particularly studies on languages spoken in the Asian-Pacific region.


    1. Gabriele Kasper--Categories, context, and comparison in conversation analysis. (1-28)
    2. Jack Bilmes--Kinship categories in a Northern Thai narrative. (29-56)
    3. Hanh thi Nguyen--The recommendation sequence in Vietnamese family talk: Negotiation of asymmetric access to authority and knowledge. (57-87)
    4. Asuka Suzuki--When _gaijin_ matters: Theory-building in Japanese multi-party interaction. (89-109)
    5. Christina Higgins--"Are you Hindu?": Resisting membership categorization through language alternation. (111-136)
    6. Scott Saft--A practice for avoiding and terminating arguments in Japanese: The case of university faculty meetings. (137-156)
    7. Keiko Ikeda--Third party involvement in Japanese political television interviews. (157-180)
    8. Steven Talmy--Resisting ESL: Categories and sequence in a critically "motivated" analysis of classroom interaction. (181-213)
    9. Eric Hauser--Turn-taking and primary speakership during a student discussion. (215-244)
    10. John Rylander--Repair work in a Chinese as a foreign language classroom. (245-280)
    11. Marta Gonzalez-Lloret--CA for computer-mediated interaction in the Spanish L2 classroom. (281-316)
    12. Younhee Kim--The Korean discourse markers _-nuntey_ and _kuntey_ in native-nonnative conversation: An acquisitional perspective. (317-350)
    13. Midori Ishida--Development of interactional competence: Changes in the use of _ne_ in L2 Japanese during study abroad. (351-385)

    Amelia Church (2009) Preference Organisation and Peer Disputes: How Young Children Resolve Conflict.  Aldershot: Ashgate [Series : Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]

    Hardback, 290 pages
    ISBN: 978-0-7546-7441-2
    Price : $114.95 » Online: $103.46

    How do children get their own way in arguments? What is the most effective way of pursuing one's own goals in preschool? 'Use your words' is an instruction frequently heard in nurseries and pre-schools encouraging young children to resolve the situation through verbal rather than physical means. Discourse is seen as the solution, yet, what words are the children supposed to use, and how do they go about resolving disputes?

    This fascinating book offers a conversation analysis of children's arguments, revealing disputing as a highly ordered, rule-governed activity, even amongst very young children. The author provides a rich theoretical discussion of the work in speech acts and conversational analysis, whilst offering a sophisticated review in relation to children's culture. It will be of great interest to conversation analysts within sociology and linguistics, as well as to educationalists and scholars of childhood.


    Introduction; Defining child conflict; Conversation analysis; Peer disputes; Dispute outcomes; Preference and dispute outcomes; How to resolve disputes; Appendix; References; Index.

    About the Author:

    Dr Amelia Church is Lecturer in Education at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She was previously Lecturer in Childhood Studies at the University of Wales, Swansea. She has worked as Research Fellow at the Education Foundation and the Schools Innovation Commission in Victoria, Australia, and is a conbritutor to the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, an ongoing project at the Australian Institute of Family Studies.


    'A major advance in our emerging understanding of children's adversative discourse. This scholarly and engaging book highlights key findings on the nature of children's arguments, threats, and responses to potential conflict in detail. We see how children learn the skills necessary for overcoming emotionally charged conflict, gradually employing those conversational resources central to "face management" in talk-in-interaction. In doing so, Amelia Church makes a major contribution to the study of children's conversational skills.'
    Mike Forrester, University of Kent, UK
    'This engaging and thought provoking study of preference organisation in young children's peer disputes offers fresh insights into how children engage in adversative talk and interaction in the preschool classroom. The study challenges traditional adult-held views about how children should act and shows how even very young children pursue their own political agendas. The book makes a substantial contribution to studies of child-child communication, childhood and institutional talk.'
    Susan Danby, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

    Cecilia E. Ford (2008) Women speaking up: getting and using turns in workplace meetings. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
    Series: Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse

    256 pages
    $74.95 -   £53.00 - Hardcover
    1-4039-8722-X  U.S.A.  U.K.


    While women are succeeding in historically male professions, stereotypes of their lack of competence persist as obstacles to their advancement, with popular media urging women to improve their language skills if they hope to advance in traditionally male professions.

    In Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings, Cecilia E. Ford rejects popular notions of gender difference and even deficiency in women's language use. She uses careful analysis of interaction to counter negative myths, focusing on women's turns as exemplars skills required by men and women alike to contribute to workplace meetings. Based on videotaped meetings in a variety of settings the author offers new insights into vocal and non-vocal practices for getting and using turns in these common workplace events. The book introduces conversation analytic methods and presents new findings on turn taking, the use of questions to present challenges and open participation, and the interactional skills required to effectively raise issues that go counter to ideas of higher ranking co-workers. For any one who wants to understand meeting interaction, Women Speaking Up offers a wealth of well-grounded new perspectives, while celebrating women's demonstrated competence.

    Cecilia E. Ford, English, Sociology and Women's Studies at University of Wisconsin, Madison.

    Table of contents

    Acknowledgements VII
    Transcription Symbols X
    Introduction: A Feminist Project 1
    Data and Analytic Practices 24
    Reflections on Participation 41
    Meeting Organization: Openings, Turn Transitions, and Participant Alliances  53
    Questions: Opening Participation, Displaying Expertise and Challenging  92
    Placing and Designing Disaffiliative Actions  119
    Speaking Up in Meetings: Summary and Conclusions  164
    Notes  178
    References 185
    Index  196

    Eric Livingston (2008) Ethnographies of Reason. Aldershot: Ashgate [Series : Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]
    282 pages Hardback
    978-0-7546-7106-0 £55.00, Online: £49.50

    Written by one of the most eminent scholars in the field, Ethnographies of Reason is a unique book in terms of the studies it presents, the perspective it develops and the research techniques it illustrates. Using concrete case study materials throughout, Eric Livingston offers a fundamentally different, ethnographic approach to the study of skill and reasoning. At the same time, he addresses a much neglected topic in the literature, illustrating practical techniques of ethnomethodological research and showing how such studies are actually conducted. The book is a major contribution to ethnomethodology, to social science methodology and to the study of skill and reasoning more generally.


    Preface vii
    Acknowledgments ix


    1 Reasoning in the Wild 3
    2 Formal Reasoning 11
    3 Psychological Experiments 21

    Exercises and Examples

    4 Tangrams 33
    5 Jigsaw Puzzles 43
    6 A First Ethnography 49
    7 Phenomenology 59
    8 A Toolic World, Part I 65
    9 Mapping the Infinite Plane 77
    10 Lawlike Properties of the Prismatic Field 81
    11 An Exercise in Origami 89
    12 An Embodied Correspondence 97
    13 Straightedge and Compass Constructions 109

    Projects and Techniques

    14 Sociologies of the Witnessable Order 123
    15 Found Objects 131
    16 The Stack 139
    17 The Doing of Things 149
    18 Precise Description 157
    19 Indirection 163
    20 Sketch Work 171
    21 Structures of Inquiry and Corpus-Relevant Skills 177
    22 Emergent Themes and Analogies of Practice 187

    Themes and Orientations

    23 Themes, Orientations, and Research Directives 199
    24 Reflexivity 201
    25 The Primacy of the Social 205
    26 The Ordinariness of Practical Action and its Production 217
    27 Praxeological Objects 227
    28 The Characterization Problem 243


    29 Epilogue 261


    Appendix A: Machine-Based Reasoning 265
    Appendix B: Author's Bibliography 267

    Index of Examples 269

    About the Author


    'Ethnographies of Reason is an extraordinary book. In a series of simple, beautifully written chapters with many worked examples, reasoning is disclosed as exquisitely skilled practical action that is embedded in, and exploits, physical and contextual constraints, intersections and juxtapositions. This is a profound and riveting study of everyday reason that opens doors into previously quite unexamined social and psychological phenomena.'
    John Heritage, UCLA, USA
    'Ethnographies of Reason is surely one of the most important social science books published in the last fifty years. Livingston shows how to investigate a wide range of skills and the reasoning that accompanies those skills, how to get into the mind- and body-set of doing something, and how those practices are intrinsically social. It should reinvigorate work in machine intelligence and engineering, and philosophical analysis, as well as in empirical studies in sociology and anthropology.'
    Martin H. Krieger, University of Southern California, USA
    Eric Livingston is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of New England, Australia

    Emma M. Betz (2008). Grammar and Interaction: Pivots in German conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    [Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 21]  xiii, 208 pp.

    Hardback: ISBN 978 90 272 2631 0 / E-Book: ISBN 978 90 272 8993 3

    Price: EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00

    This monograph provides a micro-analytic description of the structure and communicative use of syntactic pivot constructions in German. Using the methodology of Conversation Analysis, this work shows that pivots emerge in interaction in response to local communicative needs.

    Exclusively found in spoken German, pivots allow a speaker to extend an utterance beyond a possible completion point in a syntactically and prosodically unobtrusive way. Speakers utilize this basic property to promote context-specific actions: managing boundaries of speakership, bridging sequential and topical junctures, and dealing with different types of interactional trouble.

    Through a close examination of syntactic pivots as an interactional resource, this work shows that spoken linguistic structures can only be fully understood if we acknowledge the temporality of language and view grammar as usage-based and negotiable. This book thus contributes to a growing body of research at the intersection of grammar and interaction.


    Table of contents
    List of tables
    List of figures

    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Chapter 2. Preliminaries
    Chapter 3. Pivot constructions as a syntactic resource for turn-taking: Managing overlap
    Chapter 4. Pivots at sequential and topic boundaries: Steering the emerging direction of the talk
    Chapter 5. Pivot constructions as a resource for managing repair: Searching for a word
    Chapter 6. Pivot constructions in embedded self-correction: Changes in action and epistemic stance
    Chapter 7. Conclusion

    Appendix A. Transcription conventions
    Appendix B. Abbreviations for grammatical descriptions

    Name index
    Subject index

    About the author:

    Emma Betz is an assistant professor of German in the Department of Modern Languages at Kansas State University.

    Kenneth B. Liberman (2007) Husserl's Criticism of Reason: With Ethnomethodological Specifications. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books

    £43.00/€67.73 Cloth 0-7391-1118-3 / 978-0-7391-1118-5 Sep 2007^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739111183

    Husserl's Criticism of Reason, With Ethnomethodological Specifications marshals some of the central ideas of phenomenology for use in empirical studies of naturally occurring ordinary interaction. At the same time, Liberman outlines ways that concrete ethnomethodological studies of philosophical thinking and philosophers' work can extend Edmund Husserl's criticism of reasoning by providing specificities that Husserl never furnished. Liberman develops and applies such phenomenological ideas as the limits of apophantic reasoning and logocentrism, the benefits of aporias and negative dialectics, and the Lebenswelt origins of meaning. For phenomenologists, he offers clear summaries of the most vital notions that ethnomethodologists use to locate and describe the implicit intricacies of the thinking philosophical practitioners who are actively and collaboratively engaged in formal reflections. Liberman not only engages in a dialogue and debate with the major thinkers of the phenomenological and post-phenomenological tradition, including Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty, and Derrida, he poses some ethnomethodological challenges to contemporary phenomenological thought. These notions are not only developed theoretically, but also illustrated practically with abundant demonstrations and detailed analyses. Husserl's Criticism of Reason is situated within a philosophical anthropological vision of how human beings have been learning how to use the tools of formal analytic reasoning to serve their thinking without suffocating it.

    Table of contents

    Foreword by George Psathas
    Part One - Phenomenological Investigations
        Chapter 1. Husserl's "Criticism of Reason"
        Chapter 2. Thinking with Categorical Forms
        Chapter 3. Levinas's Critique of Apophantic Reason
        Chapter 4. Heidegger's Respecification of Thinking
        Chapter 5. Garfinkel's Uncompromising Intellectual Rigor
    Part Two - Ethnomethodological Specifications
        Chapter 6. Brief Introduction to the Tibetan's Criticism of Reason
        Chapter 7. Recognizing the Limits of Apophansis
        Chapter 8. Philosophy as Its Lived Work
        Conclusion: Philosophers' Work


    "'To reason,' Ken Liberman proposes at the start of this book, 'is to work with other humans in applying some discipline to our thinking.' He goes on to show us, with great patience, persistence, and insight (and by using Garfinkel's ethnomethodology) just how 'people achieve sense in their mundane lives,' as exhibited in 'occasions where thinking reason' is at work in re-connecting our logic with our lifeworld experience-whether those occasions are enacted by Tibetan Buddhist monks or Australian Aboriginal people."
    Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
    Kenneth Liberman is professor in the department of sociology, University of Oregon.

    Carly W. Butler (2008) Talk and Social Interaction in the Playground. Aldershot: Ashgate [Series : Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]

    Hardback ISBN: 978-0-7546-7416-0; Price : £55.00 ; Online: £49.50

    This book offers a rich and detailed empirical account of children's play and interaction in the school playground. Drawing on the approaches of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, 'Talk and Social Interaction in the Playground' examines the organisation of membership and social action in a game created by a group of children. It offers rich insights into the methods and practices used by children to produce play and social order, making a significant and substantial contribution to the study of talk-in-interaction, as well as to studies of children's play, competencies, and social interaction. The book demonstrates the importance of putting aside preconceived assumptions about how children talk and interact in order to reveal the situated methods and practices that children use - not because they are children, but because they are social beings.

    As well as appealing to scholars of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, 'Talk and Social Interaction in the Playground' will be of interest to students and researchers in a range of disciplines, including child studies, developmental psychology, education, applied linguistics, and sociology.


    Acknowledgements vii
    1 Children's talk, interaction and play 1
    2 Analyzing talk and social interaction 19
    3 The fieldwork: process and practice 43
    4 Sacks on play and games 77
    5 Fairy club as a membership categorization device 93
    6 Sharing news: doing formal talk 129
    7 Co- and cross-membership in an assessment sequence 159
    8 Concluding comments 189
    Appendix - Glossary of transcription symbols 201
    References 203
    Index 219

    About the Author:

    Carly Butler is Senior Research Assistant in the Faculty of Education at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia.


    'Readers have long awaited a book that gives children's interactions serious consideration. Picking up where Sacks, Speier and Mackay left off, Butler's analysis revitalises the ethnomethodological inquiry into children's practical reasoning and action. Narrowing the gap left wide open by overtheorised sociological accounts of childhood, this book may well become the landmark of a new generation of child studies.'
    Jakob Cromdal, Linköping University, Sweden
    'A masterful and fascinating study using talk-in-interaction to examine the everyday social practices of young children in the playground. Important and innovative, this book invites us, in the most persuasive way, to understand young children as competent members of their social worlds, who draw strategically on the interactional, place and material resources at hand, and who are skilled and expert in manipulating these strategically to get the business at hand accomplished.'
    Susan Danby, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

    Marjorie Harness Goodwin (2006) The Hidden Life of Girls: Games of Stance, Status, and Exclusion. Blackwell
    [Series: Blackwell Studies in Discourse and Culture]

    Hardback, ISBN: 9780631234241, £55.00 / €74.30
    Paperback, ISBN: 9780631234258, £19.99 / €27.00


    "This fascinating and important book gives us a rarely seen inside perspective on the dynamics of girls' social negotiation, contestation, and hierarchy. Critically addressing key misrepresentations and omissions of children's life-worlds in previous scholarship, Goodwin provides a much-needed counterpoint to that research and puts girls' experiences squarely at the center of her analysis."
    Mary Bucholtz, University of California, Santa Barbara
    "As she did with He-Said-She-Said in 1990, in this book Goodwin sets a new standard for the ethnographic study of social interaction. As the title suggests, standard techniques of the social sciences leave much of girls' social life hidden from view and insulated from analysis. Goodwin's book offers an important corrective: Through a focus on the actual practices of talk and embodied conduct, Goodwin shows how in constructing the hierarchies, divisions, and exclusions constitutive of their social groups, these girls define their own moral order."
    Jack Sidnell, University of Toronto
    "A powerful [and] provocative read… Highly recommended"
    "Hidden Life develops into an engrossing read … .One of Hidden Life's strengths is Goodwin's diverse sample of Latino, Asian, African American, and Caucasian girls."
    Feminist Collections
    "Rich analysis … .Full of rich and diverse data … and important policy recommendations. Shines a bright light on the complexity … of preadolescent girls."
    Sex Roles


    In this ground-breaking ethnography of girls on a playground, Goodwin offers a window into their complex social worlds.

    Table of Contents

    List of Figures and Tables
    1. Introduction
    2. Multimodality, Conflict, and Rationality in Girls' Games
    3. Social Dimensions of a Popular Girls' Clique
    4. Social Organization, Opposition, and Directives in the Game of Jump Rope
    5. Language Practices for Indexing Social Status: Stories, Descriptions, Brags, and Comparisons
    6. Stance and Structure in Assessment and Gossip Activity
    7. Constructing Social Difference and Exclusion in Girls' Groups
    8. Conclusion
    Appendix A: Transcription Symbols
    Appendix B: Jump Rope Rhymes
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    About the Author

    Marjorie Harness Goodwin is Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at UCLA. She is the author of the now-classic He-Said, She-Said: Talk as Social Organization among Black Children (1991). Her primary research interests are on the ethnography of communication, human interaction, conversation analysis, language and gender, workplace ethnography, and children's social organization.

    Jeff Coulter, Wes Sharrock (2007) Brain, Mind and Human Behavior in Contemporary Cognitive Science: Critical Assessments of the Philosophy of Psychology. Ceredigion U.K.; Lewiston, New York, U.S.A.: The Edwin Mellen Press,

    ISBN10: 0-7734-5315-6 ISBN13: 978-0-7734-5315-9
    USA List Price: $109.95 UK List Price: £ 69.95

    This book engages a range of currently debated issues in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science, challenging certain cognitivist positions in contemporary neuroscience. In addressing each topic, an effort is made to illuminate the historical-philosophical origins of the problems confronted, exposing a central the way in which various forms of philosophical materialism are often uncritically invoked to buttress 'scientific' claims about the human mind/brain and behavior. The authors conclude that a radical reorientation is required if the confusion that permeates the field is to be eliminated.


    "In this book, Jeff Coulter and Wes Sharrock have undertaken a series of conceptual investigations into some of the more dramatic claims made by contemporary cognitive neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, and theoretical linguists. It takes courage to resist the current, and skill to master it. Coulter and Sharrock have both. ... This is a controversial book. It will annoy those who have nailed their flag to the mast of cognitive science. It will rock the boat of intellectual complacency in sciences and putative sciences that are well known and very well advertised, yet anything but well-established. But its arguments must be confronted, and the case they make cannot be evaded. If Coulter and Sharrock are right, as I believe they are, then extensive rethinking is needed."
    Dr. P. M. S. Hacker, St. John's College, Oxford
    "This elegant and trenchantly argued book is a withering attack on the pretensions of neurophilosophy. This book must be read by all with an interest in current debates in philosophy of mind. Friend or foe of cognitivism alike cannot afford to ignore this important work."
    Dr. Dennis Patterson, Distinguished Professor of Law and Philosophy, Rutgers University
    "[The authors of this book] set out with no less a goal than that of exposing the logical confusions that have inspired the 'leading questions' in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of psychology over the past half-century. But as important as is the contribution that they make to our thinking about these problems, perhaps the greatest service that [this book] performs is to neuroscience itself. By meticulously clarifying what sorts of questions can be empirically resolved and which lead us into the thickets of scientistic metaphysics, they demonstrate the critical role that philosophy has always played and must continue to play in the advance of science."
    Dr. Stuart Shanker, Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, York University, Canada

    Table of Contents

    Foreword by Dr. P.M.S. Hacker
    1 Neural Metaphysics
    2 Materialist Conceptions of Mind: A Reappraisal
    3 Neural Causation and Freedom of Action
    4 Consciousness: The Last Mystery?
    5 Memory: Explaining Capacities versus Explaining Performances
    6 Dissolving the 'Projection Problem'
    7 Fetishing 'Syntax'

    Anssi Peräkylä, Charles Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen, Ivan Leudar, eds. (2008) Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    ISBN-13: 9780521871907

    £45.00; $90.00



    Psychotherapy is a 'talking cure'- clients voice their troubles to therapists, who listen, prompt, question, interpret and generally try to engage in a positive and rehabilitating conversation with their clients. Using the sophisticated theoretical and methodological apparatus of Conversation Analysis - a radical approach to how language in interaction works - this book sheds light on the subtle and minutely-organised sequences of speech in psychotherapeutic sessions. It examines how therapists deliver questions, cope with resistance, reinterpret experiences and how they can use conversation to achieve success. Conversation is a key component of people's everyday and professional lives and this book provides an unusually detailed insight into the complexity and power of talk in institutional settings. Featuring contributions from a collection of internationally-renowned authors, Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy will appeal to researchers and graduate students studying conversation analysis across the disciplines of psychology, sociology and linguistics.

    • Uses theoretical and methodological apparatus of conversation analysis to examine the power of speech in psychotherapeutic sessions
    • Includes an extensive introductory chapter and a final summary of the major findings
    • Features contributions from the most active and internationally-renowned authors in the field


    Foreword: filling the gaps Willam B. Stiles;

    1. Analysing psychotherapy in practice Anssi Peräkylä, Charles Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen and Ivan Leudar;
    2. Formulations in psychotherapy Charles Antaki;
    3. Clients' responses to therapists' re-interpretations Fabrizio Bercelli, Federico Rossano and Maurizio Viaro;
    4. Lexical substitution as a therapeutic resource John Rae;
    5. Resisting optimistic questions in narrative and solution-focused therapies Clare MacMartin;
    6. Conversation analysis and psychoanalysis: interpretation, affect and intersubjectivity Anssi Peräkylä;
    7. Identifying and managing resistance in psychoanalytic interaction Sanna Vehviläinen;
    8. Person reference as a device for constructing experiences as typical in group therapy Mia Halonen;
    9. Conversation of emotions: on turning play into psychoanalytic psychotherapy Ivan Leudar, Wes Sharrock, Shirley Truckle, Thomas Colombino, Jacqueline Hayes and Kevin Booth;
    10. A psychotherapist's view of conversation analysis Ulrich Streeck;
    11. A review of conversational practices of psychotherapy Sanna Vehviläinen, Anssi Peräkylä, Charles Antaki and Ivan Leudar.


    'This volume highlights the considerable insights that emerge as a result of using conversation analysis to better understand psychotherapeutic interaction. Through an examination of the practices and procedures within the 'talking cure,' the contributors help initiate a dialogue between students of interaction and psychotherapy researchers. Their findings indicate that conversation analysis can highlight key aspects of the psychotherapeutic process which have hitherto remained somewhat opaque.'
    Dr Mike Forrester, Department of Psychology, University of Kent at Canterbury

    Dorota Rancew-Sikora (2007) Analiza konwersacyjna jako metoda badania rozmów codziennych. [Conversation Analysis as a Method for Studying Everyday Talk] Warsawa: Trio
    ISBN 978-83-7436-130-9

    Ian Hutchby & Robin Wooffitt (2008) Conversation Analysis (2nd Edition). Polity Press,
    ISBN 978-0-7456-3866-9


    Talk is a central activity in social life. But how is ordinary talk organized? How do people coordinate their talk in interaction? And what is the role of talk in wider social processes? Conversation Analysis has developed over the past forty years as a key method for studying social interaction and language use. Its unique perspective and systematic methods make it attractive to an interdisciplinary audience.

    In this second edition of their highly acclaimed introduction, Ian Hutchby and Robin Wooffitt offer a wide-ranging and accessible overview of key issues in the field. The second edition has been substantially revised to incorporate recent developments, including an entirely new final chapter exploring the contribution of Conversation Analysis to key issues in social science. The book provides a grounding in the theory and methods of Conversation Analysis, and demonstrates its procedures by analyzing a variety of concrete examples.

    Written in a lively and engaging style, Conversation Analysis has become indispensable reading for students and researchers in sociology, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, social psychology, communication studies and anthropology.

    Table of Contents

    Preface to second edition
    Transcription Glossary

    PART 1 Principles

    1. What is Conversation Analysis?
    2. Conversational Structures: The Foundations of Conversation Analysis

    PART 2 Practices

    3. Data and Transcription
    4. Analysing Data I: Building Collections and Identifying Phenomena
    5. Analysing Data II: Extended Sequences and Single Cases

    PART 3 Implications

    6. Talk in Institutional Settings
    7. Conversation Analysis and Research Interview Data
    8. Extensions of Conversation Analysis
    9. Critical Engagements: Sociology, Psychology and Linguistics



    "This splendid second edition introduces conversation analysis in a way that is both clear and engaging. It selects themes from across the field and introduces them in a way that captures their richness and teases out their broader implications. It will be an invaluable resource for those teaching conversation analysis and those academics who wish to learn about it."
    Jonathan Potter, Loughborough University
    "This updated edition of a cherished introduction to CA is valuable for its focus on the striking role CA has played in such closely related areas of inquiry as linguistics, psychology, education, politics, medicine, language disorders, and linguistic anthropology. This book will be treasured for its comprehensive, accessible and engaging presentation of the findings and future trajectories of the study of language and social interaction."
    Sandra A. Thomson, University of California, Santa Barbara
    "This new edition offers eloquent support for scholars who use CA as a method. It nicely leads students unfamiliar with CA through not only the details of transcription but also through the motivations behind transcription choices. The book will also continue to challenge social science researchers to rethink core concepts and cherished categories in a truly rigorous manner."
    Cecilia Ford, University of Wisconsin

    Harold Garfinkel, Recherches en ethnométhodologie, collection Quadrige, Paris: PUF, Septembre 2007.

    ISBN 978-2-13-056150-7 Prix: 18 €. TTC France  480 PAGES

    Il s'agit de la traduction française des Studies in Ethnomethodology, complété par la traduction de l'article de 1970 de Garfinkel et Sacks, "On Formal Structures of Practical Actions".

    La traduction du livre de Garfinkel 40 ans après sa parution en anglais est un événement. Ce délai est dû à l'auteur lui-même qui, jusqu'a récemment, n'autorisait aucune traduction de son oeuvre. C'est un des ouvrages les plus originaux et les plus novateurs de la sociologie de la seconde moitié du 20siècle. I1 a été le point de départ de la constitution d'un courant de sociologie non orthodoxe, qui s'est développé un peu partout dans le monde : l'ethnométhodologie.

    Comme son nom l'indique, l'ethnométhodologie est une étude des méthodes et procédés que les gens appliquent dans les innombrables opérations qu'ils font dans leur vie ordinaire. Méthodologie pour quoi faire ? Pour organiser les activités de la vie courante, pour structurer les interactions, pour se comprendre mutuellement, pour faire face aux circonstances réelles, pour traiter les situations et résoudre les problèmes, pour faire sens de ce qui arrive, etc. Ce qui intéresse par-dessus tout Garfinkel ce sont les méthodes par lesquelles un monde social ordonné et intelligible est instauré et maintenu; ou encore les procédés par lesquels sont générées les conditions d'actions concertées stables. On peut reprendre une expression de M. de Certeau pour caractériser ce type de sociologie : il s'agit de faire apparaître l' «historicité du quotidien ».

    L'ethnométhodologie est une sociologie non orthodoxe, car elle refuse de pratiquer la démarche habituelle qui consiste à dériver l'ordre réel du monde social, et des pratiques sociales, de théories, de concepts, de types idéaux. Pour Garfinkel, cet ordre (l'ordre est l'opposé du chaos et de l'inintelligible) est instauré par les agents sociaux à même leurs pratiques, et il s'agit de le saisir, pour ainsi dire, «à l'état naissant», avant qu'il ne soit converti en matériau pour le discours. Son inspiration philosophique est clairement affichée: Garfinkel se réclame de la phénoménologie husserlienne, telle qu'il l'a rencontrée dans les oeuvres d'A. Schütz et d'A. Gurwitch d'abord, de M. Merleau-Ponty ensuite. Mais son geste intellectuel est aussi très proche de celui qu'ont tenté de réaliser les pragmatistes américains, notamment W. James et J. Dewey.

    Le livre traduit reprend, pour une part, des articles déjà publiés. Ils n'ont pas tous la même tonalité. Les plus anciens sont directement inspires de la phénoménologie sociale de Schütz. La plupart sont des études de cas. Le premier chapitre, qu'il faut lire en dernier, est une élaboration plus conceptuelle, rédigée pour la publication du livre. Nous recommandons de commencer la lecture par le chapitre 5, qui porte sur l'histoire d'un transsexuel, et plus précisément sur la manière dont il a appris a se comporter en « femme naturelle, normale ».

    Garfinkel a d'abord été connu pour les « breaching experiments » qu'il a pratiqués pour faire apparaître la part et le rôle de l'allant de soi dans la vie quotidienne. Le chapitre 2 présente et analyse ces expériences. C'est un des chapitres les plus importants du livre. Il montre aussi comment Garfinkel se rattache à l'École française de sociologie (il se présente comme un héritier de Durkheim), car il y développe, à sa manière, très originale, un thème central de la sociologie durkheimienne : à savoir que la réalité sociale est de part en part une réalité morale.

    Ne en 1917, Harnold Garfinkel a été professeur de sociologie à l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles. I1 est un disciple de Talcott Parsons. Sa notoriété est mondiale. Ouvrage introduit par Michel Barthélémy et Louis Quéré, chercheurs au CNRS et membres du Centre d'Étude des Mouvements sociaux (Institut Marcel Mauss) à /'EHESS.

    La traduction de l'anglais a été réalisée par Michel Barthélémy, Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Manuel de Queiroz et Louis Quéré. Traduction coordonnée par Michel Barthélémy et Louis Quéré. Introduction par Michel Barthélémy et Louis Quéré.

    Garfinkel's Studies, plus his 1970 paper with Sacks, finally translated in French, with a 36-page introduction by Michel Barthélémy and Louis Quéré.

    Stephen Hester & David Francis, eds. (2007) Orders of ordinary action: respecifying sociological knowledge. Aldershot: Ashgate [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Series editors D.Francis and S.Hester]

    ISBN-13 978-0-7546-3311-2
    244 pages, Available in Hardback only
    Price: $99.95/£55.00

    Presenting original research studies by leading scholars in the field, Orders of Ordinary Action considers how ethnomethodology provides for an 'alternate' sociology by respecifying sociological phenomena as locally accomplished members' activities. Following an introduction by the editors and a seminal statement of ethnomethodology's analytic stance by its founder, Harold Garfinkel, the book then comprises two parts. The first introduces studies of practical action and organization, whilst the second provides studies of practical reasoning and situated logic in various settings. By organizing the book in this way, the collection demonstrates the relevance of ethnomethodological investigations to established topics and issues and indicates the contribution that ethnomethodology can make to the understanding of human action in any and all social contexts. Both individually and collectively, these contributions illustrate how taking an ethnomethodological approach opens up for investigation phenomena that are taken for granted in conventional sociological theorizing.


    Preface xi

    Part One: Ethnomethodology and Ordinary Action

    1 Stephen Hester and David Francis: 'Analysing orders of ordinary action' 3
    2 Harold Garfinkel: 'Four relations between literatures of the social scientific movement and their specific ethnomethodological alternates' 13

    Part Two: Studies of Practical Action in Organizational Settings

    3 Wes Sharrock and Graham Button: 'The technical operations of the levers of power' 33
    4 Lorenza Mondada: 'Operating together through videoconference: members' procedures for accomplishing a common space of action 51
    5 Nozomi Ikeya and Mitsuhiro Okada: 'Doctors' practical management of knowledge in the daily case conference 69
    6 Andrew P. Carlin: 'Auspices of corpus status: bibliography* as a phenomenon of respecification' 91

    Part Three: Studies of Situated Reasoning

    7 Michael Lynch: 'Law courts as perspicuous sites for ethnomethodological investigations' 107
    8 Eric Livingston: 'Circumstances of reasoning in the natural sciences' 121
    9 Erik Vinkhuyzen and Jack Whalen: 'Expert system technology in work practice: a report on service technicians and machine diagnosis' 135
    10 Kenneth Liberman: 'Thinking as a public activity: the local order of a tibetan philosophical debate' 159
    11 Roger Slack, Mark Hartswood, Rob Procter and Mark Rouncefield: 'Cultures of reading: on professional vision and the lived work of mammography 175
    12 Robin Williams: 'The problem of dust: forensic investigation as practical action'  195



    'This book answers the question: what have ethnomethodology's researchers been up to lately? A variety of studies including observations and explorations by leaders in the field - Garfinkel, Sharrock, Button, Lynch, Livingston and Liberman - and rising younger ones, yield impressive new insights into ordinary actions ranging from studies of surgical operations, mammography, and copy machine servicing to reasoning in the natural sciences, medical case conferences and the use of bibliographies. Throughout is a consistent focus on practical actions and practical reasoning in the respecification of ordinary social phenomena, proving that ethnomethodology is alive and well.'
    George Psathas, Boston University, USA.

    Hugo Bowles & Paul Seedhouse, eds. (2007) Conversation analysis and language for specific purposes. Bern, etc.: Peter Lang

    ISBN 978-3-03911-469-6 pb.
    Price: sFr. 87. /€ 56.10 / £ 36.50 / US-$ 72.95

    Research into the relationship between conversation analysis (CA) and different areas of applied linguistics is increasing rapidly. The aim of this volume is to show how conversation analysis can make a significant contribution to the teaching of spoken language for specific purposes (LSP) and to provide a firm foundation for future research and practice in this area.

    The first-ever collection in this area, the volume provides a theoretical and methodological framework for applying CA to LSP, as well as a series of illustrations of practical applications of CA in specific domains including interpreting, journalism, service encounters, academic discourse and the language classroom. The chapters in this collection are all written by CA practitioners with experience in the teaching of language for specific purposes and will appeal to researchers and students in applied linguistics and the social sciences, particularly those working in LSP teaching and teacher training.


    The Editors: Hugo Bowles is associate professor of English at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", where he runs the English language programmes and teaches English linguistics and discourse analysis at undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research and publications are mostly in the areas of specialised discourse, particularly legal and medical communication, language pedagogy and LSP, and he is currently researching genre and conversation analysis and their applications to LSP teaching.
    Paul Seedhouse is Professor in Educational and Applied Linguistics in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK. His monograph The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom: A CA Perspective was published in 2004. He also co-edited the collections Applying Conversation Analysis (2005) and Language learning and teaching as social interaction (2007).

    Paul ten Have (2007) Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide -- Second Edition. London etc. Sage Publications
    Information from the publisher's websites:



    Paperback: ISBN: 9781412921756 List Price: £21.99 or $44.95
    Hardcover: ISBN: 9781412921749 List Price: £65.00 or  $115.00
    Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
    Pages: 264

    "The Second Edition of Paul ten Have's now classic text Doing Conversation Analysis has been substantially revised by the author to bring the book up-to-date with the many changes that have occurred in Conversation Analysis over recent years.

    The book has a dual purpose: to introduce the reader to Conversation Analysis (CA) as a specific research approach in the human sciences, and to provide students and novice researchers with methodological and practical suggestions for actually doing CA research.

    The first part of the book sets out the core theoretical concepts that underpin CA and relates these to other approaches to qualitative analysis. The second and third parts detail the specifics of CA in its production of data, recordings and transcripts, and its analytic strategies. The final part discusses ways in which CA can be 'applied' in the study of specific institutional settings and for practical or critical purposes."

    Note 1: the publisher's websites provide three sample chapters for download
    Note 2: A complete list of contents and regularly updated support-pages check here

    Nick J. Enfield, Tanya Stivers, eds. (2007) Person Reference in Interaction: Linguistic, Cultural and Social Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Series: Language Culture and Cognition (No. 7)]

    368 pages ISBN-13: 9780521872454 £ 55.00

    How do we refer to people in everyday conversation? No matter the language or culture, we must choose from a range of options: full name ('Robert Smith'), reduced name ('Bob'), description ('tall guy'), kin term ('my son') etc. Our choices reflect how we know that person in context, and allow us to take a particular perspective on them. This book brings together a team of leading linguists, sociologists and anthropologists to show that there is more to person reference than meets the eye. Drawing on video-recorded, everyday interactions in nine languages, it examines the fascinating ways in which we exploit person reference for social and cultural purposes, and reveals the underlying principles of person reference across cultures from the Americas to Asia to the South Pacific. Combining rich ethnographic detail with cross-linguistic generalizations, it will be welcomed by researchers and graduate students interested in the relationship between language and culture.


    1. Person reference in interaction Tanya Stivers, N. J. Enfield and Stephen C. Levinson;

    Part I. Person Reference as a System:

    2. Two preferences in the organization of reference to persons in conversation and their interaction (1979) Harvey Sacks and Emanuel A. Schegloff;
    3. Optimizing person reference - evidence from repair on Rossel Island Stephen C. Levinson;
    4. Alternative recognitionals in person reference Tanya Stivers;
    5. Meanings of the unmarked: why 'default' person reference does more than just refer N. J. Enfield;

    Part II. The Person Reference System in Operation:

    6. Conveying who you are: the presentation of self, strictly speaking Emanuel A. Schegloff;
    7. Person reference in Yucatec Maya William F. Hanks;
    8. Principles of person reference in Tzeltal Penelope Brown;
    9. Non-initial person reference in Korean: choosing between quasi-pronouns Sun-Young Oh;
    10. Person reference in Tzotzil gossip: referring dupliciter John B. Haviland;

    Part III. The Person Reference System in Trouble:

    11. Intersubjectivity and progressivity in person (and place) reference John Heritage;
    12. Repairing person reference in a small Caribbean community Jack Sidnell;
    13. Reference and 'reference dangereuse' to persons in Kilivila: an overview and case study Gunter Senft.

    David Goode (2007) Playing with my dog, Katie: an ethnomethodological study of canine-human Interaction. Ashland, Ohio: Purdue University Press

    ISBN 1-55753-420-9 $49.95

    The relationship between dogs and humans has been represented and contemplated since the beginning of human culture. Lasting expressions of this interest can be found in art, philosophy, literature, and science. With the rise of biological and social sciences in the nineteenth century, disciplinary frames of analysis have increasingly been brought to bear on this topic. These include, among others, evolutionism, biology, genetics, psychology, ethology, anthropology and sociology, with a more recent trend toward interdisciplinary treatments.

    At present, there is a large body of scientific literature about the relationship between humans and dogs based upon primarily biological, genetic and psychological approaches. It is only within the past decade that sociologists have shown a concerted interest in the social organization of dog-human interaction, and Playing with My Dog Katie is an example of this movement. This unique contribution to the literature-- an in-depth case study of a single dog and her guardian (the author) at play uses an "ethnomethodological" approach, an important aspect of the research is providing the reader with various kinds of data-in written, photographic and video formats-in order to display the phenomenon of play as ordinary, mundane practice. Based upon these data, various theoretical, methodological and empirical issues regarding our understanding of dog-human play are explored. Some of these include: anthropomorphism and anthropomorphic language, the social organization of different 'kinds' (guardian, guide-dog, working dog) of dog-human relationships, the conceptualization of play as an interspecies activity, and intersubjectivity (loosely meaning mutual understanding) between dogs and humans.

    Esther González Martínez (2007) Flagrantes auditions: Echanges langagiers lors d'interactions judiciaires. [Flagrant Hearings. Talk during judicial interactions] Bern, etc.: Peter Lang

    ISBN 978-3-03911-238-8 € 32.20 £ 22.50 US-$ 38.95

    Abstract & Contents in English below.


    Ce livre présente une analyse sociologique d'un corpus d'échanges langagiers tirés d'auditions judiciaires de comparution immédiate. Depuis une perspective ethnométhodologique, l'auteure examine les procédures du procureur et du déféré pour organiser sur place, concrètement, un instant après l'autre, leur interaction. La partie centrale de l'échange est une discussion sur « ce qui s'est passé » qui mobilise une pluralité et un enchevêtrement d'activités-séquence. Cette dynamique assure, de la présentation des charges à la rédaction de la déclaration du déféré, la co-implication des orientations des deux interlocuteurs. On voit émerger progressivement la figure d'un « je » - le sujet de la déclaration écrite - censé représenter le déféré qui parle également pour le procureur. L'ouvrage examine tour par tour cette organisation de l'échange, en lien avec la nature juridique de l'audition. Les enregistrements effectués au Palais de justice de Paris par le documentariste français Raymond Depardon lors de la réalisation de Délits flagrants (1994) constituent sa base empirique.


    Analyse détaillée du déroulement sur place d'une situation judiciaire - Perspective et approche sociologiques innovatrices : l'ethnométhodologie et l'analyse de conversation - Matériel empirique unique - Contribution à l'étude de l'application des procédures pénales d'urgence.


    Esther González Martínez est docteure en sciences sociales et sociologie de l'Université de Lausanne et de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris). Elle occupe actuellement un poste de professeure associée au Département des sciences de la société de l'Université de Fribourg. Son domaine de spécialisation est l'analyse ethnométhodologique d'interactions dans des milieux institutionnels.

    Abstract in English

    This book presents a sociological analysis of talk-in-interaction during pretrial hearings within the framework of a French criminal procedure. Adopting an ethnomethodological perspective, the author examines the procedures used by prosecutor and suspect to accomplish courses of action in situ, concretely and sequentially. The central part of the talk, a discussion of "what happened," brings into play a plurality and entanglement of activities. From the presentation of charges against the suspect to the writing of his statement, this organization ensures the reciprocal adjustment of both interlocutors' orientations. Progressively, there emerges an "I"- the subject of the written statement - which is meant to represent the suspect, but in fact also speaks for the prosecutor. The empirical data of the research are recordings made at the Paris Courthouse by French documentary filmmaker Raymond Depardon for his 1994 film Délits Flagrants (Caught in the Act).

    Esther González Martínez holds a doctorate in social sciences and sociology from the University of Lausanne and the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (France). She is currently an associate professor in the Département des sciences de la société at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Her area of specialization is the ethnomethodological analysis of interactions in institutional environments.


    I. The organization of talk-in-interaction                9
    Opening the encounter                                       27
    II. Displaying orientations                                   29
    III. Aligning orientations                                     75
    IV. Opposing orientations                                117
    V. Attributing orientations                                 159
    VI. The plurality and entanglement of activities  195
    Closing the encounter                                       251
    Conclusion                                                      253
    Appendix                                                        263
    References                                                      265

    For a paper in English see:
    González-Martínez, Esther (2006) ‘The interweaving of talk and text in French criminal pretrial hearing’, Research on language and social interaction 39/3: 229-61

    Liu Yuntong (2007) The Rudiments of Conversation Analysis. Shanghai: Xuelin Publishing House.

    Paperback: (ISBN: 978-7-80730-305-3)

    CA is by its very nature interdisciplinary; today it is practiced by sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, and communication scientists all over the world. In the field of linguistics, CA is relevant for three main areas: pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis. This book introduces the general characteristics and background of CA and offers students in linguistics and other disciplines basic analytic strategies of CA. It is designed to provide the students of linguistics and other disciplines one alterative paradigm for doing scientific research.
        This is the first introductory book written in Chinese by scholar from mainland China.
    Chapter 1   The emergence of CA
    Chapter 2   Collecting and recording conversations
    Chapter 3   The transcription system of CA
    Chapter 4   Analyzing conversation I: analysis of a singular case
    Chapter 5   Analyzing conversation II: Analysis of multiple cases
    Chapter 6    Conversation analytic mentality I
    Chapter 7    Conversation analytic mentality II
    Chapter 8    The macrostructure of conversation
    Chapter 9    Conversation analytic research on institutional interaction
    Chapter 10   The practical applications of CA
    Chapter 11   Conversation and grammar
    Chapter 12   Conclusion

    Holt, Elizabeth, Rebecca Clift, eds. (2007) Reporting Talk: Reported Speech in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Series: Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics, No. 24]

    ISBN-13: 9780521824835 | ISBN-10: 0521824834


    Reported speech, whereby we quote the words of others, is used in many different types of interaction. In this revealing study, a team of leading experts explore how reported speech is designed, the actions it is used to perform, and how it fits into the environments in which it is used. Using the most recent techniques of conversation analysis, the authors show how speech is reported in a wide range of contexts - including ordinary conversation, storytelling, news interviews, courtroom trials and medium-sitter interactions. Providing detailed analyses of reported speech in naturally-occurring talk, the authors examine existing linguistic and sociological studies, and offer some pioneering new insights into the phenomenon. Bringing together work from the most recent investigations in conversation analysis, this book will be invaluable to all those interested in the study of interaction, in particular how we report the speech of others, and the different forms this can take.


    1. Introduction Rebecca Clift and Elizabeth Holt;
    2. Interactive footing Charles Goodwin;
    3. "I'm eyeing your chop up mind": reporting and enacting Elizabeth Holt;
    4. Assessing and accounting Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen;
    5. Getting there first: non-narrative reported speech in interaction Rebecca Clift;
    6. Reported thought in complaint stories Markku Haakana;
    7. Designing contexts for reporting tactical talk John Rae and Joanne Kerby;
    8. Active voicing in court Renata Galatolo;
    9. Speaking on behalf of the public in broadcast news interviews Steven E. Clayman;
    10. The dead in service of the living Robin Wooffit.

    Ian Hutchby (2007) The Discourse of Child Counselling. Amsterdam: John Bebnjamins
    IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 21

     xii, 144 pp.

    Hardbound ISBN 978 90 272 1859 9 EUR 95.00 / USD 114.00
    Paperback ISBN 978 90 272 1860 5 EUR 33.00 / USD 39.95

    This book is an empirical study of naturally occurring interaction between child counselling professionals and young children experiencing parental separation or divorce. Based on tape recordings of the work of a London child counselling practice, it offers the reader a unique and sustained look inside the child counselling consultation room at the talk that occurs there. The book uses conversation analysis against a backdrop of sociological work in childhood and family studies to situate the discourse of child counselling at an interface between the increasing incitement to communicate in modern society, the growing recognition of children’s social competence and agency, and the enablements and constraints of institutional forms of discourse participation. Chapters include overviews of recent developments in the sociology of childhood and the sociolinguistics of children’s talk; conversation analysis and institutional discourse; and detailed empirical studies of the linguistic techniques by which counsellors draw out children’s concerns about family trauma and the means by which children, through talking and avoiding talking, either cooperate in or resist their therapeutic subjectification. This book will be of interest to readers in counselling psychology and practitioners of child counselling; to researchers and advanced students in social psychology, sociology and sociolinguistics; and to others interested in childhood and family studies, interactionism, qualitative methodology and conversation analysis.

    Table of contents

    Acknowledgements vii–viii
    Transcription conventions ix–x
    Supplementary note on the presentation of data xi–xii
    Chapter 1 Child counselling and children’s social competence 1–18
    Chapter 2 Child counselling as institutional interaction 19–37
    Chapter 3 ‘So this is being taped’: From ethics to analytics in the data collection process 39–57
    Chapter 4 Talking about feelings: The perspective-display series in child counselling 59–78
    Chapter 5 Active listening and the formulation of concerns 79–99
    Chapter 6 ‘I don’t know’: The interactional dynamics of resistance and response 101–121
    Chapter 7 Child counselling and the incitement to communicate 123–134
    References 135–141
    Index 143–144

    Tanya Stivers (2007) Prescribing under pressure: Parent-physician conversations and antibiotics. New York, etc. Oxford University Press

    ISBN: 978-0-19-531114-0
    $55/ ££ 32.99

    Book Description

    Antibiotics will soon no longer be able to cure common illnesses such as strep throat, sinusitis and middle ear infections as they have done for the last 60 years. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasing at a much faster rate than new antibiotics to treat them are being developed. The prescription of antibiotics for viral illnesses is a key cause of increasing bacterial resistance. Despite this fact, many children continue to receive antibiotics unnecessarily for the treatment of viral upper respiratory tract infections. Why do American physicians continue to prescribe inappropriately given the high social stakes of this action? The answer appears to lie in the fundamentally social nature of medical practice: physicians do not prescribe as the result of a clinical algorithm but prescribe in the context of a conversation with a parent and a child. Thus, physicians have a classic social dilemma which pits individual parents and children against a greater social good.

    This book examines parent-physician conversations in detail, showing how parents put pressure on doctors in largely covert ways, for instance in specific communication practices for explaining why they have brought their child to the doctor or answering a history-taking question. This book also shows how physicians yield to this seemingly subtle pressure evidencing that apparently small differences in wording have important consequences for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Following parents use of these interactional practices, physicians are more likely to make concessions, alter their diagnosis or alter their treatment recommendation. This book also shows how small changes in the way physicians present their findings and recommendations can decrease parent pressure for antibiotics. This book carefully documents the important and observable link between micro social interaction and macro public health domains.


    Antibiotics will soon no longer be able to cure common illnesses such as strep throat, sinusitis and middle ear infections as they have done for the last 60 years. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasing at a much faster rate than new antibiotics to treat them are being developed. The prescription of antibiotics for viral illnesses is a key cause of increasing bacterial resistance. Despite this fact, many children continue to receive antibiotics unnecessarily for the treatment of viral upper respiratory tract infections. Why do American physicians continue to prescribe inappropriately given the high social stakes of this action? The answer appears to lie in the fundamentally social nature of medical practice: physicians do not prescribe as the result of a clinical algorithm but prescribe in the context of a conversation with a parent and a child. Thus, physicians have a classic social dilemma which pits individual parents and children against a greater social good. This book examines parent-physician conversations in detail, showing how parents put pressure on doctors in largely covert ways, for instance in specific communication practices for explaining why they have brought their child to the doctor or answering a history-taking question. This book also shows how physicians yield to this seemingly subtle pressure evidencing that apparently small differences in wording have important consequences for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Following parents use of these interactional practices, physicians are more likely to make concessions, alter their diagnosis or alter their treatment recommendation. This book also shows how small changes in the way physicians present their findings and recommendations can decrease parent pressure for antibiotics. This book carefully documents the important and observable link between micro social interaction and macro public health domains.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: The Miracle Drug: The Context of Modern Antibiotic Usage
    Chapter 2: Foregrounding the Relevance of Antibiotics in the Problem Presentation
    Chapter 3: Alternative Practices for Asking and Answering History-Taking Questions
    Chapter 4: No Problem (No Treatment) Diagnosis Resistance
    Chapter 5: Treatment Resistance
    Chapter 6: Overt Forms of Negotiation
    Chapter 7: Physician Behavior That Influences Parent Negotiation Practices
    Chapter 8: Conclusion
    Appendix: Transcript Symbols

    Lucy Suchman (2007) Human-Machine Reconfigurations: Plans and Situated Actions 2nd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Hardback ISBN-13: 9780521858915 £45.00
    Paperback: ISBN-13: 9780521675888 £17.99

    This book considers how agencies are currently figured at the human-machine interface, and how they might be imaginatively and materially reconfigured. Contrary to the apparent enlivening of objects promised by the sciences of the artificial, the author proposes that the rhetorics and practices of those sciences work to obscure the performative nature of both persons and things. The question then shifts from debates over the status of human-like machines, to that of how humans and machines are enacted as similar or different in practice, and with what theoretical, practical and political consequences. Drawing on recent scholarship across the social sciences, humanities and computing, the author argues for research aimed at tracing the differences within specific sociomaterial arrangements without resorting to essentialist divides. This requires expanding our unit of analysis, while recognizing the inevitable cuts or boundaries through which technological systems are constituted.

    Exemplifies interdisciplinary scholarship
    Contributes to critical post-humanist theory
    Brings anthropology of technology to bear on contemporary projects in computing


    Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Readings and responses; 2. Preface to the 1st edition; 3. Introduction to the 1st edition; 4. Interactive artifacts; 5. Plans; 6. Situated actions; 7. Communicative resources; 8. Case and methods; 9. Human-machine communication; 10. Conclusion to the 1st edition; 11. Plans, scripts and other ordering devices; 12. Agencies at the interface; 13. Figuring the human in AI and robotics; 14. Demystifications and re-enchantments of the human-like machine; 15. Reconfigurations; Notes; References.
    326 pages

    Emanuel A. Schegloff (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction, A Primer in Conversation Analysis, vol. 1.
    Cambridge University Press
    Paperback: (ISBN-13: 9780521532792 | ISBN-10: 0521532795)
    Hardback: (ISBN-13: 9780521825726 | ISBN-10: 0521825725)

    Much of our daily lives are spent talking to one another, in both ordinary conversation and more specialized settings such as meetings, interviews, classrooms, and courtrooms. It is largely through conversation that the major institutions of our society - economy, religion, politics, family and law - are implemented. This is the first in a new series of books by Emanuel Schegloff introducing the findings and theories of conversation analysis. Together, the volumes in the series when published will constitute a complete and authoritative 'primer' in the subject. The topic of this first volume is 'sequence organization' - the ways in which turns-at-talk are ordered and combined to make actions take place in conversation, such as requests, offers, complaints, and announcements. Containing many examples from real-life conversations, it will be invaluable to anyone interested in human interaction and the workings of conversation.

    • Includes transcribed data of real-life conversation, and accompanying audio and video files
    • Analyses the data in detail
    • Looks at a key component of the workings of conversation

    1. Introduction to sequence organization; 2. The adjacency pair as a unit for sequence construction; 3. Minimal, two-turn adjacency pair sequences; 4. Pre-expansion; 5. The organization of preference/dispreference; 6. Insert expansion; 7. Post-expansion; 8. Topic proffering sequences; 9. Sequence-closing sequences; 10. Sequences of sequences; 11. Retro-sequences; 12. Some variations in sequence organization; 13. Sequence as practice; 14. Ending, re-beginning, and how to use this book.

    Johanna Rendle-Short (2006) The Academic Presentation: Situated Talk in Action. Aldershot: Ashgate
    Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis

    Hardback ISBN: 0 7546 4597 5 $99.95/£55.00, 188 pages

    How is the task of giving a presentation accomplished? In this book the author unpacks this seemingly simple task to show the complexity that underlies it. Examining the academic presentation as a case in point, the author details when things go according to plan from the perspective of the listening audience and shows how seminar presenters interact with the audience and objects around them to produce a coherent whole that is the academic presentation.

    Through detailed examination of talk-in-interaction the book throws light on one instance of talk as situated practice, demonstrating both the ordinariness of the academic presentation, and its intricate complexity of moment-by-moment talk. While audience members recognise that a seminar is underway, this book shows how this recognition comes about.

    Starting with a discussion of the academic presentation as an instance of institutional talk, it assesses interaction within monologic talk, from both a non-CA perspective, and CA perspective. The analysis demonstrates the orderliness of the academic presentation and how to describe such order as an instance of situated talk.

    The book is of interest to academics interested in the analysis of talk and interaction, situated talk, ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.

    Series preface. Transcription Conventions; Introduction; Transcribing video data; The presentation as monologue; Doing the academic presentation; Showing structure within the academic presentation; Doing deixis; Interacting with objects; Conclusion; References; Index.

    About the Author/Editor
    Johanna Rendle-Short is a lecturer in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at The Australian National University, Australia.

    Salla Kurhila (2006) Second Language Interaction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 145] vii, 257 pp.

    This book describes how mutual intelligibility is established, checked and remedied in authentic interaction between first and second language speakers, both in institutional and everyday situations. The study is rooted in the interactional view on language, and it contributes to our knowledge on interactional practices, in particular in cases where some doubt exists about the level of intersubjectivity between the participants. It expands the traditional research agenda of conversation analysis that is based on the concepts of 'membership' and 'members' shared competences'. By showing in detail how speakers with restricted linguistic resources can interact successfully and achieve the (institutional) goals of interactions, this study also adds to our knowledge of the questions that are central in second language research, such as when and how the non-native speakers' 'linguistic output' is modified by themselves or by the native speakers, or when the non-native speakers display uptake after these modifications.

    Members of divergent societies are increasingly involved in interactional situations, both publicly and privately, where participants do not share linguistic resources. Second language conversations have become common everyday events in the globalized world, and an interest has evolved to determine how interaction is conducted and understanding achieved in such asymmetric conversations.

    Table of contents

    Introduction 1-17
    Repair organisation as a means to construct understanding 19-29
    Other-correction 31-89
    Word search 91-151
    Candidate understandings 153-217
    Concluding discussion 219-232
    Notes 233-238
    References 239-249
    Appendix: Transcription and glossing symbols 251-253
    Index 255-257

    Publisher's l;ink for the book:

    Ulrich Streeck (2004) Auf den ersten Blick. Psychotherapeutische Beziehungen unter dem Mikroskop. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta


    Danksagung 9
    Einleitung: Erzählen und Interagieren 11
    1. Interaktion und die therapeutische Beziehung 21
    2. Sprechen, körperliches Verhalten und die Abwicklung von Interaktion im psychotherapeutischen Behandlungszimmer 51
    3. Sprechen und nichtsprachliches Verhalten im psychotherapeutischen Behandlungszimmer unter dem Mikroskop: Auf dem Weg zu einer Mikroethnographie von Psychotherapie 83
    4. Körperbewegungen, Gesten und del »Austausch von Worten«: Die Koordination sprachlichen und körperlichen Interaktionsverhaltens in psychotherapeutischen Gesprächen (zusammen mit J. Streeck) 119
    5. Wie psychotherapeutische Diagnosen zustande kommen: Über Erzählen und Interaktionsregulierung im diagnostischen Interview 141
    6. Der Körper im Blick des anderen: Die Darstellung von Geschlechtszugehörigkeit in psychotherapeutischen Gesprächen am Beispiel von Transsexuellen . 171
    7. »Unsere Zeit ist für heute zu Ende, Frau Meier«: Begrüßungen und Verabschiedungen als Grenzereignisse zwischen therapeutischem Raum und sozialem Alltag 201
    8. »Würde mich schon mal interessieren, wie Ihre Diagnose aussieht«: Übertragung und Widerstand und del Wechsel del Rollen von Sprecher und Zuhörer im psychotherapeutischen Dialog 227
    9. Woher weiß der Psychotherapeut, wie sein Patient seine Intervention aufgenommen hat? 245
    10. Verborgene Wege der Wunscherfüllung 273
    Anmerkungen 289
    Transkriptionszeichen 291
    Literaturverzeichnis 293
    Register 305

    John Heritage, Douglas W. Maynard, eds. (2006) Communication in Medical Care: Interaction Between Primary Care Physicians and Patients. [Series: Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics, No. 20] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    ISBN-13: 9780521628990 £50.00
    ISBN-10: 0521628997 £22.99

    This new and pathbreaking volume provides a comprehensive discussion of communication between doctors and patients in primary care consultations. The first of its kind for thirty years, it brings together a team of leading contributors from the fields of linguistics, sociology and medicine to describe each phase of the primary care consultation, identifying the distinctive tasks, goals and activities that make up each phase of primary care as social interaction. Using conversation analysis techniques, the authors analyze the sequential unfolding of a visit, and describe the dilemmas and conflicts faced by physicians and patients as they work through each of these activities. The result is a view of the medical encounter that takes the perspective of both physicians and patients in a way that is both rigorous and humane. Clear and comprehensive, this book will be essential reading for students and researchers in sociolinguistics, communication studies, sociology, and medicine.

    • First comprehensive treatment for thirty years of the primary care visit as a social interaction
    • Makes innovative use of conversation analysis
    • Provides a full exploration of the perspectives and activities of both the patient and doctor


    1. Introduction: analyzing interaction between doctors and patients in primary care encounters John Heritage and Douglas W. Maynard;
    2. Soliciting patients' presenting concerns Jeffrey Robinson;
    3. Accounting for the visit: giving reasons for seeking medical care John Heritage and Jeffrey Robinson;
    4. Realizing the illness: patients' narratives of symptom discovery Tim Halkowski;
    5. Explaining illness: patients' proposals and physicians' responses Virginia Gill and Douglas W. Maynard;
    6. Taking the history: questioning during comprehensive history taking Elizabeth Boyd and John Heritage;
    7. Body work: the collaborative production of the clinical object Christian Heath;
    8. Communicating and responding to diagnosis Anssi Peräkylä;
    9. On diagnostic rationality: bad news, good news, and the symptom residue Douglas W. Maynard and Richard M. Frankel;
    10. Treatment decisions: negotiations between doctors and patients in acute care encounters Tanya Stivers;
    11. Prescriptions and prescribing: co-ordinating talk and text-based activities David Greatbach;
    12. Lifestyle discussions in medical interviews Marja-Leena Sorjonen, Liisa Raevaara, Markku Haakana, Tuukka Tammi and Anssi Peräkylä;
    13. Co-ordinating closings in medical interviews: producing continuity of care Candace West;
    14. Mis-alignments in 'after-hours' calls to a British GP's practice: a study in telephone medicine Paul Drew.

    Cristina Zucchermaglio & Francesca Alby, eds. (2006) Psicologia culturale delle organizzazioni. Roma:Carocci
    Cod ISBN 88-430-3874-5 € 19,60

    Il volume raccoglie un insieme di saggi ?alcuni dei quali per la prima volta disponibili in lingua italiana ?emblematici di una prospettiva innovativa nello studio delle organizzazioni lavorative. Tale prospettiva, definita culturale proprio per sottolineare le sue origini vygotskiane, guarda alle organizzazioni come sistemi di attività situata e di cognizione distribuita da studiare con metodologie etnografico-conversazionali. Nel corso del libro i temi classici della psicologia delle organizzazioni ?decisione, apprendimento, negoziazione, competenze professionali, cambiamento e comportamento organizzativo ?vengono ridefiniti alla luce di tale prospettiva e studiati come fenomeni sociali emergenti dalle pratiche interattive quotidiane all’interno di specifici sistemi di attività lavorativa – quali, tra gli altri, centri di riabilitazione, aziende informatiche, ospedali, banche, uffici postali e equipaggi aerei. Una riflessione partecipata e condivisa sulle pratiche interattive quotidiane è anche alla base delle metodologie di sostegno del cambiamento organizzativo presentate nel testo.


    Introduzione. Cultura e organizzazioni: una relazione da rifondare?, di C. Zucchermaglio e F. Alby / PARTE PRIMA. GRUPPI E PRATICHE LAVORATIVE 1. Comunità di pratiche e sistemi sociali di apprendimento, di E. Wenger/Elementi di un framework concettuale/Comunità di pratica/Confini/Identità/ Conclusioni: partecipare a un sistema sociale di apprendimento 2. Cognizione distribuita nella cabina di pilotaggio aereo, di E. Hutchins e T. Klausen/Il metodo di analisi/ Analisi dell’evento/Discussione 3. Gruppi, lavoro e istituzioni: pratiche discorsive in un centro di riabilitazione psicosociale, di C. Piccini, A. Carassa e M. Colombetti/Introduzione/Un quadro concettuale per lo studio delle attività professionali/ Un caso di studio: le pratiche discorsive al Dragonato/ Conclusioni / PARTE SECONDA. COMPETENZE PROFESSIONALI E DISCORSI ORGANIZZATIVI 4. Decisioni in azione tra vincoli organizzativi e attività lavorative, di F. Alby e C. Zucchermaglio/ Le decisioni secondo i modelli razionali/Le decisioni secondo i modelli naturalistici/Le decisioni come pratiche sociali e distribuite/Vincoli e caratteristiche del sistema di attività lavorativa/Decidere come pratica situata: “Dopo possiamo capire che cosa andava storto, ma adesso mettiamolo a posto”/Conclusioni 5. Narrazioni e agire organizzativo, di C. Zucchermaglio e A. Fasulo/Storie, narrazioni e struttura di partecipazione/ Narrazioni al lavoro/Narrazione, dimensione temporale e azione/Considerazioni conclusive 6. Negoziare per vendere: la competenza esperta in azione, di C. Zucchermaglio/La costruzione sociale delle competenze esperte/La negoziazione come attività interattiva e situata/Obiettivi/Il venditore e i clienti/ Il repertorio di strategie negoziali/La co-costruzione interattiva dello spazio problematico/Conclusioni / PARTE TERZA. INNOVAZIONE E CAMBIAMENTO ORGANIZZATIVO 7. I confini tra comunità come luogo di apprendimento organizzativo, di C. Zucchermaglio e F. Alby/Sistema di istruzione e mondo del lavoro: quale rapporto?/Attraversare i confini: il caso dell’Università di Ferrara/L’apprendimento come istituzione sociale condivisa/L’apprendimento come partecipazione legittimata e situata/Conclusioni 8. La “clinica dell’attività”: analizzare il lavoro per trasformarlo, di Y. Clot e L. Scheller/Introduzione/ Funzionamento e sviluppo: la ripresa di un’esperienza di ricerca storico-sperimentale/Un metodo storico-clinico: gli autoconfronti incrociati/Le Poste: postini esperti e giovani sostituti/Conclusioni 9. La teoria dell’attività e il cambiamento organizzativo, di Y. Engeström/Introduzione/Livelli di apprendimento/Il sistema di attività è l’unità di analisi/ Il cambiamento dall’esterno e dall’interno/Cicli espansivi e contraddizioni/Azioni per l’apprendimento/La relazione problematica tra ricercatori e cambiamento/Cominciare con le azioni: come fondare il cambiamento sui problemi/ Modellare l’attività: la costruzione dell’oggetto nella zona di sviluppo prossimale/Ritorno alle azioni/Mettere in pratica la teoria: riprogettare l’ospedale pediatrico di Helsinki/ Conclusioni: che cos’è lo sviluppo organizzativo? / Riferimenti bibliografici / Gli autori / Indice analitico / Indice dei nomi.

    Baudouin Dupret  (2006) Le Jugement en action. Ethnométhodologie du droit, de la morale et de la justice en Egypte. [Adjudication in action: ethnomethodology of law, morality and justice in Egypt] Geneva, Librairie Droz

    [French text below]
    This book is concerned with the re-specification of the legal object, in the moral dimension of its performance and in its dealing with moral issues. It aims to observe in context the practices and activities of a variety of people involved in, or confronted to, the judicial institution. More specifically its goal is to study and to describe, in an empirically documented and detailed manner, how the necessary moral dimension of judicial activities is produced and manifested and how judicial activities affect the treatment of cases concerned with morality.

    The context of this study is specific: the precinct of Egyptian prosecution offices and courtrooms and cases that were adjudicated during the late twentieth and eary twenty-first century. However, its ambition is much broader than the mere presentation of a particular legal system; it opens to the sociology of law in context and in action -- what is called the praxiology of law.

    After having set its analytical frame, i.e. ethnomethodology and the ethnographic study of legal work, the book proceeds in four steps, all sustained with numerous excerpts of real cases. First, it grounds the praxiological approach of the relationships between law and morality, starting from the classical treatment of this question, introducing the idea of the moral structuring of ordinary and judiciary cognition, and stressing the contribution of ethnomethodology to the field. Second, it addresses the issue of judicial activities and their moral organisation. Accordingly, the question of the context of judicial activities and the notions of procedural constraint and legal relevance are further explored. Third, the book scrutinizes the practical grammar of some big legal concepts, like the person, causation and intention. In a fourth part, it analyses in a detailed manner the case of more than fifty men who were prosecuted for their alleged homosexuality. It examines in depth both the Prosecution's and the judge's languages, as well as the many categorisation devices going through these many activities. The conclusion tackles the issue of the relations between law and morality according to the praxiological approach that was developped throughout the book.


    C'est à la respécification de l'objet juridique, dans la dimension morale de son déploiement et dans son traitement des questions de moralité, que cet ouvrage s'attache. Son but est d'observer, en contexte, les pratiques et l'activité d'une grande variété de gens impliqués dans ou confrontés à l'institution de la justice. Plus particulièrement, son objectif est d'étudier et de décrire, de manière empiriquement documentée et détaillée, comment se produit et se manifeste la dimension nécessairement morale de l'activité judiciaire et comment cette dernière modalise le traitement d'affaires touchant à la morale.

    Le contexte de cette étude est spécifique : il s'agit de l'enceinte de parquets et tribunaux égyptiens et d'affaires qui y ont été traitées au tournant du xxie siècle. Mais son ambition va bien au-delà de la présentation d'un système juridique particulier, il ouvre à une sociologie du droit en contexte et en action - ce qu'on pourrait appeler la praxéologie du droit.

    Après avoir posé le cadre analytique de sa démarche, l'ethnométhodologie et l'ethnographie du travail juridique, l'ouvrage - nourri de très nombreux extraits d'affaires - procède en quatre temps. Il s'agit d'abord de fonder l'approche praxéologique des relations qu'entretiennent droit et morale, en partant du traitement classique de cette question, en introduisant l'idée d'une structuration morale de la cognition ordinaire et judiciaire et en s'arrêtant aux apports de la démarche ethnométhodologique. C'est ensuite à l'activité judiciaire et à l'organisation morale de son exercice que le livre s'intéresse. À cette fin, la question du contexte de l'activité judiciaire et les notions de contrainte procédurale et pertinence juridique sont développées. Puis il déroule une grammaire pratique de quelques grands concepts du droit, tels la personne, la cause ou l'intention. Enfin, il analyse de manière détaillée une affaire qui mit en cause une cinquantaine d'hommes pour leur homosexualité présumée. Sont ici décortiqués les langages de la décision de justice et de l'interrogatoire du Parquet, ainsi que les différents jeux de catégorisation qui traversent ces activités. En conclusion, l'ouvrage revient sur les relations entre droit et morale à la lumière de la démarche praxéologique qu'il a déployée.

    Kenneth Liberman (2004) Dialectical Practice in Tibetan Philosophical Culture: An Ethnomethodological Inquiry into Formal Reasoning. Introduction by Harold Garfinkel. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
    $75.00  Cloth 0-7425-2744-1 338pp^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0742527441

    Tibetan Buddhist scholar-monks have long engaged in face-to-face public philosophical debates. This original study challenges Orientalist text-based scholarship, which has missed these lived practices of Tibetan dialectics. Kenneth Liberman brings these dynamic disputations to life for the modern reader through a richly detailed, turn-by-turn analysis of the monks' formal philosophical reasoning. He argues that Tibetan Buddhists deliberately organize their debates into formal structures that both empower and constrain thinking, skillfully using logic as an interactional tool to organize their reflections.

    During his three years in residence at Tibetan monastic universities, Liberman observed and videotaped the monks' debates. He then transcribed, translated, and analyzed them using multimedia software and ethnomethodological techniques, which enabled him to scrutinize the local methods that Tibetan debaters use to keep their philosophical inquiries alive. His study shows the monks rely on such indigenous dialectical methods as extending an opponent's position to its absurd consequences, "pulling the rug out" from under an opponent, and other lively strategies. This careful investigation of the formal philosophical work of Tibetan scholars is a pathbreaking analysis of an important classical tradition.

    The book is packaged with a CD-ROM that offers photographs of debates; a guide to the participants; a grammar of Tibetan debating, which includes sample propositions, responses, and strategies; the ethnomethods employed by debaters; videos of illustrative debates, complete with English translations, all analyzed in detail in the book; and an appendix comprising an interactive debate, glossary, manual, and illustrations.

    Ian Hutchby (2005) Media Talk: Conversation Analysis and the Study of Broadcasting. Open University Press
    ISBN: 0335209955, £18.99
    ISBN: 0335209963 , £60
    Media Talk provides an accessible introduction to the analysis of the spoken word by examining linguistic and discursive aspects of broadcast media.

    Beginning with the observation that talk is central to all genres of radio and television, Ian Hutchby examines the forms of speech used by broadcasters as their primary means of communicating with audiences. He looks at a range of media forms and genres, including televised audience debates, confrontational TV talk shows such as Oprah Winfrey and Ricki Lake, open-line talk radio shows, advice-giving broadcasts, news interviews and political panel discussions.

    Hutchby argues that the study of talk provides insights into the very nature of mass communication, and invites the reader into further consideration of a range of important issues, such as the relationship between broadcasters and audiences, and the public role of media output.

    The book not only describes the role of media talk but also provides detailed examples of analytical tools. It is key reading for students on courses in language and the media, media discourse, communication and cultural studies.

    Table of Contents

    Note on Data and Transcription
    Discovering Media Talk
    Analysing Media Talk
    Television Talk and Audience Participation
    Audience Participation Television and Public Discourse
    The Spectacle of Confrontation
    Radio Talk
    Language, Interaction and Power on Talk Radio
    Distributed Expertise: The Discourse of Advice-Giving Shows
    Broadcasters and Politicians
    News Interviews: Journalists and Politicians On the Air
    Political Rhetoric and Televised Debate
    Postscript: Media Talk and Conversation Analysis: Some Concluding

    Scott R. Harris (2006) The Meanings of Marital Equality. SUNY Press,

    In sociology and throughout the social sciences, increasing attention is being given to meaning-making and to the issue of inequality.  Yet scholars still consistently treat inequality as an analytical resource rather than a topic.  This book examines the issue of marital equality as a case in point, by studying the issue of equality/inequality as a members' concern.
    Harris begins by carefully deconstructing quantitative and qualitative research on equality in marriage, highlighting discrepancies in the ways researchers have defined the boundary that separates "equal" from "unequal" couples.  Then, as an alternative to conventional approaches, Harris re-directs attention towards the stories that married people tell about their own marriages.  He uses a constructionist perspective (derived from ethnomethodology, phenomenology, and symbolic interactionism) to analyze a series of narratives collected via interviews with a diverse sample of spouses.
    The scope of this book ranges far beyond the subject of marriage, however. In his concluding chapter, Harris shows in detail how his constructionist study of marriage has parallel implications for the study of equality and inequality in other realms of social life, where scholars regularly posit (rather than investigate) interpretations of inequality.

    Harold Garfinkel, Anne Rawls, Ed. (2005) Seeing Sociologically: The Routine Grounds of Social Action. Paradigm Publishers

    ISBN: 1594510938 pbk; ISBN: 159451092X hbk 176pp


    This book--never before published--is eminent sociologist Harold Garfinkel's earliest attempt, while at Harvard in 1948, to bridge the growing gap in American sociology. This gap was generated by a Parsonian paradigm that emphasized a scientific approach to sociological description, one that increasingly distanced itself from social phenomena in the increasingly influential ways studied by phenomenologists.

    It was Garfinkel's idea that phenomenological description, rendered in more empirical and interactive terms, might remedy shortcomings in the reigning Parsonian view. Garfinkel soon gave up the attempt to repair scientific description and his focus became increasingly empirical until, in 1954, he famously coined the term "Ethnomethodology." However, in this early manuscript can be seen more clearly than in some of his later work the struggle with a conceptual and positivist rendering of social relations that ultimately informed Garfinkel's position. Here we find the sources of his turn toward ethnomethodology, which would influence subsequent generations of sociologists.

    This book is essential reading for all social theory scholars and graduate students and to a wider range of social scientists in anthropology, ethnomethodology, and other fields.

    Anthony J Wootton (2005)  Interaction and the development of mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    ISBN 0521022665 Price £19.99
    Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics (No. 15)
    Paperback reprint of the 1997 original hardback


    This study identifies key mechanisms through which a young child operates with external knowledge in her immediate social context. Central to this is the child’s capacity to draw on discourse-based understandings which have become evident in prior interaction. These understandings are shown to inform and shape various aspects of the child’s behaviour, notably request selection, the emergence of new request forms and various kinds of child distress, and they form the ‘context’ to which the child’s actions come to be increasingly sensitive. In contrast to studies which analyse development under different headings, such as language, emotions and cognition, Tony Wootton links these aspects in his examination of the state of understanding which exists at any given moment in interaction. The result is a distinctive social constructivist approach to children’s development.

    • Shows how the child acquires contextual knowledge
    • Shows how interactional and psychological skills are connected
    • Shows how developmental issues can be addressed and accounted for in interactional terms

    1. Overview of arguments and procedures; 2. Requesting at 12-24 months: an overview; 3. Imperatives and sequential knowledge; 4. Distressing incidents; 5. The emergence of two request forms; 6. General skills involved in early requesting; References; Index.

    Jack Sidnell (2005) Talk and Practical Epistemology: The social life of knowledge in a Caribbean community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 142]

    xvi, 255 pp. Hardbound ISBN: 90 272 5385 4 / USD 138.00 / EUR 115.00

    Drawing on the methods of conversation analysis and ethnography, this book sets out to examine the epistemological practices of Indo-Guyanese villagers as these are revealed in their talk and daily conduct. Based on over eighty-five hours of conversation recorded during twelve months of ethnographic fieldwork, the book describes both the social distribution of knowledge and the villagers' methods for distinguishing between fact and fancy, knowledge and belief through close analyses of particular encounters. The various chapters consider uncertainty and expertise in advice-giving, the cultivation of ignorance in an attempt to avoid scandal, and the organization of peer groups through the display of knowledge in the activity of reminiscing local history. An orienting chapter on questions and an appendix provide an introduction to conversation analysis. The book makes a contribution to linguistic anthropology, conversation analysis and cross-cultural pragmatics. The conclusion discusses the implications of the analysis for current understanding of practice, knowledge and social organization in anthropology and neighboring disciplines.

    Table of contents

    Acknowledgements  vii–ix
    What is a transcript?  xi–xv
    1. Malinowski’s complaint  1–18
    2. Knowledge and talk-in-interaction  19–51
    3. The village  53–74
    4. The vernacular  75–82
    5. Answering questions: A genealogy  83–106
    6. Uncertainty and expertise in advice  107–129
    7. Cultivated ignorance  131–150
    8. Reminiscing local history  151–170
    9. Policing knowledge  171–186
    10. Conclusion: Knowledge, belief and action  187–206
    Conversation analysis: A glossary and guide to the literature  207–221
    Notes  223–238
    References  239–251
    Index  253–255
    “This book demonstrates conclusively and richly the importance of studying language in particular situations in order to understand the production of meaning. It makes conversation analysis central to any account of practice, and I find this a very bold but well-supported view. An adequate account of human practice is an important goal and one that language scholars and scholars of pragmatics have a lot to contribute to. It's very well written and very erudite. This is an excellent book, which will be of great interest to many anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, communication and language scholars, as well as students of language use.”
    Elizabeth Keating, The University of Texas at Austin
    “An excellent book that makes a real contribution to a range of fields (linguistic anthropology, ethnography, conversation analysis, the sociology of knowledge, etc.). Among the book's real strengths is its integration of detailed analysis of language structure and the organization of talk with crucial issues in philosophy and ethnography. The detailed analysis is both insightful and substantive, and moreover the issues it raises and demonstrates about the organization of knowledge as practice are very important and original. This is an important, very original book that makes genuine substantive contributions and opens up important topics for discussion in a range of fields.”
    Charles Goodwin, UCLA

    Carolyn Baker, Michael Emmison and Alan Firth, eds. (2005) Calling for Help: Language and social interaction in telephone helplines. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 143]

    Hardbound xviii, 352 pp.
    90 272 5386 2 / USD 144.00 / EUR 120.00

    Telephone helplines have become one of the most pervasive sites of expert-lay interaction in modern societies throughout the world. Yet surprisingly little is known of the in situ, language-based processes of help-seeking and help-giving behavior that occurs within them. This collection of original studies by both internationally renowned and emerging scholars seeks to improve upon this state of affairs. It does so by offering some of the first systematic investigations of naturally-occurring spoken interaction in telephone helplines. Using the methods of Conversation Analysis, each of the contributors offers a detailed investigation into the skills and competencies that callers and call-takers routinely draw upon when engaging one another within a range of helplines. Helplines in the US, the UK, Australia, Scandinavia, The Netherlands, and Ireland, dealing with the provision of healthcare, emotional support and counselling, technical assistance and consumer rights, tourism and finance, make up the studies in the volume. Collectively and individually, the research provides fascinating insight into an under-researched area of modern living and demonstrates the relevance and potential of helplines for the growing field of institutional interaction.

    This book will be of interest to students of communication, applied linguistics, discourse and conversation, sociology, counselling, technology and work, social psychology and anthropology.

    Table of contents

    Notes on contributors xi--xiv
    Preface xv--xvii
    Calling for help: An introduction, Alan Firth, Michael Emmison and Carolyn Baker 1--35
    -    Technical assistance
    Calibrating for competence in calls to technical support, Carolyn Baker, Michael Emmison and Alan Firth 39--62
    Collaborative problem description in help desk calls, Hanneke Houtkoop, Frank Jansen and Anja Walstock 63--89
    The metaphoric use of space in expert-lay interaction about computing systems, Wilbert Kraan 91--105
    -    Emotional support
    The mitigation of advice: Interactional dilemmas of peers on a telephone support service, Christopher Pudlinski 109--131
    Four observations on openings in calls to Kids Help Line, Susan Danby, Carolyn Baker and Michael Emmison 133--151
    ''I just want to hear somebody right now'': Managing identities on a telephone helpline, Hedwig te Molder 153--173
    -    Healthcare provision
    Callers'' presentations of problems in telephone calls to Swedish primary care, Vesa Leppanen 177--205
    Constructing and negotiating advice in calls to a poison information center, Hakan Landqvist 207--234
    -    Consumer assistance
    Opportunities for negotiation at the interface of phone calls and service-counter interaction: A case study, Denise Chappell 237--256
    Institutionality at issue: The helpline call as a ''language game'', Brian Torode 257--283
    -    Aspects of call management
    Some initial reflections on conversational structures for instruction giving, Ged M. Murtagh 287--307
    Working a call: Multiparty management and interactional infrastructure in calls for help, Jack Whalen and Don H. Zimmerman 309--345

    Name Index 347--348
    Subject Index 349--351

    Cristina Zucchermaglio & Francesca Alby (2005) Gruppi e tecnologie al lavoro. Roma: Laterza


    1.1 Disastri organizzativi e pratiche sociali
    1.2 La relazione tra tecnico e sociale
    1.2.1 Interazione uomo-computer
    1.2.2 Sistema di attività
    1.2.3. Sistema tecnologico
    1.2.4 Progettazione tecnologica.
    2.1 Mediazione, storia e cultura
    2.2 La teoria dell’attività
    2.3 Il linguaggio come azione sociale
    2.4 La teoria dell’azione situata
    2.5 Gruppi e comunità di pratiche
    2.6 La cognizione distribuita
    3.1 La rappresentazione di altri mondi sociali
    3.2 Disegnare i confini dei dati
    3.2.1 I discorsi in interazione.
    3.2.2 Il corpo e i gesti.
    3.2.3 Il tempo.
    3.2.4 L’infrastruttura materiale e tecnologica.
    3.3. Entrare nelle organizzazioni
    3.4 Il caso Energy: storia e filosofia produttiva
    3.5 Qual è “il lavoro”?
    4.1 Pratiche di design e cultura dello start up.
    4.2 Il design in azione.
    4.3 Design in uso
    4.4 Design professionale
    5.1 Mappe, ruoli e organigrammi
    5.2 Il gruppo Media
    5.3 Il gruppo Tecnologie
    5.4 Il gruppo come fenomeno emergente
    5.4.1 Il gruppo come un’onda
    5.4.2 Il gruppo chiuso
    5.4.3 Il gruppo come sistema distribuito.
    5.5 Il coordinamento delle attività
    5.5.1 Interazione e conoscenze tacite
    5.5.2 Il corpo semiotico
    5.5.3 L’infrastruttura materiale
    5.6 La costruzione sociale della visione professionale
    5.6.1 La tecnologia come oggetto
    5.6.2 La tecnologia come azione
    5.7 Il gruppo come utente esperto
    6.1 Configurazioni di artefatti.
    6.2 Riconfigurare spazio e tempo
    6.3.Provare i nuovi prodotti
    6.4 Tracciare e memorizzare i processi lavorativi
    6.5 Coordinare e costruire gruppi di lavoro
    6.6 Coordinare l’accesso agli oggetti condivisi
    6.7 Rendere una email più visibile
    7. Per non concludere...
    7.1 Il lavoro come azione discorsivo-performativa
    7.2 Gruppi e partecipazione
    7.3 Interazione mediata come narrazione
    7.4 Configurazioni di artefatti

    Information provided by Francesca Alby:

    Emi Morita (2005) Negotiation of Contingent Talk: The Japanese interactional particles ne and sa. Amsterdam: Benjamins

    Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 137
    90 272 5380 3 / USD 138.00 EUR 115.00

    Observing naturally occurring talk-in-interaction in Japanese, this book examines how Japanese speakers segment their talk into relevant interactional units and use particles such as ne and sa to accomplish local pragmatic work. The study provides a conversation analytic, action-oriented account for the ubiquity of such particles in Japanese talk.
    The study argues that such particles are important resources for Japanese speakers to negotiate and fine-tune particular conversational contingencies within the emerging sequential environment of the talk. Various examples show that prospective alignment and the negotiability of conversational next action are ever-present issues for Japanese conversationalists and are handled at the precise moment of their relevance through interlocutors’ deployment of ne and sa. This study thus adds to the literature on Japanese
    conversational interaction a novel understanding of particle use in its synthesis of functional linguistics and conversation analysis.

    Table of contents

    Acknowledgments xi–xii
    Transcript conventions xiii–xiv
    Abbreviations used in the interlinear gloss xv
    1. Introduction 1–24
    2. Review of previous research: Aspects of Japanese Particles 25–48
    3. Interactionally-relevant units 49–93
    4. Interactional particle Ne 95–151
    5. Interactional particle Sa 153–209
    6. Concluding remarks 211–222
    References 223–236
    Index 237–240

    Susan A. Speer  (2005) Gender Talk: Feminism, Discourse and Conversation Analysis. London & New York: Routledge

    0-415-24643-1 Jul 2005 hbk ££45.00
    0-415-24644-X Jul 2005 pbk ££15.95
    Women and Psychology Series

    More info at:

    From the back cover:

    "This is the most comprehensive and groundbreaking work to date in the field of gender and discourse research. Speer has taken gender and language studies beyond the current focus on postmodernism to an engagement with ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and discursive psychology. Speer clinically lays out the theoretical and analytic issues in a range of contemporary perspectives, and in doing so produces a clear, concise yet sophisticated book that is essential reading for anyone interested in gender, language or feminism."
    Elizabeth Stokoe, Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology, Loughborough University
    Gender Talk provides a powerful case for the application of discursive psychology and conversation analysis to feminism, guiding the reader through cutting edge debates and providing valuable evidence of the benefits of fine-grained, discursive methodologies. In particular, the book concentrates on discourse and conversation analysis, providing a full account of these methodologies through the detailed study of data from a variety of settings, including focus groups, interviews, and naturally occurring sources. Providing a thorough review of the relevant literature and recent research, this book demonstrates how discourse and conversation analysis can be applied to rework central feminist notions and concepts, ultimately revealing their full potential and relevance to other disciplines. Each chapter provides an overview of traditional feminist research and covers subjects including:
    * Sex differences in language: conversation and interruption.
    * Reformulating context, power and asymmetry.
    * Gender identity categories: masculinity and femininity.
    This unique and thought-provoking application of discursive and conversation analytic methodologies will be of interest to students and researchers in social psychology, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies.

    Preface  1
    Introduction: Feminism, Discourse and Conversation Analysis: Mapping the Terrain. 7
    Gender and Language: ‘‘Sex Difference’’ Perspectives. 30
    Gender and Identity: Poststructuralist and Ethnomethodological Perspectives. 60
    A Feminist, Conversation Analytic Approach. 90
    Reconceptualizing Gender Identity: ‘‘Hegemonic Masculinity’’ and ‘‘The World Out There’’. 126
    Reconceptualizing Prejudice: ‘‘Heterosexist Talk’’ and ‘‘The World in Here’’. 151
    Questions, Conclusions and Applications. 178
    Postscript: The Future Of Feminist CA: Methodological Issues. 193

    Robin Wooffitt (2005) Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis: A Comparative and Critical Introduction. London, etc. Sage Publications.

    Cloth : 0-7619-7425-3 £60.00
    Paper : 0-7619-7426-1 £19.99

    This is an excellent book: clear, engaging and authoritative. It treads a path through the many confusions and provides a map of the fields of conversation analysis, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis and discursive psychology which is better than any currently available. It will be a valuable resource in teaching.
    Jonathan Potter, Loughborough University
    An excellent exposition: concepts are explained and put into context, and the reader is guided from introductory to advanced levls of discussion. Wooffitt sets out and answers the kinds of questions typically raised by students and others about relations and differences between discourse and conversation analysis engaging and useful'
    Derek Edwards, Loughborough University
    This significant text by Robin Wooffitt is the first to systematically examine the complex relationship between conversation analysis and discourse analysis. It comes at a timely moment: despite the close connection between the two forms of analyses in academic research, no other existing text explains these links methodically, comprehensively and for the benefit of undergraduate and master's students.

    Key features of this text:

    Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis shows how the methods and findings of conversation and discourse analysis may inform the development of empirical research questions. It will therefore be an invaluable resource for social science students on courses which require them to undertake practical or empirical exercises.

    Table of Contents:

    David Francis, Stephen Hester (2004) An Invitation to Ethnomethodology: Language, Society and Interaction. London etc. Sage Publications
     ISBN 07619 66412 (Hdbk); 07619 66420 (Ppbk)

    In this innovative book, Francis and Hester offer a new and accessible approach to ethnomethodological sociology that is grounded in the empirical analysis of social action. Students are invited to explore the social world at first hand, with reference to data that captures the detail of social action and interaction in a variety of settings. Drawing on both original material
    and published studies, Francis and Hester demonstrate how ethnomethodology and its sister discipline, conversation analysis, can be carried out with an attention to detail typically overlooked by more traditional ethnographic approaches. Throughout the book, examples of ethnomethodological analysis are given in relation to topic areas such as family life, education, medicine, organisational life and natural science. Readers are shown how to carry out their own inquiries, using methods and materials that are readily and ordinarily available.


    Ilkka Arminen (2005) Institutional Interaction: Studies of Talk at Work.  Aldershot: Ashgate
    [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Series editors D.Francis and S.Hester]

    ISBN: 0 7546 4285 2
    Hardback only: $ 99.95 /£ 50.00

    'Institutional Interaction' focuses on talk and interaction in institutional contexts and is the first systematic book-length study on this expanding area. The book consists of two parts: The first discusses the theory and methodology of conversation analysis, focusing on studies of institutional interaction, while the second part takes up the basics of institutional interaction in selected fields. New topics are assessed such as human-computer interaction, the role of ethnography, statistics and the relationship of institutional talk to ordinary talk.

    Accessibly written and carefully structured to provide a sophisticated introduction to conversation analysis and its application in institutional settings, the book offers a wealth of examples ranging from the classroom to the courtroom to the doctor's surgery. The author also provides helpful suggestions for further reading. The book will appeal to students and academics in socio-linguistics, social psychology, organizational studies, management and information systems and applied linguistics.


    'Conversation Analysis is making an enormously important contribution to the study of interaction and communication in such institutional settings as medical consultations, news interviews, counselling and courtroom examination. In doing so it is beginning to re-specify the sociolinguistic programme, and has re-engaged with more traditional sociological ethnographic inquiry. Arminen provides a lively and engaging introduction to this expanding and in some respects, controversial field of inquiry. He offers the student reader a clear picture of the scope of this field, including significant areas which have only recently emerged, such as interactional aspects of information systems.'
    Paul Drew, University of York, UK

    Hedwig te Molder, & Jonathan Potter, eds. (2005) Conversation and Cognition.Cambridge: Cambridge U.P. 2005

    Paperback: (ISBN-10: 0521793696 | ISBN-13: 9780521793698) £19.99
    Hardback: (ISBN-10: 0521790204 | ISBN-13: 9780521790208) £45.00

    Written by some of the leading figures in the fields of conversation analysis, discursive psychology and ethnomethodology, this book looks at the challenging implications of new discourse-based approaches to the topic of cognition. Up to now, cognition has primarily been studied in experimental settings. This volume shows how cognition can be reworked using analyses of engaging examples of real life interaction such as conversations between friends, relationship counselling sessions, and legal hearings. It includes an extended introduction that overviews the history and context of cognitive research and its basic assumptions to provide a frame for understanding the specific examples discussed, as well as surveying cutting edge debates about discourse and cognition. This comprehensive and accessible book opens up important new ways of understanding the relation between language and cognition.


    Jonathan Potter, Hedwig te Molder, Robert Sanders, Jeff Coulter, Anita Pomerantz, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Douglas Maynard, Robert Hopper, Paul Drew, John Heritage, Robin Wooffitt, Michael Lynch, David Bogen, Derek Edwards


    1 Jonathan Potter and Hedwig Te Molder: Talking cognition: mapping and making the terrain - 1

    Part I The interface between cognition and action

    2 Robert E. Sanders: Validating ''observations'' in discourse studies: a methodological reason for attention to cognition - 57
    3 Jeff Coulter: Language without mind - 79
    4 Anita Pomerantz: Using participants'' video-stimulated comments to complement analyses of interactional practices - 93
    5 Nora Cate Schaeffer and Douglas W. Maynard: From paradigm to prototype and back again: interactive aspects of ''cognitive processing'' in standardized survey interviews - 114
    6 Robert Hopper: A cognitive agnostic in conversation analysis: when do strategies affect spoken interaction? - 134

    Part II Cognition in action

    7 Paul Drew: Is confusion a state of mind? - 161
    8 John Heritage: Cognition in discourse - 184
    9 Robin Wooffitt: From process to practice: language, interaction and ''flashbulb'' memories - 203
    10 Michael Lynch and David Bogen: ''My memory has been shredded'': a non-cognitivist investigation of ''mental'' phenomena - 226
    11 Derek Edwards and Jonathan Potter: Discursive psychology, mental states and descriptions - 241

    Andrea Golato (2005) Compliments and Compliment Responses: Grammatical structure and sequential organization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [Studies in Discourse and Grammar 15]
    . xii, 249 pp.
    1 58811 599 2 / USD 132.00
    90 272 2625 3 / EUR 110.00

    This book analyzes compliments and compliment responses in naturally occurring talk-in-interaction in German. Using Conversation Analytic methodology, it views complimenting and responding to compliments as social actions which are co-produced and negotiated among interactants. This study is the first to analyze the entire complimenting sequence within the larger interactional context, thereby demonstrating the interconnectedness of sequence organization, turn-design, and (varying) function(s) of a turn. In this regard, the present study makes a novel contribution to the study of talk-in-interaction beyond German.
    The book adds to existing work on interaction and grammar by closely analyzing the functions of linguistic resources used to design compliment turns and compliment responses. Here, the study extends previous Conversation Analytic work on person reference by including an analysis of inanimate object reference. Lastly, the book discusses the use and function of various particles and demonstrates how speaker alignments and misalignments are accomplished through various grammatical forms.

    Table of contents
    1. Preliminaries  1––9
    2. Methodology  11––25
    3. Giving Compliments: The design of first compliment turns  27––84
    4. Giving Compliments: Sequential embedding and function of first compliment turns  85––132
    5. Compliments in Multi-Party Interactions: third parties providing second compliments  133––166
    6. Compliment Responses  167––199
    7. Concluding Discussion  201––212
    Notes  213––226
    References  227––240
    Name Index  241––243
    Subject Index  245––248

    Irene Koshik (May 2005) Beyond Rhetorical Questions: Assertive questions in everyday interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [Studies in Discourse and Grammar 16]
    2005. x, 174 pp. + index
    1 58811 632 8 / USD 126.00
    90 272 2626 1 / EUR 105.00

    This book uses Conversation Analysis methodology to analyze rhetorical and other questions that are designed to convey assertions, rather than seek new information. It shows how these question sequences unfold interactionally in naturally-occurring talk in a variety of settings, e.g., friends arguing over the phone, parents disciplining children, news interviews, and second language writing conferences. The questions are used across these widely different contexts to perform a number of related social actions such as accusations, challenges to prior turns, and complaints. Those used in institution settings, such as teacher-student conferences, orient to institutional norms and roles and can help accomplish institutional goals, e.g., eliciting student error correction. Both the interactional context in which these questions are embedded and the known epistemic authority of the questioner play a role in our understanding of these questions, i.e., what social actions the question is accomplishing in a particular interaction.

    Table of contents (provisional)

    1. Introduction
    2. Yes/No Reversed Polarity Questions
    3. Wh- Reversed Polarity Questions
    4. Yes/No Reversed Polarity Questions Used in Pedagogically Specific Practices
    5. Alternative Question Error Correction Sequences
    6. Conclusion
    Appendix: Transcription Symbols

    Seedhouse, Paul (2004) The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom: A Conversation Analysis Perspective. Malden, MA: Blackwell

    Learning in language classrooms is mediated through interaction. How is the interaction organised and how is intended pedagogy transformed into classroom practice?

    This monograph provides a model of the organisation of L2 classroom interaction and a practical methodology for its analysis. The main thesis is that there is a reflexive relationship between pedagogy and interaction in the L2 classroom; this relationship is the foundation of its context-free architecture. The discussion is illustrated by numerous extracts from an extensive database of language lessons from around the world.

    Chapter 1 explains the basic principles of Conversation Analysis (CA), while Chapter 2 reviews the literature on L2 classroom interaction. Chapters 3 and 4 portray the reflexive relationship between the pedagogical focus of the interaction and the organisation of turn taking, sequence and repair in language classrooms. As the pedagogical focus varies, so the organisation of turn, sequence and repair varies. Chapter 5 describes the overall organisation of L2 classroom interaction and Chapter 6 considers how CA can contribute to the research agendas of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition.

    Published in paperback 2004 by Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA. ISBN 1405120096. 280 pages.

    US: $36.95
    UK: £19.99

    Details available on

    Keith Richards, Paul Seedhouse eds. (2004) Applying Conversation Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan [Hardback, December 2004 ISBN  1403942331, 312 Pages   £55.00]


    This book explores the relationship between conversation analysis and applied linguistics, demonstrating how the analysis of institutional talk can contribute to professional practice. With a foreword by Paul Drew, the core of the collection brings together researchers from a wide range of applied areas: dealing with topics such as language impairment and speech therapy, medical general practice, retailing, cross-cultural training, radio journalism, higher education and language teaching and learning.


    Notes on Editors and Contributors
    List of Illustrations and Tables
    Transcription Conventions
    Foreword: Applied Linguistics and Conversation Analysis; P. Drew
    Introduction; K. Richards
    Autistic Children's Co-ordination of Gaze and Talk: Re-examining the 'Asocial' Autist; P. Dickerson, J. Rae, P. Stribling, K. Dautenhahn, I. Werry
    Co-Constructing Meaning in Acquired Speech Disorders: Word and Letter Repetition in the Construction of Turns; S. Bloch
    A Comparison of a Mother and a Therapist Working on Child Speech; H. Gardner
    Talking an Institution Into Being: The Opening Sequence in General Practice Consultations; J. Gafaranga, N. Britten
    Would You Like To Do It Yourself? Service Requests and Their Non-Granting Responses; E. Vinkhuyzen, M. Szymanski
    Social Identity and Language Choice in Bilingual Service Talk; M.C. Torras
    University Students Resisting Academic Identity; B. Benwell, E. Stokoe
    Different Orientations to Grammatical Correctness; S. Kurhila
    Sidestepping Grammar; J. Wong
    Discrimination Due to Non-Native Speech Production? M. Egbert
    The Organization of Off-task Talk in Second Language Classrooms; N. Markee
    Vowel-marking as an Interactional Resource in Japanese Novice ESL Conversation; D. Carroll
    Teaching Patterns of Interaction in English for Specific Purposes;A.P ackett
    Conversation Analysis as Research Methodology; P. Seedhouse

    Gene H. Lerner, ed. (2004) Conversation Analysis: Studies from the first generation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins publishing [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 125]

    1 58811 538 0 / USD 138.00
    90 272 5367 6 / EUR 115.00

    1 58811 539 9 / USD 65.95
    90 272 5368 4 / EUR 55.00

    For orders:

    This collection assembles early, yet previously unpublished research into the practices that organize conversational interaction by many of the central figures in the development and advancement of Conversation Analysis as a discipline. Using the methods of sequential analysis as first developed by Harvey Sacks, the authors produce detailed empirical accounts of talk in interaction that make fundamental contributions to our understanding of turntaking, action formation and sequence organization. One distinguishing feature of this collection is that each of the contributors worked directly with Sacks as a collaborator or was trained by him at the University of California or both. Taken together this collection gives readers a taste of CA inquiry in its early years, while nevertheless presenting research of contemporary significance by internationally known conversation analysts.

    Table of contents

    Part I: Taking turns speaking Part II: Implementing actions Part III: Sequencing actions Index 299--300
    "This is a long-awaited book with previously unpublished CA manuscripts, each of which is destined to be a classic contribution to the field. For conversation analysts and more broadly anyone who is interested in the organization of talk and social interaction, this is a must-have book, a set of intriguing, compelling, and utterly useful investigations."
    Douglas W. Maynard [University of Wisconsin]
    "The papers in this collection were being passed around among those of us who wanted to learn more about Conversation Analysis in the early days, and they played a seminal part in the development of the field. Somehow or other they never were published - so they've continued to be passed around, and I still use the original mimeo copies of all these papers in the course I teach. I'm pleased to have them in published form at last, and to be able to recommend this book, to students and interested researchers alike, as essential reading."
    Paul Drew (Professor of Sociology, University of York, UK)
    "This outstanding collection contains a number of papers which long ago achieved the status of 'mimeo classics.' They are just as important today as when they were written. This book tells us just how strong the 'first generation' of conversation analysts was and is. As a contribution to conversation analysis, it is inspiring, revelatory and indispensable."
    John Heritage (UCLA)
    "This volume is a long-awaited treasure, gathering together for the first time a core group of unpublished papers which played a pioneering role in the early years in establishing Conversation Analysis as a distinct discipline. With their exuberant insistence on close analysis of masses of data from talk-in-interaction, these papers not only reveal the radical theoretical and methodological innovations which shaped and defined this new discipline, but they also provide 'case studies' of remarkable contemporary relevance in their own right."
    Sandra A. Thompson, Dept. of Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara, USA

    Nevile, Maurice (2004) Beyond the black box: talk-in-interaction in the airline cockpit. Aldershot: Ashgate
    [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Series editors D.Francis and S.Hester]
    xvii, 245pp.
    Includes 24 figures (23 video stills), and Preface by D.Francis and S.Hester.

    Hardcover, £ 49.95, US$ 89.95
    ISBN 0 7546 4240 2

    Nevile gives us a most original study of cognition and action in the airline cockpit...he insightfully examines how [pilots] use language and gestures linked to the equipment they are using to build consequential collaborative action. His study sheds new light on the organization of talk and action in a most interesting workplace. With its analysis of situated action and language use in a complex technological environment it should be of interest to many different fields.
    Professor Charles Goodwin, University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
    An airline pilot and researcher in 'aviation human factors' once described the goal of all airline pilots as "to get people from A to B without killing them": this book explores the place of talk-in-interaction in pilots' achievement of this laudable goal. The book uses video data of pilots at work on regular scheduled passenger flights to study routine talk-in-interaction in the airline cockpit. It explores how, through processes of talk-in-interaction, pilots develop and make available to one another their situated and moment-to-moment understandings as they work together as a flight crew to perform necessary activities and tasks, and attend and respond to events and emerging circumstances. I consider how pilots establish what is going on around them, who knows what, who is doing what, and exactly where they are up to and what they are to do next. In this way the book throws light on what it is to be, accountably and recognisably, an airline pilot, and shows how every airline flight is not just a mechanical and technological triumph, and some would say miracle, but is also the outcome of human performance and interaction. The book joins a growing interest in interaction in workplace or institutional settings, and in particular joins recent studies which look in detail at interaction in sociotechnical settings where groups or teams coordinate their talk and non-talk activities to perform tasks and complete goals. It adds to findings of these studies on human cognition as situated, embodied, and socially shared, and in particular develops previous research on cognition in the airline cockpit. Detailed study of routine cockpit talk allows us to see just how the modern airline cockpit is both the epitome of the high technology workplace, with its bewildering array of computers, displays, buttons, switches, dials, levers and lights, and also very much a setting for human interaction.

    The commercial aviation industry has come to recognise that human performance is a contributing factor in around two thirds of all accidents, and is interested in helping pilots to communicate to work together to share information, assess situations, perform tasks, plan and make decisions, and identify and resolve problems. However, research in the industry has overwhelmingly favoured large scale quantitative studies in which pilots' utterances are isolated from their contexts of occurrence and then coded and counted in order to answer predetermined research questions. In contrast, this book studies communication in the cockpit in context as part of pilots' ongoing interaction, unfolding over time, and asks only how airline pilots talk in order to do their work. The book shows how 'situation awareness', a critical notion in commercial aviation training and practice, can be seen not as an individual mental phenomenon, but as something shared by members of a flight crew and developed and displayed through processes of talk-in-interaction.

    The book is organised in the following way. It begins with an introductory chapter that discusses the workplace as social interaction, studies of institutional interaction, and communication in commercial aviation. It also discusses considerations for transcribing video data, and my approach for representing non-talk activities and their occurrence relative to talk (e.g. pilots' contact with buttons, levers, displays etc., and looking and gestures). The core of the book then consists of three data analysis Parts, with each Part further divided into two chapters. The book ends with a Conclusion and Implications chapter. Parts I, II and III each briefly reviews some relevant literature, and then proceeds by presenting and analysing numerous transcribed segments of naturally occurring talk-in-interaction data.

    Part I consists of Chapters 2 and 3 and is concerned with showing how pilots' pronominal choices allow them to invoke and make salient relevant cockpit identities. That is, by choosing this or that personal pronoun pilots can talk in this or that identity, and so present their understandings of 'who's who' in the cockpit as they perform tasks. Part I shows how cockpit identities, even those associated with a formal rank (Captain and First Officer), are actively oriented to moment-to-moment through processes of talk-in-interaction, and so are accomplished locally as part of pilots' routine work.

    In Part II, Chapters 4 and 5 take particular advantage of the video data to see how pilots coordinate their talk and non-talk activities. To conduct their flight pilots must perform tasks that involve talk and one or more non-talk activities, such as moving as lever, turning a dial, pressing a button, looking at a display. Part II reveals the extraordinary precision with which pilots coordinate these non-talk activities with their talk, and explores the significance of this precise coordination for the conduct and timing of their work as airline pilots.

    Part III, with Chapters 6 and 7, looks at how pilots integrate their talk within the cockpit, to each other, with their talk beyond the cockpit, to air traffic controllers. Although they are physically and visibly removed from the cockpit, controllers are nevertheless relevant participants in cockpit talk-in-interaction and their contributions can directly impact upon the pilots' work. This Part shows how pilots come to relevant understandings about who has said what, who understands what, and what they are each supposed to do, through processes of talk-in-interaction as they fit together occasional interaction with participants beyond the cockpit with their ongoing interaction with one another within the cockpit.

    Chapter 8 presents the Conclusion and Implications of the book. This chapter summarises the findings of the three data analysis Parts, and points to the value of studying processes of routine talk-in-interaction in the airline cockpit for general understandings of talk-in-interaction, and for other relevant fields. It discusses possible specific implications of the findings for the commercial aviation industry and related research fields (such as aviation human factors), and for accident investigation.


    Chapter 1: The Workplace as Social Interaction.

    PART I "I'll Take Climb Power." Accomplishing Cockpit Identities Through Pronominal Language

    Chapter 2 Accomplishing Cockpit Identities: (1) Prescribed Pronominal Forms;
    Chapter 3 Accomplishing Cockpit Identities: (2) Non-prescribed Pronominal Forms.

    PART II "That's Set. Coordinating Talk and Non-talk Activity:

    Chapter 4 Accomplishing Takeoff Tasks;
    Chapter 5 Managing Tasks in Flight.

    PART III "He Said Final Approach Speed." Integrating Talk-in-interaction Within and Beyond the Cockpit:

    Chapter 6 Talking with Controllers:(1) Pilot-Pilot Talk Occasioned by Talk with Controllers;
    Chapter 7 Talking with Controllers:(2) Abstaining from Pilot-Pilot Talk about Talk with Controllers.
    Chapter 8 Conclusion and Implications


    Ruey-Jiuan Regina Wu (2004) Stance in Talk: A conversation analysis of Mandarin final particles. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins  [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 117,  xvi, 260 pp.]
    1 58811 453 8 / USD 119.00
    90 272 5359 5 / EUR 99.00


    Guided by the methodology of conversation analysis (CA), this book explores how participants in Mandarin conversation display stance in the unfolding development of action and interaction, and, in particular, how this is accomplished through the use of two Mandarin final particles. Through a close examination of the sequential environments of these two particles and the interactional work accomplished by their use, the research presented in this book seeks to demonstrate how a participant-oriented, action-based micro approach to data can help us gain analytic leverage in understanding the functions and meanings of these particles an area which has long posed a challenge to Chinese linguists. On the other hand, in utilizing a CA-based framework applied to Mandarin, this study also seeks to contribute to conversation analytic research by revealing previously uninvestigated language-specific phenomena while at the same time showing how talk-in-interaction in a non-western language, i.e., Mandarin, can also display the same striking systematicity and orderliness as observed in many western languages. As one of the pioneering CA studies of Mandarin, this book will be of interest to researchers in Chinese linguistics and conversation analysis, as well as those in fields which touch upon the relationships between languages and cultures.

    Table of contents

    Transcription conventions  ix
    Glossing conventions  xi
    Acknowledgements  xiii
    1. Introduction  1––24
    2. Preliminaries and methodology  25––48
    3. Final ou  49––126
    4. Final a  127––232
    5. Conclusion  233––240
    References  241––251
    Name index  253
    Subject index  255

    Gardner, Rod , Johannes Wagner, eds. (2004) Second Language Conversations: Studies of Communication in Everyday Settings. London: Continuum

    US Hardback:  ISBN: 0826469086  $125.00
    UK Hardback:  ISBN: 0826469086  £75.00


    Conversations involving speakers whose first language is not the language in which they are talking have become widespread in the globalized world. In this collection of essays Conversation Analysis is used to explore natural, casual talk between speakers in a second language. English, German, French, Japanese, Finnish and Danish are all analyzed as second languages within a variety of professional, educational and social situations. Naturally occuring second language conversations are presented in order to show what speakers in these situations do: how they utilize first language conversational practices, and whether or not grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation help or hinder the construction of meaning.


    Paul ten Have  (2004) Understanding Qualitative Research and Ethnomethodology. London, etc.: Sage Publications
    ISBN 0 76196684 6             £ 60
    ISBN 0 7619 6685 4 (pbk)  £ 19,99

    `The book makes a valuable addition to the field providing a very useful resource for those evaluating, engaging in, or embarking on, research' - Monika Buscher, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University

    This book provides a discussion of qualitative research methods from an ethnomethodological perspective. Detailed yet concise, Paul ten Have's text explores the complex relation between the more traditional methods of qualitative social research and the discipline of ethnomethodology. It draws on examples from both ethnomethodological studies and the wider field of qualitative research to discuss critically an array of methods for qualitative data collection and analysis.

    Key features of the book include:

    With a student-friendly structure, this engaging book will be an invaluable resource for both students and researchers across the social sciences.


    Chapter 1 Qualitative methods in social research
         Ideas and evidence in social research
         Types of social research
            Qualitative versus quantitative
         Styles of qualitative social research
            Interview studies
            Using documents
         The analytic status of research materials
         Theoretical objects
         Reconsidering Ragin’s model
         Some major points
         Recommended reading

    Chapter 2 Ethnomethodology’s perspective
        What is ethnomethodology – a first sketch
        A bit of history
            Early collaborators
        Some core notions
            Accountability and reflexivity
            Members’ methods
        Later developments
        Two Sacksian notions
        Conversation Analysis as Ethnomethodology
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 3 Ethnomethodology’s methods
        Ethnomethodology and commonsense procedures
            Four strategies
        Common sense as inevitable resource
        Garfinkel’s breaching experiments
        Recordings and transcripts
            Bird song depictions in field guides
            Transcription versus description
            Transcription reconsidered
        Reflecting on ethnomethodology’s methods
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 4 Interviews
        The interview society
        The interview format
            Turn-by-turn interviews
            Discourse Unit interviews
            Mixed formats
            Questions and answers
            Supportive actions
            To conclude
        Variations on the classic interview format
            Multiple interviewees
            Alternative elicitation techniques
        Reconsidering interviews as data
            Interviews and ethnomethodology
            Taking up the challenge to interviews
        Exemplary studies
            Passage through crisis
            A constant burden
            Symptoms and illness
        Final reflections
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 5 Natural documents
        Documentary evidence in qualitative research
        Factist considerations
            Texts and images
        Some exemplary studies
            The civilising process
            Working-class families
            Complaint letters
        Documents and practices of documentation
            Patient record cards in General Practice
            Computer-based record systems
        Documents as such: structures and devices
        Writing and reading
        Final reflections
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 6 Ethnography and field methods
        On field methods
        Conflicting loyalties
        A classic case: Street Corner Society
            ‘Objective structures’ and a leadership perspective
            Effects of publication
        Institutional ethnography
        More exemplary studies
            Euthanasia practices in two hospitals
            Passing on
            Telling the code
            Categorical issues
        Field recordings
            Instructed hearing/viewing
            Virtual ethnography
        Ethnography and ethnomethodology
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 7 Qualitative Analysis
        The general GT approach
        GT’s ‘Theory’
        ‘Theory’ & ‘meta-theory
        The process of discovery
        Ethnomethodology versus Grounded Theory
        To conclude
        Some major points
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 8 Doing ethnomethodological studies
        Instructed actions
        Instructed hearing of bird songs
        Teaching ‘observation’
            Using a camera
            Pedestrian traffic streams
        Gaining understanding of a closed world
        Using  ‘paired novices’
        A workplace study
        Access and rendition
        Recommended reading

    Chapter 9 Reflections
        Three types of research purpose
        The problem of ‘generalities’
        Ethnomethodological indifference?
        Final reflections

    Appendix: Transcription conventions

    Richard Buttny (2004) Talking Problems: Studies in Discursive Construction. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press


    Presents a theory of discursive co-construction of problems, or how characters are portrayed in the telling of events. Using discursive constructionism and conversation analysis, Talking Problems examines how participants orient to, communicate about, and act toward events as problems. The book examines a series of problems, including teenage parenthood in high school, interpersonal and family relationships during therapy, and racism and interracial relations on a university campus. These problems are taken as joint constructions and the interest is in how participants' versions of events get heard, what unfolds as a consequence of this, how participants position themselves, and what social realities are thereby created.

    Table Of Contents


    Part I: Tellings in Talking Problems
    1. Ascribing Problems and Positionings in Talking Student Teenage Parent
    2. Clients' and Therapist's Joint Construction of the Clients' Problems
    3. Therapeutic Humor in Retelling the Clients' Tellings

    Part II: Reportings in Talking Problems
    4. Reported Speech in Talking Race on Campus
    5. Demanding Respect: The Uses of Reported Speech in Discursive Constructions of Interracial Contact, with Princess L. Williams
    6. Discursive Constructions of Racial Boundaries and Self-Segregation on Campus

    7. Conclusion

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